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 Feb 2014 Sarah Quinn
A B Perales
My days ago
are piled
with excess.

My days ahead,
with letting

This day today,
as the bottle
laying next
to me.

And there's
no way
to grow
If I must die today
I want to say that I was alive
Not alive by just breathing
But by seeing the world and actually living
Not just on the weekend
On a everyday basis
Enjoying life
Fighting for whats right
To love
Not hate
If I must  die today
I dont want to argue
But actually have an intellectual debate
Accept my fate and destiny
Wish upon a shooting star
If I must die today
I shall say I love my enemies when they hated me
Cherish the ones that envied me
Say I respected my parents for those were the first to love me
If I must die today
I hope Ill leave this world my way
Her parents told her to "grow up" so she put away her diary
Use to have stories of being queen, ones that were all blissfully inspiring.
But imagination grew tiring
And apparently so did she..
It's Job hunting, which heels? Which follows uncertainty.
With her heart that always peeks, and opens up that one page, that one that said she'll grow up but never truly act her age.
The page of "Never, Never Land", gum drops in Candyland, following the yellow brick road with toto and the tin man. Toes in the kingdoms sand
And Prince Charming as her ideal man.
Not one care in the world, living life joyest & open minded without any plan.

What happen? Why did she lose all she believed?
Did life take her imagination, walk away and just leave?
"Happy" was what she wrote down when asked what she wanted to achieve...
When women lose their innoncets
When little girls listen to reality and stop creating new ways too dream.
When her mind loses faith, when her heart starts to bleed
When love becomes a nightmare, pain suddenly is there, honesty becomes a lie and happiness becomes "I don't cares"

When girls become women
When simplicity becomes complex decisions
Take a moment to close your eyes
Women, see the honest little girl deep inside your distorted visions

Open up your diary now and write one more line
That girls have to grow up, but tht doesn't mean inside.
(Now open and smile)
When girls become women. Changed it up

— The End —