They had just buried Henry Ferguson today. He was such a handsome and generous young man. Everybody in the town felt so sad when they heard that he had died.
Away he's gone.....
Away he's gone.....
Cold was his gravestone...
Young Sarah Breinnan cried all day long.
Young Sarah Breinnan grieved all night long.
Her beloved fiancé had died.
Life seemed like a threat.
Away he's gone...
Away he's gone...
Now she's on her own...
One cold night Sarah was ready for bed. When she heard someone knocking on the door. She opened it, to her surprise. There he was....
Her dead fiancé...
Standing in front of her...
Looking into her eyes deep...
With his gaping hollow eyes...
All rotten... All bone...
Worms crawling across his face...
In and out....
In and out...
''I can not die now'' he whispered...
Such an eerie voice...
''I love you too much.....''
More worms crawled out of his mouth as he spoke.
''Marry me, Sarah Breinnan......''
Oh the stench his body emitted was terrible...
He reached out to take her hand.
And she fainted...
So beautiful was she...
She had blossomed into a beautiful woman...
The dead man bent down to touch his lover's face...
With love his tapering fingers danced across her *******...
He kissed her gently, picked her up off the floor.
And he walked away, dissapearing into the fogs....
Among the dark silhouettes of trees...
Never to be seen again...
*Sarah.... Sarah....
Could you hear me...???
I was calling you from my hollow grave...