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laurie Dec 2014
Father Christmas where did he come from?
On Christmas Eve we all leave him a feast,
Along with some carrots to share with his beast.

Reindeer dust we sprinkle on our lawn,
tucked up in bed we get excited for dawn.

Lavish gifts more than one we receive,
but why is it in Father Christmas that we all believe?

Pretending each year that this man is magic,
he's not real I found this so very tragic.

Father Christmas he's just make believe,
your mum and your dad hide the presents you receive

It's really confusing how we create these lies,
stories of Santa's sleigh and how he loves  mince pies.

His famous red suit and his long white beard, finding out he's a fake is something I always feared.

Flying the world all in one night,
a sack full of toys for our children's delight.

Father Christmas who invented this man?
An image created we believe that he can.
laurie Oct 2014
I've made mistakes I've been uncool, You can't use this as your tool.

I've said sorry more than once already, Your making this relationship become unsteady.

I've cried in shame I am to blame, Your now different your not the same.

I've begged for forgiveness, pleaded with you. What else do you want me to do?

I've stopped going out, there's no need to shout. Control is what this is all about.

I've lost myself along the way, frightened you'd leave, praying you'd stay.

I've done ****** up things, hurt you inside, But punishing me forever I cant abide.

I've put life on hold, inside I'm scared putting up with this I would never have dared

I've lost the will to recover, Maybes I'm not meant to be your lover.

I've gave up inside I've died, I've lost count of how many times I've tried.
laurie Oct 2014
Have you ever had a situation where your feeling crazy? Left in this world alone things are looking hazy.

Have you ever felt secluded? Somehow you've gone deluded, in your mind someone has intruded.

Have you ever lost your way? Barely surviving through the day, at night you beg and pray.

Have you ever lost yourself or mistreated your own health?

Have you ever retrieved that something you once believed? Too much hurt you have received.

Have you ever found the light so bright it blinds your sight? It sparks the fire to fight.

Have you ever been in recovery? Your too shocked by your discovery.

Have you ever had that dark cloud? Inside your screaming so loud, trying to do yourself proud.

Have you ever lost the motion? Your hoping for a potion, or some magic kind of lotion to get control of your emotion.

Have you ever felt ok? Even if its just for one day you try to runaway.

Have you ever woken from your illusions? wrapped up in your scary delusions, you cant take anymore intrusions.

Have you ever felt numb? People treating you like you're dumb, is this the life that you've succumb?

Have you ever found strength where you'd go to any length? To come first not always tenth.

Have you ever been rejected? Your heart is now infected like a drug you've just injected.

Have you ever made a decision where you bleed from the incision? You've lost yourself and your vision.

Have you ever felt free? Given all that you can be there's a brighter future for me.
laurie Oct 2014
You get them people in life who look down there nose at you, there obvious behaviours, transparent in what they do.

Arrogant attitude they show you no respect, treat you like dirt like you are an insect.

They don't acknowledge you when you say hi,
I wouldn't even bother its not worth the try.

You get them people in life who think they are something there not, their bitterness inside as they begin to rot.

They sit up on a pedestal ordering you about,
power of authority from their lungs they shout.

You get them people in life who are bitter and sour, too much overdrive from the who power.

But they can never make you feel like you have no right, stand up to these types of people they'll crumble with the fight.
laurie Oct 2014
Let us go back to the way we were when we first met, lets not fill our days with sadness which later we'll regret.

Take me back to the happy place when the times we had were funny, lets not fill our days with darkness make them bright and sunny.

Let us go back to that special time where we both were shy, stop all of the fighting please don't make me cry.

Take me in your arms hold me close to you,
Believe I'm sorry for my mistakes, my love for you is true.

Let us live the life we are dreaming it to be,
stop all this craziness its destroying you and me.

Take my word when I say I'd be lost without you here, I don't always show it but to me you are so dear.

Let us wipe the slate clean back to how it was back then, you are the man for me there's no room for other men.

I love you with my heart please don't think that I'm cold, I hope you stick around until we're grey and old.
laurie Sep 2014
I came here for a new life,  came her for the change. I don't want to be the victim, feeling that I'm to blame.

I came here to be happy live life freely, came here to do this, I don't want to feel the shame.

So please don't hate me understand my reason,
Inside my hearts warm, it's the cold outside that is freezing.

I came here for my kids, to create the dream,
Came here to escape the sad things that I have seen.

I came here to be strong, to escape these dark places I have been.

So please, please understand, see it through my eyes, living in your world rapped around your lies.

I came here to live, I've given it my all,
Came here to witness, the rise or the fall

I came here to fight one day I will win,
Came here to be brave, to wash away the sin.

So please just let me be, this time away will do no harm, searching for that peace, the still, the warmth and the calm.
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