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1.7k · Jan 2021
January blues
Sam Lawrence Jan 2021
Snow arrived,
quite suddenly.
The city fell
to silence:
softness flurried,
whiteness spread.
Our footsteps
punched a rhythm:
crisp heel, crisp toe.
Steaming cars slid past
in slush, peeling back
the long black road.
The trees drooped:
tears splattered on
the streets, but
still my heart
lay cold.
1.5k · Oct 2021
The kite
Sam Lawrence Oct 2021
  when I'm walking my dog,
    I pretend
      I'm flying
       an upside down
The kite pulls me.
  The kite gets stuck in a tree.
    I pull the kite.
The kite gets tangled
  with another kite.
The kite stops;
  scared of shadows?
Eventually, I find an open space
  and I set the kite
851 · Nov 2021
Sam Lawrence Nov 2021
Forgive me, but I don't
want to explore my feelings,
backpack through insecurity
or interrail across buried pain.
There is no pride to be found
in travelling to those places
or even in a triumphant return.
Instead, I'll make my feelings
comfortable by giving them
a seat inside a steady room,
beside a window with a view
709 · May 2020
Sam Lawrence May 2020
Bach takes a theme.
And Bach takes another theme.
Below, the first theme Bach takes.
Above, together, the themes all make,
A joyous celebration of the theme.
And finally the many voices cadence.
But then. The theme, but in
Another key. Again, the theme
But awkwardly, diminished and
Augmented. The fugal dance,
Around it wraps, until,
A flourishing.
A cadence.
Because when Bach takes a theme.
Bach takes a theme.
And plays it.
498 · May 2022
In a room
Sam Lawrence May 2022
As I lie in bed, I hear the street;
the cars that pass like waves,
the pavement tapped
by rhythmic feet.
And by my side, my love lies still.
Her gentle breath, as slow as breeze,
beneath the humming of an aeroplane.
Above us all, the arching skies
stretch further than our heavy limbs,
can ever dream of traveling.
471 · Feb 2021
Sam Lawrence Feb 2021
all composition
454 · Jan 2022
Sam Lawrence Jan 2022
Just before a falling,
the tilted horizon decides
it must be right.
Perhaps it's pride?
The lilting ship is oblivious
to each stumbled embrace.
The breathless drunk, stands
leaning on a brick wall.
I recognise it in solitudes.
I heard it many times;
between a dozen tolls
of midnight's bells.
389 · Jun 2023
Sam Lawrence Jun 2023
My future, sealed by a cross,
I must forever stumble.
I'm carried in a silent wave;
its dampened roar, quite lost
within a labyrinth of cul-de-sacs.
Further forward, over rocks, carved
smooth by endless years of swell.
I reach out just to try to touch,
but touching is beyond my reach.
Would you join me on this ride?
Together, when our bodies crash,
we'll know it took some other force,
to overpower the both of us.
I'd rather leave my tiller free;
let my rudder make no odds to me.
377 · Dec 2023
Sam Lawrence Dec 2023
The rivers on
A corrugated roof,
Will meet the sea,
363 · Dec 2022
Sam Lawrence Dec 2022
I am driving on the Marylebone Road.
Waiting to be carried on the crest
of the next green wave.
353 · Oct 2024
Here come the dead
Sam Lawrence Oct 2024
Here come the dead.
Close your eyes and listen
To their slowly beating drum.

Smell the air turn
Marble black as day tuns
Dark as night. Moonlight is their

Master now, they
Have no need for love or
Feelings that they care to share.

Don't be fooled by
Pity me or stories
Of their troubled days on earth.

The dead are dead
Forever more;
Nothing you can say or do

Will ever be
318 · Jan 2021
Sam Lawrence Jan 2021
Dry January finished
With a
A blissful darkness
Beneath the waves:
Thousands of
Miniscule bubbles
Bursting in my ears
As I
Head back above
The water.
I'm poisoned now?
Grey-green flesh inside,
But sleeping like
The newly dead.
311 · Sep 2021
Night bus
Sam Lawrence Sep 2021
my smile
stitched my face
like a crocodile
top deck
of the 63
as we ride
the dark
309 · Jan 2023
Twelfth night
Sam Lawrence Jan 2023
The dying tree
is no longer in
the living room.
281 · Aug 2021
Old age
Sam Lawrence Aug 2021
His allotment is just far enough away
from trouble. Habit, more than desire,

seeds the ragged weeks. Early risers
together, he cannot stifle a routine.

Her Marked Clinical Decline isn't yet
their epicenter. Fearlessly emptying

Stella cans, through the euphoric
atmosphere to the Low Earth Orbit

of utter despair. Eccentricity doesn't
favour equilibrium. Growing may heal.
269 · Jan 22
Here's my voice
Sam Lawrence Jan 22
If I listen carefully, I can still hear it.
Barely audible beneath the boorish
Drone, my voice is shrill and bright
Like a child's. Not much caring who's
Listening or even if the words make
Sense, my voice trills around the
Knee high world of table legs and
Creepy-crawlies, socks with clips
And carpet grips. I hear it best when
I too crouch down and touch the
Grass or squeeze small pebbles in
The palm of my hand.
259 · Jan 8
Feeling loved
Sam Lawrence Jan 8
Still edging along
A tightrope, but now knowing
There's a safety net
244 · Nov 2024
Sam Lawrence Nov 2024
Let your thoughts move the air,
Turn despair into pitch, anger to a growl.
Imitate the sound of darkness,
Lying stagnant at the bottom of a well.
Let the mountains in your dreams,
Cause a ripple on still water.
Hum the note the earth first sung.
But never, ever, sing Wonderwall,
On the top deck of the 271.
242 · Aug 2022
What little we see
Sam Lawrence Aug 2022
I'm in Italy once again, my love.
But why is there no architecture?
Endlessly winding, the streets narrow
until the cars can no longer turn.
Did we come here? I easily forget.
All my pasts return to haunt me;
shambling, drunk creature, I dared
to love. Now the heat makes the
veins swell beneath my upturned
hands. I wonder what became of you?
Timidity hid you, even then. Only now,
I truly appreciate your fading smile.
240 · Apr 2021
Night song
Sam Lawrence Apr 2021
wide awake and gently haunted
lying piecemeal on a bed
sifting through a time the spirits
said all I ever wanted said

tiptoe in the starlit darkness
scattered petals, dying leaves
drifting through the deadest dreams
in the precious company of thieves

spores that settle on my lashes
seeds that turn my pupils black
second sight is stolen knowledge
all that's gave is given back
229 · Jan 2021
Sam Lawrence Jan 2021
lying on my back
like a sundial
waiting for the sun
to step out
from behind a cloud
224 · Nov 2023
Sam Lawrence Nov 2023
Your dead maps
Cannot match the ways
The shifting earth
Will lie.

Lines that you once
Thought straight,
Will never now
Be true.

On each cracked page,
A fearless canyon.
Each fold can hide
A crooked spire.

My north is lost,
So lost beneath,
A careless dry
Pressed flower.
223 · May 2022
Sam Lawrence May 2022
In deep ground,
where other bones
lie very still. Or
under a twisted

soil wrapped root,
from a tree too tall
to fall, until the day
it does. Long

shadows are broken
sticks that snap;
over a floor, across
a crumbled wall.
Sam Lawrence Feb 15
I seek my refuge
Somewhere always degrading
In other refuse
Sam Lawrence May 2024
I gave him money
He told me he would put it
Towards a hostel
216 · Feb 2022
Sam Lawrence Feb 2022
Here, beneath my ribs;
underneath the chewy strands,
my lanky ambitions, naked
without sense. As a finger
held to thumb, between
a petalled gift. Kiss each
inch of me. Make me sigh.
Roll me only when I'm dead.
210 · Jan 20
The dream of the lake
Sam Lawrence Jan 20
What if darkness were like light?
The blackest places would spill out
And every shadow would conspire
To keep the day as dark as night.

So when that boy leant over me
And saw his true love in my depths,
Was there not some tiny spark,
Some part of me, that lit his heart?

He stayed quite still from that day forth,
Becoming quite forlorn and gaunt
Until at last he fell, drifting down,
Down into the deepest place of all,

Where no living creature can survive
And even darkness cannot dwell.
In his place, a flower grew with petals
Whiter than snow, brighter than the

Moonlight as it dances on my rippled
Crests, caressed by the wind, sipped
By birds that skim across in flocks,
Whilst others watch from distant rocks.
207 · Oct 2020
Our teenage years
Sam Lawrence Oct 2020
camaraderie - much too
grand a word, of course
for the heady unity we'd caught
against our parents
against our school
nonchalantly - against them all
raging round our haughty town
dressing up by dressing down
our Capulets and Montagues
were Trendies versus Casuals
but mostly we were tiny shells
trapped in our semirural hell
united we could stand it best
while hatching in an empty nest
206 · Jul 2021
For Joni
Sam Lawrence Jul 2021
here i am
under all my bright house lights
still hanging out
with the good dreamers
198 · Dec 2022
Sam Lawrence Dec 2022
Faceless morning winter moon
My walking makes you wander
Kiss the treetops as you pass
Bright disk above the branches

Twisted heart and sap unite
Throughout the veins of every tree
Damp leaves lay lifeless on the path
All but dust in this perpetual world

Perhaps a little part of me lies broken
In amongst the trees, behind the falling
Fading moon that promised everything
Too soon against the brightening sky
190 · Feb 2024
Sam Lawrence Feb 2024
It's true, I may not be as fun as I was
Perhaps I am a little selfish too
But in the morning I will wake early
Slip out whilst you sleep and
Walk a little in the sunshine
Buy a coffee and drink it sitting
On a bench as the world rushes by
I am finding other ways
To treat myself
187 · Jan 2021
Ice cubes
Sam Lawrence Jan 2021
I meet you,
but I'm embarrassed
because I've been melting
and now I'm standing
in the middle
of a small puddle.
You're pristine,
crisp corners,
shining like a diamond,
but I know we're all
doomed to melt.
186 · Feb 2024
I saw a stranger sneeze
Sam Lawrence Feb 2024
Involuntary and silent,
I mouthed a Bless You
To the breeze.
185 · Sep 2020
A grown-up song
Sam Lawrence Sep 2020
i grew up in a small town
i couldn't wait to leave
the world seemed
so much bigger
than the small part I could see

once i left, i stayed away
a selfish odyssey
the world grew
into a garden
and the fruit fell from the trees

for all my wide-eyed wonder
i realised what i missed
but the world had
saved for later
all the parts I once possessed

now my children are the future
and one day they will leave
because my world
is so much smaller now
they'll never be far from me
178 · May 2024
Sam Lawrence May 2024
By morning,
the bright red peonies
that brightened our evening
stood silent and bare,
their petals scattered
on the table
like a soft snow.
Sam Lawrence Oct 2023
I am in an unfamiliar city,
Feeling lost inside a familiar hotel.
I am, plate in hand, skirting
Round the breakfast buffet.

Each dish is neatly labelled;
Scrambled eggs.
Breakfast sausage.
Local cheese (soft)!

Another man is standing
Motionless. Is he praying?
We shuffle around each other,
Replacing lids, laying spoons,

Filling our plates with all types of
Exotic treats. A whispered song to
Breaking bread. Just two strangers
Orbiting the food we eat.
167 · Jul 2022
Sam Lawrence Jul 2022
the rain falls against my window
the rain doesn't fall against my window
I am inside
I am outside
I am inside and the rain isn't falling against my window
I am outside and the rain isn't falling against my window
I am outside and the rain is falling on me
I am inside and the rain is falling on me
I am outside and I am wet
I am inside and I am dry
I am outside and I am dry
I am inside and I am wet
it isn't my window
the rain isn't falling
it isn't raining
the is no window
there is no rain
there is no falling
there is nothing
165 · Aug 2023
Sam Lawrence Aug 2023
Underneath the slanted parasol
Eyes half closed against the sky
All sound is mixed
With sun and spray
The mama
Her indignant child
A distant beat
Beyond the crowds
The lapsing rhythm
Every wave
Too soon I slip into the depths
The sweat and suncream
Milk upon my skin
Did Cleopatra swim?
164 · Nov 2021
Mirror, mirror
Sam Lawrence Nov 2021
What will we learn
from our reflected
selves? Movement,
  reversed. Light,
changed course.
The truths we hide,
but secretly know
(deep down inside).
Each little smear
distracts. Illusions
are a fragile gift
that's best
kept wrapped.
155 · Feb 2021
Outside me
Sam Lawrence Feb 2021
There it groans again,
The voice:
A tone steeped in gravel.
It speaks from below
And chimes above,
Through a solemn
Here I am.
Awkward in my body.
Steering the poetry
As it appears:
Always too controlled.
I'm stood waiting,
The boy in the Thai restaurant
At the dark end of my street
Toy trains along the table,
Surrounded by big
White buckets
Of prawn crackers:
Sagging in their cellophane bags.
Like a star pointing inwards.
153 · Feb 2022
I will always feel poor
Sam Lawrence Feb 2022
I feel it in my crooked toes
and in my wonky two front teeth.
I see it where my clothes are worn
and in the gaps around my shoes.
I notice it in others too; in the little
signs of wear and tear,
in the slog of getting old.
Poor is all wrapped up cold,
inside a shabby winter coat.
You can try to hide it
while you're living
or **** it like a sugared treat.
153 · Dec 2020
For my daughter
Sam Lawrence Dec 2020
My golden girl, you fill my world
with scraps of paper on the floor.
Each small offcut leads me closer
to the masterwork you truly are.

I recognise my little foibles and I also
see my pain. My love, I dearly wish
that all you find in life is good and
free from blame. When you swing

your curls my love unfurls - briefly,
just before it's swept away. Many,
many bits of paper; only some of them
are kept. All the rest, hope for the best.
152 · Dec 2020
Deus ex machina
Sam Lawrence Dec 2020
I am not a robot
I am only
Sam Lawrence Dec 2020
it's familiar trickery
in a master's hands -
the ever falling melody
occasionally lifted
just enough
to let the sunlight
shine through
149 · Jan 2021
Sam Lawrence Jan 2021
a huge tentacle
appears from beneath
the waves
Ringo Starr
as the octopus
reaches for his neck
146 · Dec 2022
Sam Lawrence Dec 2022
I have always travelled headfirst.
As an aeroplane child, I lent forward
with my arms outstretched, humming.
Later, I perfected the same trick
without any hint of movement or sound.
I arrive awkwardly in conversations,
my head bursting through thin walls
unexpectedly like a jack-in-the-box.

Whilst queueing, I argue with the people
in front, indignant that they are only
ahead by some mishap of time or space.
I am a gargoyle, forever watching,
cursing all the decent people
as they file beneath me. I contort
in public for I am a private person.
Love has eluded me, until now.

When I'm asked, "Would you like a seat?",
I will reply, "Parallel lines never intersect."
To be aloof, takes practice and hard work.
"Pierrot, you must be exhausted!" is a
common refrain, but only from old people, young people seldom give
insights without provocation.

As a baby, I was doused in talcum powder.
My inner fire extinguished, I was deemed
ready for a neutered life. When it is dark,
I stand quite still, like a mannequin.
I live only for the attention of strangers.
145 · Aug 2021
Foreign weather
Sam Lawrence Aug 2021
I don't know how long.
Before I understood it had changed?
An hour? A day?
The señora appeared on her balcony;
gathered washing,
glanced up,
closed the door behind her.
I blankly searched the empty sky.
A seagull swooped.
Gradually, boats in the harbour turned,
now facing the other way.
Suddenly, a new wind blew;
hot, breathless gasps of air.
No cicadas.
A few raindrops fell like birdshit,
splatting on the stone steps.
I'm sure all these things have names,
if you were local,
you would know them all.
I have no other words.
145 · Nov 2020
Sam Lawrence Nov 2020
brush strokes on my window
flecks of white against the grey
the drops of water dripping
from an ocean in the sky

a symphony of drips and plips
accompanies my sighs -
can all the water wash away
the troubles from outside?

drains will gargle up the dark
grey water from the streets
a potion mixed by grinding down
all those lives beneath our feet

the sodden cardboard houses
wrapping hair and flesh inside
soaked by what once gave us life
now made rotten 'til they die

and once the seas have given
up these souls into the skies
the rain will fall back down again
back down again with open eyes

there is no artist painting
crazy pictures on my walls
just a pricking of my conscience
where the gentle water falls
142 · Nov 2020
The black witch
Sam Lawrence Nov 2020
beyond the broken thistles
sits the screech of night
where I have stood
sipping slight lungfuls of pale air
among the booming half won sounds
my ebbing vapour drifting upwards
ever onwards towards the electric sky
141 · Oct 2024
A Stabbing
Sam Lawrence Oct 2024
Bouquet is far too grand a word
For flowers lent against a tree.
Plastic wrapped and garage bought,
They'll never complement a vase
Or bask inside a living room
Amongst a noisy family.
Instead they'll wilt beneath achenes
From rows of careful London planes,
Their never tasted flower food
Held on with bright red sticky tape.
Stranger, brother, loving son,
Far too swiftly were you come
And gone.
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