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Elizabeth Ann
Washington, United States    The poetry I write isn't always from my point of view. It's often taken from the view of another because in my free time I ...
Alanaa Bowie Peterson
26/F/Some lil Wonderland    Embark on a collection of words, plucked from the depths of my soul. For your eyes to inhale. Your ears to soak up, & your ...
erin. 17. reader of books, writer of poetry. probably a bit too pretentious. my updates and activity here are sporadic at best. cheers.
Kairee F
Imagine the possibilities.
Bangladesh    I let the nature to be my companion and teacher...
Ellyn k Thaiden
Amongst The Stars    I am a girl who writes Her soul onto a page And she shares it with the world Who's soul is old with age My ...

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