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Cathyrine Delazari


SophiaAtlas  Nov 2019
SophiaAtlas Nov 2019
It's hard to be loved,
The horns aren't fake.
My mommy called me a monster,
I'm a mistake.
But Slenderman shows his love,
Jeff shows his care,
Eyeless Jack shows his strength,
While Zalgo wants me to spare.
Lazari is Zalgo's daughter. She's only twelve years old. she's half demon, half human. her mom would chain her in the basement and whipped her on the back with a whip to try and get the demon out of her. on Lazari's 12th birthday, her mom took her by the hand into the woods. Lazari's mom then hung herself in front of Lazari. Slenderman came along and took Lazari as his own. Lazari now lives in the Slenderman mansion with the proxies.
SophiaAtlas Jul 2019
There once was a woman
Whose body was cursed.
If she dare bear a child,
It would die before birth.
Through madness he crept,
The master of dark,
He promised a child
To ease the woman’s heart.
A daughter at last!
She wept with joy.
Not knowing at once,
She was just his toy.
Another creepypasta story :) Lazari is the child that was not supposed to be born. The man is Zalgo. AKA Lazari’s “dad”  if you know the backstory, great! :) if you don’t....message me.