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Sarah Mulqueen Nov 2014
Mistaken guidance puts a fog like haze on reality.
Sarah Mulqueen Nov 2014
Trying to figure out the point to " needing to make something of my life".
Constantly stuck in the mud with all these zombies of today.
Being force fed.
Feeding tube rammed down our throats to make their garbage easier for us to swallow.
Everything that life has to offer us is becoming a privilege,
Or taxed to benefit the hierarchy of the country.
Question authority,
Its becoming all we have left.
Sarah Mulqueen Nov 2014
I wish I could flip a switch & revert back to childhood.
So free spirited,
Attaining pure joy from the simplest of things.
The world hasn't been tainted by its evil truths,
Slimey slithery bugs being flung in your hair were the worst of your troubles.
Content with your imagination,
Everyday filled to the brim with magical forest creatures.
When did our curtain of innocence get lifted,
The older we get the more hostile and brittle the world becomes.
I dont want to be in a world where we dont get to hear the children play.
Sarah Mulqueen Nov 2014
Floating through the sky as though I were as light as paper.
Letting the breeze take me on a journey,
Don't worry about tomorrow its yet to exists.
Through thunder and hail and winds I couldn't bare to imagine.
I become a rag doll.
Thrown in any direction.
Tattered and ripped.
Sarah Mulqueen Oct 2014
Amongst the vines&mis;;, soft mossy ground under foot&the; smell of rain in the air.
Get lost with me in this magical land where the catipilars are bright and allseeing.
Get lost with me where i'll give you a little piece of me & open up a door for you to see into the depths of me.
I'm slipping down a rabbit hole.
I hope you'll be there to catch me when I fall.
Sarah Mulqueen Oct 2014
There I lay,
All innereds  discarded along side the rubble.
Dark shadows cascading faces to the mundane.
Confused & tormented,
Uncertain of where to turn.

I find you.

Both battered & bruised.
Scared & confused.
I'll be your light,
Warmth & comfort.
A safe-haven to rest your weary head.
Sarah Mulqueen Oct 2014
Smudging the lines, to try feel secure.
Trying to find the "black and white" among all this chaotic colour.
The little dog sweeping the path as I go "Are you trying to confuse me more?"
Left to my own demise,
Maybe what I want really isn't what I need?

Alone & constricted, could I be anymore confused?
Amnesia will fix this,
Wipe the slate clean. Isn't that what they say?
Who are they? & why wont they give me any answers?

I'm tired of putting on this face.
I wont apologize if it offends you.
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