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Jacqueline Flores
22/Miami    j.f//j.v Ig: jackiee_xx I'm just in love with the words in poetry and with the sound of music
madeline may
anywhere but here    my life is a series of quotes from books, music, and movies, because the times I am original enough for my own words are few …


Ceyhun Mahi Dec 2016
Sessizlik kovulur; bir yıldırım duyar yağmur,
Cennetten ince inciler gibi akar yağmur.

Aleme mal ile mülk sormadan ikram eder,
Birden gelir, birden verir, birden kaçar yağmur.

Beni terk ederse güneş ya terk ederse ay,
Hüzünlü yalnızlıkta beni kucaklar yağmur.

Semaların ahları sessiz sessiz duyarım,
Hüzün, bereket dünya içine katar yağmur.

Görmez açık elin renkleri ya işleri,
Güle kör, dikene kör; zira kör ağlar yağmur.

Efendi dervişe, namusuz katile verir,
Bilmez bir dindar ya bilmez bir günahkar yağmur.

Allahın Rahmeti sır gibi duyulmaz bazen,
Sessiz şakır şakır, ıslak ıslak akar yağmur.

El açık Rahmet Deryası semada bulunur,
Mis Gül Efendisi gibi Rahmet saçar yağmur.
I love writing in all the languages I wield.
Jerry Bolton Jan 2015
not content
to wander down to the park
with other old men
sit on the invariably gnarled benches
swap stories
from whatever past
they think they can remember
mostly all fabrications
and of course
they talk about me
shaking their heads and whisper
he thinks he’s a poet
they all have a subdued hearty laugh
because a real laugh
might cause some to choke up
it’s the emphysema
don’t you know
the thing is
old men’s gossip turns me off
while they think
I sit in The Hovel
and brood
I am constantly busy
I have my poems
they help to sustain me
I just finished co-authoring a novel
I live in worlds they have
no notion of
true, they get to see more nature
than do I
but I get to see the world
through my dreams
I turn into the written word

©January 20, 2015 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Elin Saari has lived with terror no woman should ever have to endure. Devlin Grimm, the man she fell hard for turned out to be so cruel to her she began to silently call him Satan. The years spent with Satan were so severe she truly felt she had no mind of her own. Still, something inside of her made her make the break and she filed for divorce. Satan upped the ante and she had to run to get away from him. Wherever she went he would find her and harass her. She was at her wits end when something profound happened. Through the magic of a strange necklace she began to receive messages, until desperately she tried to summon whoever was trying to contact her. Touch Starlin' walked into her life and explained who he was and how closely connected they were. Touch took charge of trying to rid Satan – the name she had started calling him was closer to the truth that she could have ever known. Satan follows them wherever they go and Elin begins to doubt Touch's Powers.