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Going up the road,
A front of sorrows space,
Where sweet kisses of coldness,
Touch the self in side,
One inside another,
Kisses blown on lightnings spark,
While breaking free,
From storms,
Once so very dark,

Brewing hot as coffee ***,
Rich filled with quality,
Quenches all desires,
Love peruses as she browses,
The carousel of love,
Powered up by fairy dust,
In sparkled sprinkles,

Remarkable indeed,
Magic powder,
Power felt,
Chucked from impish fairy globe,
In an orb of inspiration
By ladylivvi1
© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
 Jun 2013 Samantha Page
You tie me up in knots that are intricately woven,
lead me through the pool of tears,each step an anguished sob,
wracked from a bruised chest that is battered from pain.
Yet still I follow you to the ends of the earth, losing myself in you.
Waiting for a smile when you see it fit to really look at me,
when you notice the tired lines round my eyes from constantly watching you.
You suspend me on a string of suspense drawing me further from what I want.
I exist in an inanimate state where thoughts of you cloud all logic.
I reach for you in the dark and my fingers go right through you,
You are merely a ghost of what I need, disintegrating with each passing hour.
Am drowning my sorrows in a pool of illusions,
seeing only what I need to, feeling only what I can stand.
I lose track of what is a manipulation of my mind and what is real.
You are here with me and yet I can look right through you.
A master of deception and flattery, I am helpless to fight your charms.
I am lost in a reality full of dreams created by you.
Calmly in a blissful
Enlightened thoughts
Feathered with blackened
Haunting lullabies
Illuminated by crying
Killed by shattered
Laughter and
Oppressed by
Parasitic critiques,
Quick to judge the
Ravishing and
Unsuspecting to all, we
Visit the bleak and cold
World where
X-rays replace the blistering,
Yellow sun, and overshadow the
Zealous moon.
 Jun 2013 Samantha Page
It felt like goodbye when you held me,
Loosely like you didn't crave my warmth.
Your breath was relaxed and you went to sleep as we lay in each other's arms.
You couldn't meet my eye and I knew it was over.
I chocked back my tears hoping you wouldn't feel the sobs racking my body.
You went to sleep so am guessing you missed it.
It felt like goodbye when you watched me leave.
You made no move to hug me or ask me to stay.
The mild confusion in your eyes comforted me into thinking maybe I was wrong.
You didn't say a word though,
I heard goodbye in the silence of the air.
You didn't call and I felt you let go,
In the anticipation of a call that never came,
The sorrow of an expectant heart beating on even after its broken.
I cried and you didn't hear the screams of my shredded sanity.
I felt your goodbye in the love that smothered my hope,
When you didn't say anything.

— The End —