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There are no right words
to express my feelings
So I write-
to begin my healing

For when I lilt,
"You make me laugh"-
Twould better be, "Life
with you? The better half"

And when I blurt,
"You're beautiful"-
I really mean, "Your every
glance enchants my soul"

Then to insist, "I love you"-
is simply to say,
"I could want no more
but for you to stay"

Lo, within the declaration,
"I don't care"-
I should have put,
"Please, please, please... let's repair"

And oh my wailing,
"Will you leave me alone?"-
Could have been, "please
chip away this heart of stone"

That time I hissed,
"I hate this"
was truly, "it's been
too long since we last kissed"

Maybe a curse;
Maybe a sign
I shouldn't speak-
bottom line.

To express the feelings
of this heart of mine;
I choose the wrong words
all the time.
Wrote stream of conscious early in the morn, feel free to comment/critique and look at my other stuff!
 Jul 2013 Sarah Elizabeth
I know you wouldn't approve of my cigarette smoking
But realize I do it hoping
That you will chastise me
Just to get some kind of emotion out of you
You never tell me how you feel, yet
The harsh smoke has no trouble leaving me blue
And feeling blue
Is certainly something I feel from you
Ever since you left on that hot day in September
Fall was just about to wrap us in it's golden leaves
But you chose to leave
You chose to leave
Not me
So don't expect me to be here
Waiting on you
When Spring approaches in its rainy ways
Even though I'll never admit it to you, I counted down the days
Till I would see you again
But this time is different
We were more than just friends
So what will we be
When you decide you've had enough of the sea
And how long will it take
For my heart to mend
I would just like to say,
I will wait for you.

I will wait through the days,
I will wait through the nights.

I will wait through the tears,
I will wait through the fights.

I want this to work,
I can't see life without you.

If I'd ever lose you..
I'd surely die, too.

I can't stand the thought,
Of not being by your side.

As you fight to protect me,
My heart is filled with pride.
He pulls the grapes of imagination
And he ferments them in the caverns of his mind
And only when it's at its peak
Does he share with her his wine

Every drop that is in his words
Transcends and shows in her life
The girl he'd wait a lifetime for
His living paradise

He watches a drop as it trickles down her lip
And he leans in to kiss it away
He tastes the love inside her and the wine
And it is rich and sweet today

How lovely it is to share the setting sun
As well as the fruits of his inner self
Lying and growing potent for what seemed eternity
Until it was finally taken from the shelf

She lives in the richness, she traces each taste
She savors the texture of rich red
He inspires words she wants to live out
He puts dreams in her lovely head

Not a drop will go to waste, not one
Just like the sunset's beams
He looks at her in the hue of the moment
Dissecting her with his eyes, it seems

She lies on him and feels his heartbeat
In sync with her heart in time
And he looks at her and places a kiss on her lips
Then pours another glass of wine
 Oct 2012 Sarah Elizabeth
                    ­                                           up to the top of the world and
                                        will lift you                                                         let you see how softly
When I am capable, I                                                                ­                  the sunrise beckons

because life is sprawled out around
us like a sphere surpassing our
periphery, that is
                                we should spin in
                                circles holding each other
                                tight, laced fingers whispering until you and I
                                figure it out well enough to

land on the cool, sweet grass
(together after all)
Sitting back and considering this point in time.
Everything is quite alright.
She laid down
and pulled the cover up to her chin
She talked to herself
as if she's talking to you
because talking to you
is something she'd never get through
It's something she can never do

She said how could you
how could you leave her just like that
She said how dare you
how dare you treat her dignity like that
and make her feel so bad
These are well-rehearsed lines
which she says from time to time
But as she's blinking back the tears
the lines disappears
and all that's left with her were her fears
and the memories she holds so dear
All that's left with her were her pain and anger
and she thought she could cry forever
She remembered the time
when she would go to bed smiling
When your love was her silver lining

She wiped her wet cheeks
and turned to her side
and whispered to herself
"Everything's gonna be alright. Goodnight."
A remnant of a dark time. I don't feel like this anymore. :) It's true what people say, happiness rarely begets art.

— The End —