Upon a ledge with outstretched arms, I stand and look down upon the world
The horizon shimmers silver, no dark clouds anywhere in sight
Once I sat upon this very ledge, many years ago, with legs dangling in the air
Held back only by my arms, the only thing that kept me in reality still
This dream recurs, the thought refusing to leave. No, it does not bring nightmares
A sense of calm descends, knowing I’d not done wrong back then
I now return to the memory of this ledge; there’s unfinished business here
An ode that I promised to someone, someone who once needed me, and I failed
The someone whom I climbed back over the ledge for, to who this life is owed
Silence is all I have for you, prayers deep within the heart for your soul
Hoping your eternal quest for silence has finally succeeded
- http://ashez1607.wordpress.com