Me like a likkle of what ya got
'Cause I a zero not got a lot
I talks to me pastor
'im a serious Judah rasta.
But me lives alone in this zone
I got to find I a way back home.
Me know me got life a wee bit wrong
And me never listen to da Masters song.
But now I got I a brand new deal
Me praise Jah 'cause 'im is real.
I gwan to church and say me tings
Jah he telephone rings.
Hello who' im dat? and 'im say it is I de righteous cat
Den I fall down and me tears dey come
But 'im say rise up man you is my son.
Den me knows dat dis is da time
Me knows me faith is bang on da line.
Jah Jah 'im see me right
Yea even thru de dark of de night
'im me saviour me know dat now
'im smooth da lines off from my brow.
Jah Jah rule.
Jah is cool.
Many happy times in the company of brothers did we sit in the Afro and drink tiger and play dominoes..apologies for the use of the pigeon tongue..but it was like that. first published 2011.js