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Cuddle Bear
I am Cuddle Bear I flow in the ebbs of time, everywhere and nowhere at the same time


I want to cuddle a teddy
I want to cuddle one now
I want to cuddle a little teddy bear
And I want to love him yeah
I love my teddy
I love my teddy bears
Every night when I sleep
I cuddle a teddy bear
I want to cuddle my teddy
As I look at them sitting on my shelf
I want to cuddle a teddy bear
As they are a little elf
I love little teddies
They are beautiful
Yes they are
I will cuddle them and I love them
Teddy bears are cute oh yeah
Blue eyed vamp Oct 2013
Cuddle bear walking on shore with me.
Cuddle bear leans down to kiss me. Like!
Cuddle bear cuddle bear likes my eyes.
Cuddle bear respond to message