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"He calls me a genius, and he actually means it!"
She calls me "empathic," and a "rare bird" at that!
It's all so confusing! When I'm only a misfit
Or so others call me, "the big scaredy-cat!"

Some people are's different as day is from night
But even these two share the same wondrous sky
So too we are different, and never in sight
Of one substance, two souls, without knowing why.

Each time these two meet they simply can't touch
The nearness is maddening, emotions will rush
In morning and evening their sky is too much
The witnessing clouds can do nothing but blush.

The gold in her heart speaks of soft-mirrored fall
The dream--she objects--is not where it starts
But still, she will listen to a heart-whispered call
As both find their haven in each other's hearts.

J. Sandy
 Apr 2013 Sam Hawkins
make yourself smaller

until your problem
            to a size
that doesn't
scare you.
has the right
to be

to make choices
to take a stand
to think

to work for their
own reasons

to value
what they value

to believe
what they believe

everyone has the right
to a life of the body

and a life
of the spirit

even if the crowd
says they don't

even if the government
says they don't

i'll dance in the streets,
cry in them, saying

who god bless
no man curse
I Am Bound Away,
As A Whistle On The Wind,
I Am Bound Away

                  I Am Bound Away,
            In Cold Waters I Descend,
                  I Am Bound Away

I Am Bound Away,
Like The Moon Into The Stars,
*I Am Bound Away
he's coming over

he said he'll bring
the carbon monoxide

because he
hates people

waking up
Carbon monoxide is colourless, odorless, and tasteless, but highly toxic. -Wiki
 Apr 2013 Sam Hawkins
J Drake
 Apr 2013 Sam Hawkins
J Drake
When you realize that you lack nothing,
    Then you will have everything.
Words from my soul
The Stream Bubbled Soft,
Skimming The Sides Of Worn Stones,
The Currents Whisper,
The Secrets Which Forests Keep,
If Only We Would Listen
Nature Is My Savior... What Is Yours? :)
May the stars shine just for you.
May the rainbow display its
Most glamorous colors for you.
May the sun shine golden and,
May the moon embrace you in
Her silver light every night.
May your mirror not lie to you.
May your heart best your mirror.
May your day have room for prayer.
May your sadness leave room for joy.
May your joy leave room for sharing.
May you love the world as well as
You love yourself. And,
May you be an asset of joy to the
World you live in,
And to the next.

- J. Sandy
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