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My lip trembles
My eyes are full of tears
I don't want to leave

It's not fair
I was so alone
Now I am so afraid
I am
The queen
My own heart.
His lips smile
    We laugh for hours
          He has dimples and
               Beautiful blue eyes.
I feel like he is shy
          He seems ashamed
               For a second
                    Then he tells me timidly
                         He has aspergers.
I smile,
     My fingers gingerly curled
          My nails resting on his beard.
I take a deep breath
     I offer to help him
          He wants to kiss me
                He is afraid
                     He doesn't know how.
I close my eyes
         Take his face in my hands
               Press my closed mouth
                  Against his
                       As his lower lip trembles.
It's over.
     We hug.
         Then we laugh
                He says
"Now that I have practiced, let's do it again."

He kisses me.
     I had a lovely time.
             We laughed
                   We kissed
                       For hours.
He invited me to his family's Christmas party. I told him I would if I didn't have to work. He likes it when our fingers play together.
The snowflakes fall hard
Strip until
You are naked

Step outside
You feel nothing
The cold lives
Inside you

Your hips sway
Your eyes close
Your arms above your head
Into the silence
Until you feel
The thinness

Disappearing into
The frozen wind
I almost faint
I had forgotten to eat-
Hypoglycaemic ?
He's sweet.
You should see him yell

Not at me yet
I won't stick around to tell.
So sweet I said,
But he leaves me smelling like cigarettes
He looks at me pityingly
When I refuse to eat.

He smiled at me
over the plate of food
He told me how he liked
Mixed with the ***.

I am one of over a hundred
He's slept with.
I am different.
I tear him apart
with my nails.
He told me he liked knives
I crisscrossed a pattern on his back
My fingernails slicing his hips
I left so many bruises
So many more cuts
He asked for it
I bit him
Over and over
On the neck
His lip ring became my toy
The pant of his breath my music
Without touching him
He groans.
He wants me.
He lets the monster out of me.

He forced me to eat.
He worried about my faint
I chided him-
Both get our own problems.
I left him while he was asleep.
You hold me tight,
Like I will be flying away.
I will.
Just not today.

I am not rejecting you
I just don't feel anything
Not for you
Not for anyone
I am alone on the inside

You won't miss me.
I promise.

You don't even know what I smell like.
I won't love you
I don't love me.
So tired
I'm so tired.
I am so hungry
But if I could just lay down on the ground
In the snow
Under the colourful leaves
I would sleep
Summer comes back to me.
Sometimes I miss you
I roll over when I wake up
You are never there.
I open my eyes after crying
You are never there.

I sing you songs,
Can you hear me?
You are never here.
I eat so slowly,
Can you tell I am waiting?

My bed is empty,
My stomach is angry,
My heart is jaggedly cut,
I look beautiful on the outside-
My shoulders hunching forward
Hiding the jut of bones that peep from my skin.
You are never here,
But I am waiting.

Sometimes I wonder
Is this
Life's new version of
A Christmas Carol
And this life I am living
Is the ghost of Christmas future?

Can't I wake up
Roll over,
Hold you close.
Tell you I love you,
Apologise for not
Getting you help.
Tell you I listened
And you would never let me go.

One hundred days and I fly away.
I will be so far away
But you
You are never here.
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