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Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
it was last summer
you promised me
your love in presence of
thousands of
flowers & stars
you’d been the dream
of mine since that day
just imagine i couldn’t
sleep at night for
you’d stolen my sleep
both day & night
celebrations all around
with my dudes for
my bliss had reached
its summit i looked at
the surrounding, but
i could see nothing for
you’re everywhere
unlike those days
i could hear the songs
of ROBIN all the time
just like me it was
happy as well
i got tuned my guitar
& played it while ROBIN
was dancing on a branch
just over me
i sang songs of love, beauty
& harmony
i was overheard by
lasses next door
they gave me their company
showing no jealousy
i gave the news to
the boy next room
i was blind with love
and overjoyed
couldn’t imagine
the dawn of the next day
for it’d been the moment
you’d promised me to
meet up
i knew it’d be
i knew that i would be
the moment i would
hold your tighter
it’d be the moment
i’d hug & kiss you
a song unending’s
being sung, but its
melody was unknown at all
for sure for i’d lost in yours
i got into my best clothes
and ambled towards the
park which was filled with flowers
i was full of excitements
for it was my first day
as a LOVER
‘at last i’d got my fiancee’,
i felt & i knew that
my life which was full of
fun would be over
for i had been a LOVER
at last
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
You blow
Sweeping away
The dead leaves
Sweet and bitter,
Making both
Nature and I
The Sunlight
To soak up
The wet
The land
A wasteland
Beasts running
Behind mirage
In quest of
Water until
No more
Rainy clouds, buds
And bees
No happiness
The barrenness

-The Daily News
Saumya Aloysius Apr 2020
They don’t like to see the darkness
Since the Darkness brings their
Eerie memories back
Making them eternal mourners
They don’t want people
To photograph them whilst playing
As they aren’t happy
Though they pretend to be so
They don’t want outsiders to disturb them
Since they want to be alone with their own
Until the dawn of a new world
Wherein there is no soldiering and warring
They hint us the plight they’ve undergone
Yet never ask us to be worried over theirs
They yearn for love and affection
Though they hardly show it to the outer world
They yearn for love and affection

- Sooner after the war
Saumya Aloysius Mar 2017
As much as we argue
As much as we fight
We always turn it around by the end of the night

I really do love you
I really do care
I really hope you will always be there

Saumya Aloysius
Saumya Aloysius Aug 2016
Though we’ve got
To say 'Good bye'
in a second of time
I want to say
How much
I love you

Emptiness won't
Rule you at all
As long as
My love'
With you

Till my arrival
You’ve my
Warmth and

We depart
Not for ever
But for a moment
True you miss
Me a lot
But I ought to
For it' my duty

I’ll send
You all my love
And kisses sealed
In a letter

I’ll be the
Dream of yours
Throughout the

So shed no tears
For your tears
Give me fears
My dear
A beloved husband leaves her husband for a while, but his sweetheart fails to tolerate it. Thus, this is his consolation. Do enjoy it.
Saumya Aloysius Aug 2016
You’ve always been
My gorgeous queen
And you’ve always been
The loveliest woman
I have ever seen
For me you are
My life’s celebrity
You’re the one
Who got me this far
You’ll every time be
The one who makes me blessed
And you’ll always be
The impeccable life companion for me
And you’ve made mine full
Happy birthday
My dearest Pras

Saumya Aloysius
She has been the light & shadow of mine. I love her a lot.
Saumya Aloysius May 2016
You blow
Sweeping away
The dead leaves
Sweet and bitter,
Making both
Nature and I
The Sunlight
To soak up
The wet
The land
A wasteland
Beasts running
Behind mirage
In quest of
Water until
No more
Rainy clouds, buds
And bees
No happiness
The barrenness

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