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 Jan 2013 Sandra
Paul Hardwick
have you ever tried to catch a bubble in the bath
there it was then gone
i could not hold it in my hand
seams a bit like life
there it was and now has gone
but with birth goes on again.
 Jan 2013 Sandra
Paul Hardwick
I might be getting old
but the one thing i still have
is my happy hippy load

they said it was yesturday
time has gone
time has moved on

not if you are
this man
the happy hippy revolutionary
still just like i am.
 Oct 2012 Sandra
Paul Hardwick
Step inside my universe
take me tough the the days of my years
then take away my tears.
 Apr 2012 Sandra
let me be your cello
held soft between your thighs,
that you may draw forth music
in wanton heavy sighs.
My body held there closely
as your fingers make me fret,
my bow would be throbbing
as with oil you hold it wet.
Your scent strong upon me
as you rub against my grain,
playing with me a sweet duet
of pleasure and of pain.
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