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 Jan 2014 Sam Hawkins
Jewal Myors
Filled with anger and pain
       She moves through the World
destroying the peace of those around her:
     She is disconnected from herself
        and does not recognize that
               what is in her Life
             is her own reflection:

         She is watching her demons
                   come to Life
              on the Big Screen
             and does not know
           these demons are her.

        I struggle to understand and
                    forgive her,
              and it is not easy--
     Her drama has included me in a
                 co-starring role
       which I unconsciously accepted.

    I wish to resign my position and
                    let her be
                the sole actress,
         But the ties that bind me
            are too strong, and are
    keeping this "contract" in place.

    I know the only way to let go
           of this "agreement"
  is through Love and Forgiveness,
     but my stubborn ego insists
on reacting over and over again,
          keeping me trapped
           within the drama:

I pray for Love and Forgiveness
 Jan 2014 Sam Hawkins
Jewal Myors
I remember a time,
not so long ago
when our eyes would meet
and exchange hellos;
when we would talk on
until dawn floated in
and our World was a Haven.

Now we utter
shallow hellos--
without our eyes,
empty echoes
They beckon no more
for loving arms,
They share no more
each other's warmth:

Please touch me again
with those warm hellos,
with those knowing gazes
from years ago
Before I forget
 Jan 2014 Sam Hawkins
Jewal Myors
I remember living among the trees
            for hours upon end
moving and swaying with the breeze,
      energized by their essence.

The trees gave me grounding,    
  without which I had none:
   I floated above the Earth
    like an untethered kite;
aimless, lost, not wanting to be
           in this World.

But I understood the trees,
  and they nourished me
     with their strength
         and flexibility.

   Today, when I am lost
I still go to them for refuge:
        I talk to them
  and they embrace me
   like long lost friends.
 Jan 2014 Sam Hawkins
Jewal Myors
As I sit here, wondering
You turn me into nothing
in your mind--
I am a bad memory
you are trying to erase;
I am just a nuisance,
a gnat at your ear,
and you swat at me
with indifference
to make me disappear...

But I keep coming back for more--
or is it just that I'm still here...
bothering you,
buzzing in your ear--
forcing you to
think beyond your World,
filling you with
thoughts not of your own:
I am an Intruder to your World
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