My limbs Folded Beneath, I bend, Descend, Bring the eye Between To ground Below To ground Me. And I notice, I bring Emily To rest Here Sometimes, In the pose Of a child Where the world Goes Still.
I glide Between Arms And Push heart Before Crown And smile As love Clothed As worry As panic As spite Insists Something Wrong Must be Right Or made Right For I am.
I approached My Self With kindness This morning, Preparing The space To support And to stretch, To tear So to mend. I received My Self With kindness This morning, And then We Received You.
I breathe, And notice Their shades There With me, The older And the younger, Quietly Yearning To be Received. My mind Pins Them there, In respective Corners, Puzzles To be sorted And compiled, Until my Heart does What my mind Cannot. Then we breathe And we settle.
The practice Today Has been Not so much A flow But A tumble, Bumping And crashing Into one Hard place Then the next, As I breathe Space Into the gaps And smile With The thought That today Seems not For floating.
I bring The third eye To the ground And breathe, Feeling the Weight I call “mine” In the world That we share. He calls out, Stops me, From behind And asks For the part That comes After The writing, The part That is Us Loving Us. And I Pause Insight And slip This weight I call “me” Back Into bed For some Cuddles.