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unhealthful thoughts
weaken of flesh
tired and alone....

darkness inside
unbalance time
broken wings...

solemnity absorbed
tears inside
Thy Words, reminds.

of unbecoming, to you
be restoreth in time....

be renwed now
my heart and mind
knees on, THY ground.
JustChloe  Mar 2014
JustChloe Mar 2014
Did  you know that any building you see
can be torn down easily
if its built on the wrong soil
If its foundations wrong it will fall down withot a fight
Like Goliath on the awesome night
And what happens if our foundation is not in Christ
We will not thrive
To be what we can be
We will be mediocre and feel pain constantly
Those superstars not in Christ behind close doors they are not alright
They will never feel the joy  through Christ
They willl never be able to say
Because I have faith in him I know I can survive
They suffer and crumble till they die
And then people talk about their awesome lives
You know who is awesome?
Because I have faith in Christ and I believe I fell joy
Ad I can scream Hallejuah
And know what it means
I believe in a God above all things
Who can move the mountians
Without t0ouching a thing
Who knows what I can be
And you too
Because he is the one who created you
So what happens when a car
Forgets how its made
They will try to fast
Then fail everytime since that is not their way
What they are menant to be
God made you and me
He has a plan of what we should be
I don’t know what it is exactly
But its amazing
How do I know?’I believe I have faith
That is one of the amazing things that make me me
I’m awesome
And I have my life based in Christ
My heart
My soul longs for him
And if some young man wants my heart they can go to jesus to get it
Because I believe
And I know having my life bound in Christ feels amazing
I know it sounds captive controlling and crazy but its not
Its beautiful
Loving someone and knowing someone else loves you too
Having that assurance that someone is always watching you
Guiding you
Helping you
Picking you up when you fall
Knowing souome loves you faults and all
And always forgive
That is who Jesus is
And Im based in him
Because I don’t wanna fall
And I stand tall
You should come stand too
Do what John 3:16 tells you to do
And you will be renwed
Try to make your foundation Jesus
Pray that you love Jesus and believe it
And you will not fall likte the rest
You will soar
Have you ever wanted something more?
Well that something more is jesus
He is there for you
He wants you
Hes got you
Trust him cause he loves you
Spring is the end of the frozen and hibernating world.
Emerging from our shells, we smell the green trees, the heat of the sun is felt upon our skin, and dormant energies shall once more start to  thrive and begin.
Our lungs get ready for the warmer air in which to breath.
Our minds think of mor activities in which we can achieve. .
Shedding the winter feelings,mood,and winter clothes off
We prepare for the new Spring in which to become.totally,  renwed
We fuel our eternal fires with the beat of a newer.longer,and brighter sunnier day.
With a rewritten and reconstructed mindset and smile- I laugh and look forward to breaking past  the limits of the winter jail behind.
Now, comes the joy of bringing forth this feeling to those of the same kind.
Sharing warmer days with me and running to the nights happier and freer.

— The End —