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Saw Kalayar Nov 2014
The clock doesn’t tick,
I forgot to change the batteries,

The humidity seeps in from outside,
I left the window open,

The air conditioning remains off,
I lost the remote,

The weight I longed to lose never left,
I cheated on my diet,

The world left me behind,
I forgot to participate,

Things could have gotten better,
I didn’t even bother,
  Sep 2014 Saw Kalayar
At all those places you thought
you were once so familiar with,
the places you were so used to being comfortable at,
what exactly does that place remind you of?

The bad memories,
or, the good ones?

The pieces of memories that you thought you would've long since thrown away.
No, it's still there, etched in my memory.
  Aug 2014 Saw Kalayar
Missy Beminio
i want your garden
sprout from the earth
breathe you in
consume all of you

i want to feel
green in my feet
in between my toes
it can't be beat

the sweetest smell
it's like the fuel
i know it all
a little too well

the warm embrace
what is this place?
it seems you've left
without a trace

who are you now
you've left me again
i feel the fear inside
purer than the water
that brought us here
it's beginning to get to me
  Aug 2014 Saw Kalayar
Mike Hauser
This days name is special
The world no longer is forlorn
Celebration amongst the many
Love and laughter has been born

There's a crispness in the air
On this,the mortal side of life
The newest fairy to be born
In a magic dust cloud she arrived

Such beauty in the sparkle
Of this the greatest of fairy smiles
Melts the hearts of those that love
The meaning of this new born child

A day like this, there is no other
Letting all our worries go
Coming together for celebration
On this day "special" as it's now known
Iv'e written several poems about fairydust this is obviously a celebration of her birth. Maybe I should have started it all out with this one but it is what it is...
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