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Thoughts are running through my mind,
Trying to make me look behind,
Why are these thoughts intent on hurting me?
I've become distant from friends and family.
"Why is this?" My thoughts scream in disgrace.
But the smile is still stapled to my face.
Until my thoughts mince the words that I had feared.
I know this now, my thoughts are geared.
They're geared on causing me so much pain.
I can not take much else again.
But as all this is happening in  my head.
I smile like I didn't hear what my mind had said...
i've been wondering lately why i haven't been on the level
my world seems tilted and uneasy at each turn
there has been something missing from my life, and it's you

the pounding on the hardwood floor directly in tune with the beat
my foot stomping along
the bass with an infectious tone and vibration
better than any lover i have ever encountered
your voice is raspy and your words are strong

this is the point where i nearly lose my balance
as the crowd pushes in on me rushing toward the stage
for a moment i forgot we weren't alone
once i realize the room is full it hits me again
i'm taken back to the center stage and there you stand
we are one. the crowd, you and i.

it's a flicker in time when i know that we are all on the same page
i put my arms around the two people next to me
we are now singing and swaying, stomping and stumbling
there is nothing like it in the world.
people call me crazy, but you were my first love.
Staring into an abyss, longing, quenched, but alive

Seeking answers to questions that weren’t there

Waiting for someone unknown, something unseen

Or, waiting for someone well known, never beyond sight

Longing for a moment while time flew by

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes!

Clearer than a crystal and deeper than a ocean

Saying all without saying at all

I felt secure even from a thousand miles

Knowing you are there to pick me if I fall

Now who's there to listen to my cries

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes!

Once they sparkled like a thousand bulbs

with unabashed stare that pierced your soul

Now they are pale, the lights long gone

as always, time has taken its toll

Now I know how time flies

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes!

As I sit back now, with no roof over my head

No longer a child with you gone afar

Like a rudderless boat in a vast ocean

lost, looking for that elusive morning star

nothing above me, but the dark skies

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes!

I still had to say a lot, more than I ever did

I know you know that, as you knew me always

I just want to say, I love you dad, I always did

I wish I could tell that to you, on your face

When I saw those eyes, the lifeless eyes, the longing eyes

Ah those miserable eyes, my father’s eyes.
Why does this hurt so much
when what I reaped was what I sowed
I feel drained and worthless
I guess yesterday I could have bowed.

I never thought that it would come to this
after all we had to endure
but then I should have known better
when you looked beyond me as if unsure.

You look past me as if I am clear
like there is somebody beyond me
like I'm a pebble among rocks
or the smallest star that can be.

Why do you not notice me?
What do I have to do
to make you realize, to make you see
That I am the only one who's for you.
A song of pain

Whenever I open my heart to you
You plunge your knife right in
That is how it felt yesterday
When you hurt my soul, once again.

Emotions are a fickle thing
I should have kept my soul closed that day
For it was only my pride that was hurt
Now I fear that I've scared you away.

I love you now and will always, ever
But the time is wrong for me to tell
I came away feeling nothing but hatred
Not for you, for me, damning myself to hell.

I hope that you'll get to read these
My words are here for you to keep
Will you still whisper sweet 'I love you''s
As you lay down beside me and go to sleep?
cancel your plans, darling -
we're feignin' tonight.

i ain't tasted your fancy brow
since i last ran up trees.

i know you miss
the way my tossing hair
always filled the air with
moonlit berries and

so thick
your mouth
gave way to

i've got cold noodles sittin'
in my bowl somewhere
because i forgot to remind myself that
that ain't food that's
fillin' my belly -

channelin' me your orange hues
dipped in frustrations so subtle,


your frisky hot hemp dance
is flingin' itself
all over my inside stuff -
curbin' my appetite
for just about
anything else.

i'll climb your tree anyday
sweet baby,
kissin' greens
in your sleeves
on that minxy leaf trip.

carry me to your sneaky cove
and share your spices
and wanton skin graces.

i'll trade you my
and diamond
then we can take turns
dippin' our tongues
into the blend.

i've blotted out my agenda
to savour the splendour
so i can remember to
spit it back into
the faces of
the dark
cloaked ones.

this is my defiant-nosed
iron song,
in my steel-toed boots.

see, i'm feelin' mahself
and the randy white cub
ticklin' my sides
in our crazy cahoots,

with our incense and spirits
from the worshipers of
sane things -
who fill our airs
with a long overdue
white haze.
© 2011 Elephants & Coyotes
Christ was/is a holy and kind Son
But not all his so called disciples or followers
It is true of all religions
You will see that you are right
but there is something beyond all this light
beyond all the theories and thoughts unexplained
something powerful and higher passed all caught by flames

take a breath and see that it exists in truth
the power will remain in wisdom given to youth
told by experience of pleasure and pain
something dear to hold like a precious moment in the rain

It's fine to believe all that you wish
the more you search the enlightenment shall come faster
of greater hope and faith tighter than a cyclone's twist

I plan to find God and understand his might
I know he's there that's why I don't doubt or fear
all the thoughts that bring more questions, because they bring more to write
**Faded Fate**
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