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Please, please, please,
I beg, I plead, 
Throw away the blades,
That make you cry
That make you bleed
Please, please please,
I need you here, I need you to stay,
I need you near
It makes me sad, that you can’t see
The look in your eyes
The beauty in your face
How can someone so lovely want to leave this place?
Sometimes, I really cannot comprehend
Why english teachers require, again and again,
Their students to look for these deep hidden meaning,
"The sun was yellow." "The author meant it was gleaming,
Like the life of spot the dog, bright and happy,"
Save your teaching Miss, it's ******.
I know it's a difficult concept...well, no.
The color of the sun is just ******* yellow.
I'm in english class and realized I haven't posted a poem in a while, excuse the awfulness
I'm a rocker
I'm a talker
I'm a walk the walker

I'm a gamer
I'm a player
I'm a rule breaker

I'm a smile faker
I'm a mover and
I'm a shaker

I'm a questioner
I'm a challenger
I'm a game changer

I'm a grain of sand
I'm a past summer of tan
I'm a small helping hand

I'm a shower grammy winner
I'm a everyday sinner
I'm a life beginner

I'm a needer
I'm a pleader
I'm a leader

I'm a living room pj dancer
I'm a wiki search answer
I'm a hallway happy prancer

I am free
I am she
**I am me
I am here. I am everywhere.

Every place you’ve been, I have waited.

Every face you’ve seen I have worn.

I have one name but thousands.

On your birth I am your twin.

At your death I shall be your shadow.

In a mother’s womb I have slept.

In a hero’s cry I have risen.

In the smile of a bride I took pride.

In a widow’s tears I am crushed.

I am the pledge of a groom.

I am the passion left by the dead.

I am the spark in every kiss,

The eternal flame of every vow .

Fourteenth of February I was born.

I am the spell in cupid’s arrow.

In the eyes of Aphrodite I am found.

Red as cherry I have been drawn.

I have no age. No gender.

I linger in your heart or perhaps in your mind.

‘Til eternity I shall live.

I am your hidden desire for others.

I am their hidden desire for you.

I am not LUST.

LUST is a friend and sometimes a foe.

TRUST is my companion. LIE destroys me.

BETRAYAL is my enemy.

TEMPTATION will lead you to another path.

Do not follow. You won’t see me there.

Don’t either find me. I WILL FIND YOU.

TIME is my deliverer. Be patient.

I have one name but thousands.

But you, you may call me


And I’m pleased to love you.
Adapted from Katy Towell's "Agony"
I watched you walk away a moment ago.


I wasn't prepared for this moment.

The loss I feel.

The trepidation beating me down, hollowing out my heart.

Scarring my existence without the softness of death.

I must suffer in this loss, weak and frail – ****** and lost.

I dropped my head for one second – only one – so that the tears may fall.

I looked back to where you were but you were gone.  I wasn’t ready for you to be gone.  You had hurriedly turned a corner, dodged into a building and left me on the sidewalk, crumpled and distressed.

That I know of, you did not turn around to see me one last time.  Perhaps your “one last time” look came when you said you didn't love me any longer and you walked away.

So easily they fell – those words – “I don’t love you anymore.”  Yes, you said “anymore” not “any longer.”

When did that happen?  So that I may know, please?  When did I do something?  When didn't I do something?

Please let it be something because I can’t live with it if the reason was simply that I was just being me.  To think that being myself, the only person I know to be, could have driven you away. (Into the arms of another!)

Oh, is it that?!  Someone else?   I truly have lost – to someone who has no face, at least not to me.  To you, it may be the most beautiful face you have ever seen and you can’t stop wanting to be near it, to hold that face in your gruff hands and smooching it …. Over and over and over and over.

Sans the face.  Forget about it.  I need to know, where did I fail?  Please let me know.  I fear though, you will not – let me know, that is – because you all but ran away from me, to put distance between our two hearts….mine broken, yours yearning for the face of another.  The face.

There it is again.  This face that I don’t know – mocking me while I sit, sobbing, on a sidewalk – holding my coat tight around me, the cold making the snot run from my nose and down my face.  I shiver.  

I will sit a few moments more – an hour or so, a day – longer to wait for you to come back and pick me up.  You will come back, won’t you?
I will hold on to my peace
When everything is falling apart
All my happiness has ceased
And I am hurting in my heart

I will keep my peace strong
At times when alone I am facing trials
When everyone has turned and gone
My peace will be my survival

I will let my peace guide me
In the chaos of a decaying society
Stripped of being truly free
Dictated to by economics bounty

I will hear my peace call
When all around me is war
And in battle men die and fall
On mothers' hearts  battle scars are bore

My peace I will walk with
Looking to God in my heart
My spirit His love will lift
Knowing He’s the master of this art

I will hear my peace call
When anger wells up inside
And I feel like I am in a freefall
Because of all injustice applied

I will let my peace guide me
When life's journey becomes unclear
I question my moral quality
Due to lack it causes fear.

I will keep my peace strong
Standing up for what I believe
When my differences seem wrong
Stay the course and just be me

I will hold on to my peace
This is my heart’s desire
This is how we all should be
Peace makes us so much kinder
 Mar 2013 Sarah Spencer
I would write you a poem

to tell you how I feel

but when you left

the melodic flow that

passionately pieced

my words together

followed you




— The End —