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Chris  Shoemaker
Andrew Shoemaker
Being a person isn't easy.
Lillian E Shoemaker
Charleston, SC   


Davy Langerak Feb 2013
Grey note clouds shade the starlight beam kisses from falling down
Another memory tucked back inside rolls out of your mouth and onto the ground
Where our feet twist and kick and make love to the gum-spotted sidewalk
The same spot you stood three years ago when you felt clean and happy.
Stephen Wolfe Sep 2015
She threw a peanut at my head
She aimed for my back
But her aim was too good
And strength, she never lacked

I remember the night I first held her hand
She gave me a compliment, I gave her a poem
I gave her my hand, and she gave me a hug
And I grinned like a ******* all the way hoem.

Our second date, we watched the sky
Blankets from my friend, about three loads.
We lay there, laughing and talking
I wanted to kiss her, but I froze.

I gave her some words on a post it note
I supposed it a hint for her to see
The ending says I'll kiss her, given the word
My silent cry, saying kiss me! Kiss me!

A friend of mine said I was lucky
He's jealous, because she's a great person
And of course I agreed, because I knew.
That's why I asked her out.

The first thing that pops into my mind
When I think of her is her smile.
Not just her smile, but a certain smile
The one she gives when she cares a mile