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Im tired
Of dumbing

Im better
To let
It out

Let the chips fall
Where they may

Im trying
To stay

Im trying
To find
A rope

To climb out
But its too high now

Im too high now
Waiting for the water to rise

Im trying
To speak

Im trying
But growing

Im tired
And getting

Im better
Down here
In the mud

My love is a river that dried up
Just enough to reach the edge

Im better
To have

Im better
To have

Im tired
Of trying
For better

In the mud
Where love
Was a river
I couldn't
Live up to

Where love
Is the river
Of blood
And youth

Dried up
To the banks

Uplift me in scars
Shower me in shame

I will be the man i'm meant to be



My love
And my suffering
Make me

Make me
In the pain

Make me
In the river
Of my love

Dry me out
Make me drown
In the mud
Its a guitar kinda night. Excuse the similar formats this evening.
 Mar 2013 Sam Islo
Jay Bryant
Our shadows kiss, but our lips remain distant
When I feel the warmth of her touch
Her hands dismiss the mist,
Shrouded around my visions
When her breathe brushes against my skin
I sense she’s ordained the light to come in
I’ve become mawkish, susceptible to her voice.
Her pitch, her tone, my chocolate Goddess
The legends had foretold
I lack the ability to sense the severity of the things to unfold
I’ve come to know my stomach is weak, when she speaks
When she abandons me, the light retreats
I drink to subdue these physical pangs
Shipwrecked, but only in my brain
Our shadows kiss in the darkness each day
 Jan 2013 Sam Islo
The mute man spoke
  Without tongue or teeth
The deaf man heard
  Without ear bequeathed
A blind man looked
  But not through eyes
A lame man walked
  But not with thighs

So the hateful will scorn
  Where nothing is wrong
So the child will dance
  Forever- without song
Then we will pray
  Oh! Someone is there
Then we will say
  Why would he care?

Should the artist not paint
  Because nobody sees?
Should the beekeeper keep
  Without any bees?
Can't we just sing
  Even though out of tune?
Can't the church-bell ring
  On Wednesday afternoon?

I've heard the mute speak
  More powerfully than Men
I've been heard by the deaf
  Time and Time again
The blind see me better
  Than anyone with sight
The lame can walk
  With more grace, more might

The tides come in
  The tides will go out
The sun comes up
  The sun will go out
What truly will matter
  When all is said and done
What truly is true
  When steady time carries the gun?
Made a few changes...
 Jan 2013 Sam Islo
Hey flossy! Don’t offer this smile anymore
Mysterious smile torments the heart
That smile raises up the thirst.
If you agree to surrender all your mysterious smiles to me  
In return I will return your love with the usury of love
And with time’s compound interest rate.

If you turn down to surrender your smile
Then know the consequences of it,
Taking incalculable stars as my co – operator
I will abduct the  celestial curve moon on the land.

Hey belle! Don’t turn your face away
Tell me,
You will be the reason of how many wars,
And the cause of scrimmage amongst the juveniles?

If you don’t pay attention to me today
Then know it, You spectacular lady,
In the theater of mysterious smile
I prosecute for the execution
Of your heart snatching smile….
 Jan 2013 Sam Islo
Sajdah Baraka
You see,
I ran out of flower petals about a week ago.
I received the saddest letter of my life that same day.

The end absent of x's or o's.

I can't stand the sight of Cheerios,
because those were his favorite.
And I can't bring myself to throw his old box away.
I guess I'll just save it.

Let it sit on top of the fridge.

My mind won't let him go.
And everything I wear to bed is his.

The possibility of him coming back,
Prevents me from moving forward.
And I swear if I could,
I would rewind time.

And make love to him a little slower.

I wish his mind came equipped with subtitles.
Or instructions on exactly how to love him.

I cared for him, I shared with him, and I adored him.

Exactly in that order.

I still wish that I was it for him.
My heart fit for his.
I wish that he had never stopped loving me.
But I heard that love has no past tense,
So I suppose he never did.
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