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Angela Bridgman Sep 2016
I want to tell y'all a story
About a man named McCrory
Made a law about who can use what *****
The rest of the world thinks he is dotty
This man is a bigot
Can you dig it?
North Carolina really wonders
How he could make so many blunders
But soon we will make him pay
When we throw him out on Election Day!
As a transgender woman living in North Carolina, this perfectly sums up my feelings about the heinous HB-2.
March 23, 2016 will forever live in infamy.
Keith W Fletcher Jun 2017
I'm here to pick up the pieces
Of  a life I once knew
When I understood the reasons
And when I thought that I had a clue

To what life could be like
When you think that you found a home
And then you wake up find the dream gone
On the coldest day you've ever known

Before that day everything was perfect
She was the love of my life most beautiful I've known
  I was the Captain she was my Tennille... until
We went our separate ways and I was left alone

Complications seem to have a life of Their Own
So even though I can remember the way she went down
When I knew she was going I had to abandon the dream
And I had to pull myself up or let myself drown

Every so often someone answers my ad
And I drive out to meet and see if it's her
At least a small part of the dream that I had
That I can mount in my new dream as it were

So far nothing but a lot of false hopes
I'm superstitious and I know that one day I'll find
A keepsake ,a memory..a piece so awesome
So I can ***** it on the floor as a way to remind

Turn the last corner check the address
I wasn't prepared for The Rush that I got
There on the porch was more than I'd ever expected
Holding and caressing every inch of her there on the spot

You must be Ethan said the man who opened the door
it looks like you're getting acquainted
Yes sir I never thought I'd find a piece of the dream lost
This is more than I could have ever expected

Back into town tied down in the bed
Roll through the gate where my new dream was waiting
Well look at that McCrory said she came back to you
More than I hoped I said leave it to you to do the mating

I'll be back Monday morning to set off
If you think you can work your magic
And I can get back where I belong
It'll be done son one more day on dry land would be tragic

See you Monday then you old boat builder
Already barking orders  lend me a hand and let's see
They got oceans to sail and places to be  he bellowed out
Avast me hearties he said with a grin and a hearty wink at me