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Mister Granger
24/M/Dallas, TX    Follow me on twitter @CosmosAndChill
Penny Granger
United Kingdom    I like to write in my spare time, poems and short stories mainly. Time flies so quickly but I do try and write when the …


Doctor and Mrs Granger
took Mrs Thrift to the zoo
she was captivated by the antics
of the Zambian gnu

Doctor Granger took a photo of her
outside the lion's cage
he instructed Mrs Thrift not to upset
the lion as he'd go into a rampage

Mrs Granger was going to make a cup of tea
for all of them on their return
but she couldn't boil the water
as there was no water for the urn

the electrical pump on the water storage tank
had blown up
so there was no water at the Granger compound
to fill the tea cups

as soon as I heard about the water pump
at the Granger compound
I phoned Major Rogers
to bring his electrical repair kit around

he took a little over an hour and a half
to fix the ailing pump
so we'd be able to have a cup tea
whilst sitting on the tree stumps

next week there will be a recess
from the Granger tale
as the writer is going to take care
of her mountain load of mail

she appreciates the many good reviews
of the Granger series
and thinks that the fans of the said series
are a lovely lot of old dearies
Doctor and Mrs Granger
have returned from their honeymoon
they are expecting a baby
some time in the middle of June

Mrs Thrift has offered to take the baby
for pram rides in the park
Mr Clarke will escort her home
if she gets lost in the dark

a pleasant family atmosphere
is what Doctor and Mrs Granger want to create
they want to see their child grow up
with plenty of playmates

Mrs Granger wishes to have twelve babies
within sixteen years
this amount of children
will fill the Granger home with much cheer

they are presently decorating
all the rooms at the Granger compound
so it will have enough accommodation
for the babies they'll have around

last week Mrs Granger
spoke to the ladies at the coffee shop
and told them
her life and health were well on top
Doctor and Mrs Granger raised their family
In the foothills of the lovely state of Tennessee
All their children have left the Granger compound
They're all traveling to other grounds

The good doctor and his adoring wife
Have now established a retirement life
On Tuesdays and Saturdays they go to the local museum
To show the tourists the many artifacts found at Atkins stream

Yesterday I saw Doctor Granger at the shopping arcade
He asked if I'd team up with Major Rogers to play charades
He said Mrs Granger so enjoys these afternoons of fun
And that she'd be making one of her famous fruit buns

Doctor and Mrs Granger shall soon be going to Tampa Bay
To have a holiday with their friends Doctor and Mrs Day
While they are relaxing in the sun shine
I'll be thinking up some more story lines