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david badgerow
34/M/Florida    yes, i have tricks in my pocket, i have things up my sleeve. but i am the opposite of a stage magician. he gives you …
i am 19 and am in the united state air force and am currently going to tech school in Mississippi
La Funkbadger
London    Cosmos Be reflected in this mirror with a tiny of irony Dark laughter is the essence of our reality.


there was a little badger a lovely chap was he
he longed to be a sailor sailing on the sea
he built himself a boat to make his dream come true
then he sailed away on the ocean blue.

he was really happy having lots of fun
sailing on the sea underneath the sun
suddenly the weather started acting strange
brewing up a storm as it began to change.

winds got really bad wrecked poor badgers boat
washed him overboard now badger was afloat
then he saw an island badger swam ashore
he was very sad his boat it was no more.

then he heard a voice coming from a tree
there he saw a parrot as friendly as can be
parrot asked the badger why he was so sad
i have lost my boat he said the only one i had.

dont worry said the parrot i know what to do
i will call my friends and build a boat for you
parrot called his friends there were quite a few
a monkey and turtle and a totoise too.

they gathered up some logs lying on the shore
built a boat for badger to sail again once more
badger thanked his friends for all that they had done
then sailed away once more underneath the sun

badger made it home as happy as can be
his dream it had come true a sailor now was he.
there was a little badger a lovely chap was he
he longed to be a sailor sailing on the sea
he built himself a boat to make his dream come true
then he sailed away on the ocean blue.

he was really happy having lots of fun
sailing on the sea underneath the sun
suddenly the weather started acting strange
brewing up a storm as it began to change.

winds got really bad wrecked poor badgers boat
washed him overboard now badger was afloat
then he saw an island badger swam ashore
he was very sad his boat it was no more.

then he heard a voice coming from a tree
there he saw a parrot as friendly as can be
parrot asked the badger why he was so sad
i have lost my boat he said the only one i had.

dont worry said the parrot i know what to do
i will call my friends and build a boat for you
parrot called his friends there were quite a few
a monkey and turtle and a tortoise too.

they gathered up some logs lying on the shore
built a boat for badger to sail again once more
badger thanked his friends for all that they had done
then sailed away once more underneath the sun

badger made it home as happy as can be
his dream it had come true.  a sailor now was he.
little bobby badger he just loved to roam
never settled down never had a home
he roamed every place  travelled here and there
looking for adventure each and every where.

oneday on his travels he heard a funny sound
it was very loud beneath the uderground
badger started digging to find out what was wrong
badger used his claws so very sharp and strong

there benath the soil he found a litte mole
poor chap was stuck poor little soul
dont worry said the badger just hang on to me
i will pull you out.then you will be free

badger he saved mole he had saved the day
mole he thanked the badger and went along his way
badger he was happy a hero now was he
remembers to this day the mole that he set free