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 Sep 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
I just don't know.
I love him.
That is all I know at the moment.

I just don't know.
I feel like crying.
That is all I know at the moment.

I just don't know.
I can't take a chance when I know how I feel.
That is all I know at the moment.

I just don't know.
 Sep 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH heart is broken.....but will be reassembled....and beat faster.....every.....time...I see him..........and break again.....and again....and again..... heart is will lose it's voice......and stay silent.....regain vocal sounds......every time.....he speaks to me......and be lost....again, and again........and ....again.

Yeah.... I love him....that ******* ******* *******.....

yeah.... I cry...for him....cause of him....
yeah.... he is on my mind......every day......every night

yeah.... I love him........................................... I

 Aug 2013 Samantha
Dallas Allen
bottled up inside,
my emotions that i hide
will i ever have you close at my side
sides a stupid bus ride

i wanna hold you
and kiss you
and get to

feel your lips on mine
bet it would feel divine
because it sounds lame but you are fine

i just wish i had the guts to say
hey its a nice day,
will you spend it with me?
but instead i leave you be

you make my heart skip a beat
when you joke with me i can feel the heat
build up in my face, i hope i don't blush
because you are my big crush

i wish you knew
because i swear, my heart is true
and all i want to do
is spend my time with you
 Aug 2013 Samantha
Dallas Allen
when i read your messages i start to smile
then i try to go into denial
i see you and your perfect face
and i just want a quick or long taste

of your beautiful lips
guys i need some tips
what do i say?
how to get her to stay

she makes me wish i was holding her
when she complains about her bf controlling
her, i actually  listen i done zone out
and during class she is all i think about

how to get her to be with me
and not want to be left be
i know she isn't free
and her bf is nothing like me

so should i give up
or step up
and give this a shot
 Aug 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
I couldn't tell you
Who was on my mind.
i couldnt just let the name. the two sllyables fall out of my mouth.
I couldnt because its you.

You are the one i like.
 Aug 2013 Samantha
Dallas Allen
here comes the season of sweaty palms
pretending to be cool and calm
barely passing tests, and trying to get the girl
will i be  a poser or give being myself a twirl?
no one knows till we get there
will she like me or will i be more than she can bear
will people make me bend backwards for them or this year will i finally tear?

who is ready for school
the land of posers and fools
will you be worth something or just a tool
well all this and more in this season of our lives
 Aug 2013 Samantha
Dallas Allen
this year ***** everyone else
***** there happiness
because this year i am on worrying bout my self
doing what makes me happy and not dumb chicks

i know this does not rhyme but i am expressing myself
so you do what makes you happy and shut the hell up
let me do me and you do you
and later when you are sitting back and wondering why the hell i am acting this way
remeber its your fault and when i was down and hurt you walked over
and just kicked me in the ribs and punch me in the gut
if only i knew before you were just a ***** **ut

so i will be me and you stay clear
cause me is not who you should be near
 Aug 2013 Samantha
Dallas Allen
we pay for freedom in blood and bone.
the lives of our soldiers, not only soldiers humans like you and me
and we treat them like s**t for following orders and them remember them in stone
when will we stand up and support them? when will we leave them be?
they make to the choice to pay for our freedom with there blood and bones
and yet we are ungrateful, i will rememeber your soldiers, and it won't be in stone
i wrote this because i was thinking back on the typical response civilians have towards soldiers, this is not meant to offend anyone
 Jul 2013 Samantha
Molly Rosen
I don't know why I'm looking at your picture again
when all it ever does is make me cry.
I don't know why I can't settle for being your friend.
But I have a tendency to die right after I beat my high
score, as if I can't handle being good enough, because
nothing else ever is.
I guess that's why, when everyone turned playdates into
dates, I turned birthdays into confessions.
I'll play truth or dare with strangers, but I'll always pick dare,
because how can I say my truths out loud when I can't even
whisper them to myself alone in the dark?
And why is it so easy for me to flirt with your friend when I've
loved you for years an I can't even look you in the eye?
Why can't I put a pen to paper without writing your name?
If love always hurts then why do I spend half my time feeling empty?
How can I be jealous of the friends you text back when you're
fighting with them?
And here I am, trying so hard to be a good friend to you that I forgot
about the people who were good friends to me.
Why is it so hard to write about my feelings when I know exactly what they are?
Get it? The title is what's described by the last line.
Alt. title: A Collection of Unconnected Thoughts I've Been Trying To Make A Poem Out Of For Weeks But Oh Well
 Jul 2013 Samantha
Dallas Allen
a word of advice i have kept close to my mind
and think of it when i start to unwind
"Let it come natural"
which is great advice i guess
but when you do it, and people make you feel like less
well guys ignore them, cause they are just petty
"Let it come natural"
i cannot promise that things will go your way
or that your problems will go away
but i can promise that you will never feel fake
"Let it come natural"
and show this world what your made of

I met a girl, and i have a bad rep
but that does not mean i should take a step
to her and ask out for a date
i mean better now then to be late
so i thought for a while about what to do,
and the back off my mind said "just be you"
but why do i feel like i'm not worth her time?
and why do my thoughts come out as rhymes?

I talked to my friends and they all said the same
to Let it come natural, even if that is lame

Let it come natural"
which is great advice i guess
but when you do it, and people make you feel like less
well guys ignore them, cause they are just petty
"Let it come natural"
i cannot promise that things will go your way
or that your problems will go away
but i can promise that you will never feel fake
"Let it come natural"
and show this world what your made of
so any advice about my writing style guys?
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