Freespeech is cheaptalk/
Doublestandard issue/
Hit you with a brick, but/
Walls don't listen... only bugs/
Living in dystopia/
Ironfisted brokenheart/
Fullmetal alchemist/
Turn bullets into armor/
Armageddon in the atmosphere/
Cracks in the waterworks/
Sand in the concrete/
Gats at the borderline/
Lines on my face/
Inflation in the grocery store/
Deflated by default/
Demoralizing social norms/
I've fallen a thousand times/
Probably fall a thousand more/
Hands in my pockets/
Peacesign out of order, man/
If justice is the question/
Then war is the answer/
Divide and conquer/
Enslave their wives & daughters/
They do it everyday/
Unplug yourself before/
Uprise of the robots/
Accidents don't happen/
Microscopic microphones/
Cyclops still watching me/
Problematic doctors/
Pushing population control/
They claim you have a choice/
Until you say NO./
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 18/02/2015.