''I forgot you.
I even forgot your name.
In fact i didn't even know you.
I didn't remember seeing you before.''
You handed me the letter without even looking at me...
I knew... I felt it...
This is goodbye...
You were leaving for good...
So i tried to move on without your happy apple pies every morning.
Without the strong scent of your silky hair on my pillows.
But you came back.
After all i had been through all by myself....you came back.
It was a mistake, you said.
But it was too late.
Too late, dear...
I could not speak anymore.
I could not see you anymore.
There you were...standing in front of a cold gravestone....all by yourself...
Crying... for it was too late...
Too late, dear...
Even if i wanted i couldn't say yes...
I could not speak anymore...
I just could not...
It was too late...
If only you had came back a bit earlier...
If only you had realized how wrong you had been...
I could not speak anymore...
There you lingered for hours...
Before the cold silent gravestone...
That whispered quietly...
''I forgot you.
I even forgot your name.
In fact i didn't even know you.
I didn't remember seeing you before.''