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Briano Alliano performing a west coast eagles party on Saturn

Hi welcome to Saturn and tonight I will celebrate the west coast eagles winning the 2018 premiership with our first song
West coast Macarena

You see the mighty west coast eagles
They won and they are mighty
They looked like they’ll lose it
But they kept fighting and pushed it
Each player played well
They go back to Perth with the cup yeah
Yeah party all night all ****** night go the mighty eagles
1 2 3 4 go the mighty eagles
Keep the fight up till the final siren
It is all worth it as we lift the cup
Go the west coast eagles
Then the fun began they started
Bringing our team to the stage
After barnsy
Everybody was cheering
Saying go the mighty eagles
1 2 3 4 go the mighty eagles
Yes we won the cup
And boy are we happy
We are planning to get drunk all flaming night
Go the mighty eagles

And now here is the next song
Clap for eagles

3 6 9 the eagles are fine
We just won the cup
And we feel divine
The crowd at the mcg were happy mate
Can’t wait to get back to Perth
To see the crowd that couldn’t make it yeah
We put our hands up and lift our voice and cheer
Everybody joins us when we say
3 6 9 go the eagles tonight
The cup is ours all through our lives

And now here is the west coast victory song
We won we won we won
The mighty west coast eagles
The cup the cup is ours
Yes we are celebrating
You see we are the best mate
Winning is our friend
We never ever gave up
Right to the very end
Go eagles go eagles go eagles go
Winning the cup means everything to us our gracious team
You see we are fighters
And we are bad and mean
Never giving up and
We got the prize
Yes, we were keen
Go eagles go eagles go eagles go
The cup is ours
Go the mighty eagles
Till the day is done

This is a cheer I had in the past with the eagles

We are the eagles the west coast eagles
We the ones who will win this game
Each goal we score
Will be a blessing dude
Yes we will win this game
You see mate the cup is ours
And mate it was a bit of a fight
We are the eagles the west coast eagles
We are the winners of 2018
Go the mighty eagles yeah
Every single day go west coast eagles

The next cheering song says this

They never thought we would fail it no the eagles are the best the 2018 season is over yeah
And the eagles come up the best the eagles had their heartaches at the start oh yeah
But they kept on fighting and
We won it yeseree
At the end we cheered for them
And the supporters are cheering in Perth saying go the mighty eagles yes we are so great
Now we are coming home
And we are expecting an almighty roar go the eagles
The west coast eagles
Yes we won and we are happy
Ellis Reyes May 2017
A light mist diffuses its rays
Rabbits lap at the morning dew
Eagles circle overhead

Kids walking to school
Rabbits flee to the bushes
Eagles circle overhead

Women in designer sneakers
Walk designer dogs
Dogs stare intently at the bushes
Eagles circle overhead

Students in PE uniforms
Run here and there
Yelling, chasing *****
Eagles circle overhead

Riding mower screams near bushes
Spraying grass and debris
Terrified rabbits flee the mower’s roar
Eagles plunge downward

Aerie rests upon outfield lightstand
Eaglets screech, mouths agape
Mother rips warm meat from a tiny carcass
Her children will live another day

Students sit here and there
Eating, laughing, smoking
They leave trash in their wake
The rats are lucky the eagles have eaten
The sky is bright blue overhead

Students in PE uniforms
Run here and there
Yelling, chasing *****
The sky is bright blue overhead

Kids walking home
Individually and in small groups
They ignore the trash
They do not see the rats
Puffy clouds float by overhead

An old Mexican man with a sad demeanor
Walks the field
He picks up the trash with gloved hands
The sun beats down upon his head

Boys in cleats occupy the field
Mouths full of seeds
Moving in choreographed actions
The sky is filled with grayish white spheres
For awhile

The field’s lights blink on
Accompanied by a faint fluorescent hum
The eagles are not disturbed
The bright bulbs warm their nest
The sky is cobalt and pink

Groups of uniformed boys run on and off of the field
Spectators’ cheers  punctuate their actions
The eagles sleep peacefully
The sky is obscured by bright lights

A trim Caucasian man moves a heavy switch downward
One by one the lights go dim, silent, off
The last lights are his truck’s headlights beaming across the infield
A crescent moon is visible overhead

Deer and coyotes play deadly hide and seek during the night
The deer seeking sweet flowers and grass
The coyotes seeking the deer
The moon and stars glow brightly overhead

The sun peeks above the horizon
Warm hues of yellow and orange
Songbirds wake to announce the day
Eagles circle overhead
The raiders show v manly April 28 2019

Hi everyone and welcome to the raiders show on a year where we have won 5 out of 6 wins with their only loss was against the Melbourne storm
And today should be a great test to see if Canberra raiders are good enough to go further this year I personally think raiders have the guts to win it, but only time will tell ok let’s start the jingles and poems and cheers here is the first from Oliver

We are the mighty raiders
We will fight for what is right
Pushing for a premiership
In 2 0 1 9
Are we good enough
Well I think we are
But today we must pass manly
Because they seem the best
As they play the green machine song
To start the match
Everyone will cheer the raiders name
Saying we will win hands down
But at the stroke of 4-00
The question of whether the raiders are good enough will be answered
Go raiders go

Thank you Oliver and now here is Andy billims with a festive footy song

It is the football season oh yeah
And the raiders team will enter the field ready to show manly who if boss
And they want manly to have a loss
At brookvale oval today
The crowd is getting ready to
Wave their flags saying go raiders
We must win but to those manly
Supporters out there
We will win this mighty match
Go raiders go for us
As the supporters and players
Are riding the bus
Yes we are going to win we will never
Give in to those manly sea eagles
It is the football season
And the green machine
Is looking fast and mean
Never lean, we are mighty keen
To best the sea eagles yeah
And at the chime of 4-00
Raiders will see the truth
Of whether they win or lose

Thank you Andy and let’s hope raiders do win this afternoon against manly and now here is our next jingle poem or cheer from Patrick

G’day dudes my name is pat
Ready to cheer the raiders on
To beat manly and that is that
You see we have strong players
Who play very well
And Ricky Stuart will push us to the limit yeah
We have beaten teams who were once pretty good
And if we lose, guess who will be in a bad mood
I will yell at friends and family
C’mon raiders for this victory
We have in the past been
Known as the faders
But this year is different
We are the mighty raiders
We will raid your park as
We raise the roof
I know the raiders can excite us
I just want proof
Go raiders go raiders go raiders go

Thank you Patrick and here’s hoping we can all get together this afternoon to cheer hard for the Canberra raiders
Here is Jarred with his poem

Go raiders we are the best
We will put the eagles to the test
Coming up to provide the best
But the manly side will never rest
You see Canberra need to work ****** hard
Burning off the extra lard
From all the times the raiders have lost
C’mon raiders beat the hosts
Go raiders go

Thank you jarred and now off to the first half go the mighty raiders beat the eagles

Welcome back to the raiders show for the half time entertainment and what a match we have with the raiders leading manly by just 2 points, 14-12
And now here is ken with a jingle

Wighton wighton
You are the best mate
Two tries for the green machine
You are the one who is bad and mean
Wighton wighton
Everybody says your awesome dude
You need to score more though
If a win against manly is on the cards
Wighton wighton
Congratulations and celebrations
As the manly side scored their second try right at the last minute through former raiders Lachlan croker
Go the raiders we can’t give up
If we drop the ball we will choke choke choke come on raiders we must win today the mighty green machine
Will hopefully make manly pay
Thank you ken and now here is joe with his input

Fighting strong the green machine
We are the pride of the ACT
We are up by just 2 points
We need to provide more pressure
Yes we do
Don’t want no red or even blue
No orange or maroon too
We will see if the green machine
Will knock manly out in this game
But the pressure is coming over Canberra yeah
We fight we rise and we conquer
All over the place
We need to win c’mon raiders to win
Send manly off the field licking their wounds go raiders go

Thank you joe and now the second half between the raiders and sea eagles
Go raiders go
We will fight and we will win
Go raiders go
We will send manly to the sin bin
Go raiders go
Will wighton score his third
C’mon raiders win this match
Right now

Welcome back to the raiders show
And what a pretty ordinary performance from the raiders with manly winning 24 points to 20 and despite all the talk of the commentators saying they won from their last try, they made a mistake which ran down the clock for manly
Here is Tom

Go manly go manly go the mighty sea eagles
Winning is the way we do it
Go the eagles yeseree
I can answer the question mate
What is wrong with the raiders now
The second half of Canberra was crap and manly made the most of it
By becoming no sap
Go manly go manly
Go the mighty eagles yeah
We win only by 4 but a win none the less

Thank you Tom and congratulations to your team and I hope the raiders can bounce back next week, well hope so anyway and now here is Lyle with his jingle

Poor raiders lost their second match
Poor raiders having problems with their performance
It isn’t that good
Manly too strong
And raiders fell into a hole
The first half was good for raiders
But the second half went down
It is a 80 minute game not 40
The raiders faded away
What was wrong what was wrong
Raiders have been beaten for the second time
If we are to make the finals mate
We have to play a 80 minute game

Thank you Lyle and now here is Keith

The raiders played such **** in
The second half
Their performance in the second half was as woeful as can be
What happened to the side that has been winning in the last few weeks
Will we see them again
Well I hope so
I ****** well hope so
They need to win again
Just when you think the raiders
Were finals bound
They play a woeful match
In the second half
And to make a good position in the finals
They need to play better than that
Well done manly
I am a great sport
I hope the raiders can bounce back
And no more fade away

Thank you Keith and now it is time to go, it is beer o’clock there is no more

And now we draw the final curtain
What happened to the raiders mate
Normally this year we sing their praises now we have to lick our wounds
Join us next week for our mcdonalds park match with Penrith the mighty mountain men
I hope we could win that
It will be a great great match
But after our woeful second half
We need to bounce right on back to
Keep on track

Manly. 24
Raiders 20