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Dec 2013 · 320
A Heart In Black Ink
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Walked into the room
Where you were talking
With a friend of ours

Asked if I could talk to you
Your face turned sour
You got really scared

Asked you to hold out your hand
I grabbed my gel pen and drew
A heart in black ink

Your face enlightened
In such a way I hadn't seen in a very long time
And you hugged me so tightly

I told you that I'd have my pen
Waiting for the next opportunity
To draw a heart in black ink

On your hand to remind you
I'd always love you
So that when I wasn't around

You'd be able to smile
Just like I did on the days
You drew one on mine

I turned to that friend
She assured me
That things would be fine

Little did I know
Nothing would be fine
That my pen is still waiting for round 2
Dec 2013 · 897
Joke Napkin
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Wrote a second napkin
Unsure if it ever got to you
Actually wrote this one first
When we were still sneaking
Still talking

Walked into your work
You weren't there
Gave it to a co-worker
Asked her to give it to you
When she got the chance

Talked about backpacks, parking lots, a play on words
Backpacks, how I said I wished I could take you everywhere like a backpack
Parking lots, how we told each other we loved each other lots, but "parking lots"
Just wanted to make sure you still felt that way, so I made a little joke

Goes a little like this

"I heard something about backpacks and parking lots.
Are you still in? Meet me at the * parking lot when the time comes."

After all
We had a covert operation going
Not supposed to talk to me
Your mother said
After the flowers
You claimed to have joy
After the flowers
Dec 2013 · 693
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Wrote you a note
A note on a napkin
15 things I'll always love
About you
Everything I could make fit
It was kind of condensed
But its message was clear
Not sure if you still have it
But I still have a typed copy
Goes a little like this

Front says
"You're wonderful"

Back says
"15 things I'll always love about you"
1. The way you show your love. You go out of your way to do it.
2. Your cute smile. Even with the sad puppy dog eyes.
3. Your strength. You've put up with so much. Especially from me.
4. Your persistence. You continue to stick by me when no other will.
5. Your tolerance. I've been silly. Wacky. Crazy. You still loved me.
6. Your beauty. Cutest girl ever. I didn't deserve you.
7. The memories you have given me. I'll cherish you forever...
8. Your happiness. I miss it. I want you to be happy. With or without me.
9. Your cute mannerisms. The things you've said. The way your eyes look into mine. The way you held my hand. The hugs.
10. The last 9 months. I remember the first time we kissed...I fell so hard.
11. Your humbleness. You always put others before yourself. I admire it.
12. Your support. You've helped me through one of the darkest times of my life.
13. Your mind in general. All of it. Good, bad, whatever. I always come to understand.
14. Your body. You might complain, but it is uniquely yours, and you are amazing.
15. Everything. This list doesn't begin to touch everything I love about you.

They were all so true
I'll never be able to go back on it
I know you want me to
I know you want me to move on
But the napkin clearly said
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
This is the most I can remember of a poem I flushed down the toilet.

Our love is a rose
Every day
For the past few weeks
Our love has been a rose
Deep red with thorns and
Painful to hold onto

Our love is a rose
The greatest flower
It bloomed so beautifully
Except we're bleeding
Holding onto the thorns

Our love is a rose
It's been a wonderful gift
But we cut our tongues
Our mouths bleed agony
The pain of words I can't take back
This is the most I can remember of the poem I physically flushed down the toilet on the night your mother broke us up. This was the gift I told you about giving you, when I took you home from band, the afternoon I pleaded to talk to you. I held onto you for dear life in my car that day, as you cried in such awful agony.
Dec 2013 · 454
Bought You Flowers
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Bought you flowers
Wasn't supposed to
Too late to mend
But bubble of joy
I wonder, was it true?
It gave me hope
Your bubble of joy
That I had one more chance
But I bought you flowers
I wasn't supposed to
Too late to mend.
Dec 2013 · 1.7k
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I am the failed social experiment
Of a US Marine who was abused by his dad
And a Korean woman impressed by a US Marine

I think the only thing I succeeded in
Was forming in a womb
But even that was ****** up, I was premature with a racing heartbeat, an emergency birth?

I say I succeeded in that, but really
I am only the product of a ***** ******* into a ******
That it probably never should have been in

I've been told all my life I'm failed
I fail at this and fail at that, fail over here, and fail over there
Though my recent failures have become more and more substantial

Failed my English course because I was writing about
The love of my life when all of the sudden, she wasn't anymore,
I just kind of took the F instead of writing the **** paper with all the **** pain

Failed at relationships, I either jump to deep
Or jump all over them
Either way I guess I'm destined to jump, like a bipolar love

I am the failed baby
Of a woman who didn't even want it
Because I ******* cried too much as an infant

I am the child of parents
Who decided not to divorce "for the sake of the children"
But really, I probably would have been better off with one out of the two of them

I've failed at everything that matters to me in life
I finally give up.
God, if you exist, please take me home.
Dec 2013 · 234
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Sometimes I wish I could sleep
Forever, so that I could dream
So I could dream the dreams I keep dreaming
So that I could dream of you

Reality has become a nightmare for me
And I just try to dream
Except when I have those dreams
I awake to a nightmare I forgot to expect
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
You've been good to me
But I feel like nothing
Because you made me nothing when I was your puppet, when you tried to live your life through me

You're an ex-marine
But I didn't know that they taught marines
How to call their 4 year old children "babies", when asking you curious questions, when you said to shut up

You've been a police officer for 20 years
But I didn't know they taught police officers
How to tell their 14 year old boys they had a "distorted view of reality"

I still remember when you threw mom against the closet door
She showed me the bruise on her breast that was as big as a softball
I remember the fights you guys had and how you kicked the wall and stormed off in your car

I was like 4 years old when this happened, I could barely see over the window sill in our living room
But I can still remember exactly how it looked when you backed out and sped down the street
"Where's oppa going?", I asked my korean mother... ...all she did was throw me down and beat my bottom...

I was a sensitive child and believe it or not
Even though you and mom tried your best didn't prepare me
You didn't prepare me to handle things...

To handle the kids who would push me around because I was smaller
To handle the other kids who pushed me because my face and skin looked different
To handle every time kids asked me if I knew karate when I was an innocent little 5 year old
To handle being spit on by any one of those kids
To handle love and relationships because you didn't teach me what love really was

To be able to deal with problems in life without freaking out or blaming myself, like when you would throw me in the floor or spank me until I peed my pants...

To be able to love the girl I wanted to spend my life with because even though I decided that I wouldn't do the kinds of things you did...I've ever known in life is what not to do, and when I tried something new, they were only slight variations of everything you did and now she's not coming back

I've ****** up my life now and you're finally mellowing out...
I wish you'd done so 18 years ago

Or maybe not been around
"To my mother, to my father, it's your son, or, it's your daughter;"
"I sit here locked inside my head, remembering everything you said, the silence gets us nowhere, gets us nowhere, way too fast."
"The silence is what kills me, I need someone here to help me. But you don't know how to listen, and let me make my decisions..."
"All your insults, and your curses, make me feel like I'm not a person...and I feel like I am nothing, but you made me, so do something..."
"I'm f***ed up, because you are, need attention, attention you couldn't give-"
Excerpts from
Staind- "For You"
Dec 2013 · 346
But only what not to do
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Why is it
That my whole life
I've been influenced by bad things

Why is it
That when I repeat those bad things
I get judged by one chance

Why is it
That when I finally learn
Is the time where people give up on me

Why is it
That they condemn me and make their final judgements
When I'm running back with the fix

Why is it
That the door slams shut on me
After I finally realize how to walk in

Why is it
That I realized distance was necessary
Just for you to make the distance permanent

Why is it
That your mom said we could fix ourselves
But now you've decided even she was wrong

Why is it
That the qualities you find in her
Are only qualities I found a second too late

Why is it
That the world is so cruel
To give the both of us such horrible lives

Why is it
That the environments we grew up in
Were nothing to teach us what to do

But only what not to do
Dec 2013 · 678
Bad Cartoon
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
The last 19 poems I wrote
In the last 3 hours
Are like a bad cartoon

The first ones are like title cards, intro cards, and short 1-slide segments
The last ones are the meat and potatoes of the show

The pilot of a bad cartoon
Dec 2013 · 329
After All
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I'm dead
I'm dead not because of you
And I've not really blamed you
Though I just read a poem you wrote where you thought I blamed you

Your mother
She's not all that bad
She was just really bad to me,

Kind of like I was bad to you,

She killed me
Like I killed you

But I became
The child
Who gets bullied
Who grows to be a bully

I've made such mistakes
But I need to clear some things

In those two weeks I ignored you
I reflected too

And when I came back
I tried so hard

Not to fix you
But to fix myself

Because as you very well know
I was the broken one all along

Except now that I've fixed myself
You've left me to die

For real this time
So if there's anything I can blame you for

It's for locking me up now
Imprisoning my newly freed me

I still don't blame you though
Even though you stuck with me

Until the moment
I was fixed

That you led me on through the process
But once I got to the finish line

Told me there was no race
After all

I sit now alone with my mind
Wondering if I deserved what I got

If I deserved the threats
The phone calls

Getting the **** scared out of me

But I don't wonder one second

That you deserved anything I did to you
But if only we were left alone

Maybe it would have been different

Except now I don't even know
If I can say that because it sounds like I'm not taking blame

But like I said outside your car window
I've become you

I don't know what's okay to say
Or what's okay to feel

And I won't let someone help me
The way you're letting her

I mean I will and I am
I've found someone who's been through similar

She's really cool and
I've become a great friend with her

But I'll not let myself fall in love
Because I have more respect for you than that

I have more respect than to act like
What we had was a fools game

Because I can read between the lines,
I tried to see both sides

But sometimes thats hard
And it's really ******* hard

I thought you had more respect for what we had
Than to dump me that way

I thought you had more respect for it
Than to jump into something new so fast

I thought you'd at least be mindful
Of what you spent so much time

Making me believe
That you'd be waiting for me

Like I'll always wait for you
After all
I'm sorry.
If you read this, I know that you need to be happy. My heart is so broken though.
I believed in you in those last weeks like I'd never believed in someone ever before.
You didn't lead me on. You led me to believe you'd be my future...
Only to rip yourself away from me at the realization...
That you didn't want someone like me, after all
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
So those last string of poems will be the basis of the contents of my book.

The title will be
"****** Up:
258 Days Between Heaven and Hell, Fighting An Angel With My Own Personal Demons"

I don't think I'll ever live it down.
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
258 days, September
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days,


I've typed well over 3000 words now and it's 3:30 in the morning. I'm sweating and crying. My mouth is dry as cotton. My left pinky is sore because I have arthritis from when I broke it and my wrist hurts because I think I'm developing carpal tunnel. I've been typing for hours. So, let me try this again...


We both got lost in September.
You told me literally every single day that you were unstable.

I felt like the puppet in a play where I'm supposed to be the good guy
But the play is a satire where I'm actually the worst...

I cried a lot. I didn't know what to do. Or if I could help you.
I could see it in your eyes. I could see you tremble. I saw the fear.
I think I told you sorry like 50 times one day I was over.
I saw it in your eyes how sad you were. You weren't happy.

I realized I'd ****** up
But I'm me, and that means I'll just keep ******* up the same old ****
The same old **** over and over and over...
Without realizing it until it's but a second too late.

You asked me to go to the dance with you.
Where would we be right now, if I had simply been able to say yes?
I wasn't strong enough to say yes, sweet girl.
I was broken by a conglomeration...a giant melting *** of the situation and my past.

I had a good time with you at prom the year before.
I told you I didn't. That I was freaking out.
I did have a good time. Except when I was really freaking out was this last September.
You calmed my fears and made it worthwhile.

I still can't even believe I got a girl to come with me for my senior prom.
I thank you so much for that. Even though I kind of ****** it up too.
I can't let myself take it for granted either, what I've done to you.
I know I've ****** it all up.

If I could do it over (I keep saying this over and over, I've ****** up so much)
I would have just said yes and continued to try to figure things out
How to make things better and fix the pain
So that I could be to you what I've always wanted to be for you

Except I just wasn't strong enough in September,
A recurring theme throughout the summer
Wasn't strong enough to be there for you
Wasn't strong enough to be nice to you

So many ******* excuses I made over time
But it was true...I was struggling and my life was hard
But I should have known that the best thing for you and me both
Was to face a fear, where I was afraid of something stupid

If I haven't done things directly,
I've done them indirectly, like...
If I simply wasn't in the situation, no matter what was actually in my control,
None of this **** would have happened to you

This month ended with me calling your mom out (she'd historically been quite mean to me, but how dumb was I to do it on public facebook...)
Another horrid phone call ...

...(my hands hurt too bad to write much about this one, said I all I ever did with you was **** with your head, lied to you, blew you off...)
Myself going crazy, telling you I was horrible, awful, nothing, trash...(sound familiar at all?)

And the ending of our relationship

I think I've effectively hated myself since that night
When you were in my car and I self destructed to you
The same way I remember you self destructing toward me
Except you played no part

Your mom is the one that killed me but
I'd still hug your mom to this day though...and I miss little Andrew so much...
Your mom isn't that bad. She's done a lot for you. Gone through so much...(she made it very clear to me in the phone calls, I'll never go through any kind of pain like she did...)

I don't know what to say about myself anymore except
I'm weak
I'm soft
I'm broken

They say hindsight is 20/20.
If only I'd had a time machine.

Dec 2013 · 723
258 days, August
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days,

Between July and August,
I think I said the dumbest things I've ever said to any organism that breathes, ever.
I went so crazy throughout the summer.
I kept missing Nick.
I told you such horrible ****. I should really just ******* **** myself for what I told you.
I seriously told you I only was with you because you'd probably hurt yourself.
I seriously told you that fair wasn't important.
I threw hissy fits over not hanging out. When it was mostly my fault anyway.
Doesn't that just prove how awful I am
You know, I'll probably treat the next girl to stumble into my heart bad too.
I'm a bad person.
Surely I will, because I'll never get over you, who I called my soul mate...
So how could I treat the next person well?
Instead, to save everyone the trouble,
I should probably just **** myself. Really.
But I can't push myself to do it,
Because that seems like an easy way out of this pain
That's a way out of my pain.
I need to keep living this life I'm in now
I need to keep suffering and dying, without you.
I've convinced myself I deserve it.
My life is so awful, that I consider living normally a form of self harm...

So anyway...

I kind of took Brandon under my wing, as he missed Nick too, even more than I did,
I spent way more time with Brandon, than I did with you.
I'm sorry I did so. He felt so guilty, for not going over there, how he or I could have saved him.

I spent the whole first week of this month out of state too.
Hold on, rewind the tape.
I told you what you were doing was unimportant
Yet I was out of state at a country music festival and that was supposed to be important?
I was so ******* stupid.

It was only then that I realized how ******* horrible I was to you. When I finally started piecing this whole thing together.

I can't blame your parents for jack squat.
I don't blame your friends.
I don't blame that girl you're falling for, that picked you up,
Because you needed picked up.
I still can't believe what I did to you.

Invited you over on my brothers birthday,
I would be moving into my parents house soon, and I wanted you to meet them
You smeared icing on my nose,
I got you back.
My grandparents were there, and things were moderately happy.
At least, okay...

Then I saw the scars on your arm.
Then I lost my cool.
Then when I drove you home,
I drove as if I was dropping you off at the ******* hospital like you were ******* dying
And after I dropped you off
I drove like I was ******* suicidal

It was my fault you relapsed
I'll always blame myself
Because I treated you like ******* ****
And I can't not blame myself.
I can't blame you for anything looking back
Because all I did was tear you up and let you down
I told you it was okay.
You didn't believe me...
Meanwhile I was fuming,
Some because of the promise you made me
But really, because all I'd ever done was **** things up
I can't blame this on your parents.
I can't blame you.

That's August.
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
258 days, July
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days,


I don't know what to say about July, love.
I was so awful to you.
There are things I don't remember about July.
I remember things I told you.
But I don't remember experiencing July.
I turned cold and numb and mean.
I kind of became that old man down the street that won't let the kids
Ride their tricycles down the sidewalk in front of his porch, keeps a gun inside the door.

I turned into such a ****.
And you were traumatized too. I don't know
Why I pretended that what happened in June didn't affect you
As much as it did me.
I guess it was because your parents ****** me

I'm so ******* sorry.
I wish I could take back every syllable I said. Every sound. Every word.
I hope you understand some day. Take all the time you want.
Take years.
Chances are,
I'll still think you're beautiful when you're 70 and frail.
I promise, if you'd let me, I'll come back and date you like we're young again.
I love you that much.
That's a promise I'll keep.
I'll never make such broken promises
That I made to you throughout our relationship
Ever, the ****, again.

Dec 2013 · 1.3k
258 days, June
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days,


First week of June?
Amazing. I'd experienced your body...for real this time. Did more with you than I'd ever done with anyone. That party...

Sister, brother leaving...


Not like it matters, now.
Reminds me. I should probably be put in a straight jacket if you ever get close to me again someday. Like, if you ever decide you can be okay with what I did to you. What I did to you was not okay, though.

June 13th
Hickey #2 ("#3) found
Whoops. We got too caught up in this whole ****** business...
Gauntlet thrown down
My aunt was over with her two children
8:27pm: "Please call us ***-***-XXXX"
Replied 8:35pm: "I can't right now. My aunt and her kids are over...
Lizzie told me she was in trouble during her break. I'm assuming I'm in trouble too? I'm not going to make any excuses this time and I apologize. Its my fault. I can call when my aunt leaves."

Around 8:45pm, my cell phone rings. My aunt and her kids are still over.
I am shaking so badly that I have trouble sliding my finger on the touchscreen to pick up the call.
Some of the call is a blur to me.
I cried so hard.
I shook so hard.
I cramped in places I'd never cramped before.
I was gagging on the phone and it just made them more mad at me.
Around 9:55 the phone call ends.
They told me they were going to take all your clothes off.
They pushed me to admit I'd had *** with you.
I wouldn't admit it.
I wouldn't admit anything except the hickey.
God knows we did more.
But I just hoped that God understood that I never wanted to lose you.
I never wanted to lose you.
They asked for my 18th birthday, so they could mark their calendar as the "day they could touch me"
(Because assault on a minor = felony, assault on adult goes much more easily)
I never wanted to lose you.
That threat alone almost made me **** myself. They threatened to hurt me. Physically. On my birthday.
I never wanted to lose you.
They told me they had expectations for me.
They told me I had to hold a certain GPA, and wouldn't tell me what it was.
They told me I needed to have a certain job, by a certain date, and they wouldn't tell me what the date was.
They told me to "let them take care of that ****", the dates they wouldn't tell me.
They told me I should graduate in 3 years, I forgot about this one...
Claimed "I was smart enough to do it" and that "maybe it would prove I was worth their daughter seeing"
They compared me to Zack W. and how they made him break up with you.
They told me they wouldn't force me to do that but that I'd be sorry for what I did. the end of the phone call though, she had softened up.
After all, I was crying so hysterically...she either pretended, or temporarily understood that I was sorry.
She told Ray I was really sorry.
Ray though, was in the background screaming
"That ****** isn't sorry. He ain't ******' sorry."
When you got home that night,
They took it easy on you.
They didn't actually strip your clothes off.
They told you they were "kinda harsh" on me and that I "took most of it for you"...
The week before, my friend Nick drank himself to death. He essentially committed suicide.
Two weeks later, your mom refused to talk at all about this phone call.
It was sick what she did to me.
I was sick inside. I hated myself. Not to mention Nick invited me over the night he died.
He would be alive had I been there that night.
If I had been there with Nick, he wouldn't have died.
I ended June full of so much guilt. So much confusion. So much pain. I lost a friend. I lost myself.
Dec 2013 · 603
258 days, May
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days,

May was a good month. Our only "good month".
If you can even call it good.
We fell more in love than I would have ever believed.
You made me believe.
I started to believe that the storm was over.
That I could finally write a new chapter with you.
That you could write new chapters too.
You told me you threw away your blades. (To this day, I don't know if you ever did)
You told me you'd love me forever.
I told you I'd love you forever.
We told each other we'd love each other forever.
May was intense.
My feelings for you had never been stronger.
Sweet girl, I wish I could relive May for the rest of my life, that when I'd wake up from it,
It would be the beginning of May again...
I think one week you and I spent every single day together
We were spending a lot of time together
Word on the street though was that your grades had been slipping.
I remember coming over and your mom asking about it
She wasn't really being that mean
I just took it too harshly I guess.
Your parents seemed a little upset that we were spending so much time together.
You needed to focus on your school work, they said.
We did our thing though.
Somewhere in between April and May, a hickey...I gave you one...I had one too
Your mom called me a vampire.
She made jokes about it like every second I was in the car, or in the house (when Ray wasn't there, anyway)
Gave me a little warning not to do it anymore.
So I guess near the middle of May, a hickey appeared on your neck
I'd been making sure not to bite, so I don't know how it got there. Maybe it was just a bruise?
Your mom wasn't so kind this time around.  She warned that next time she was telling Ray. She seemed angry, but seemed to let it slide.
Did I mention I freaked out a little?
I'm overly sensitive.

Going through the rest of May though was bliss with you. We made some more ****** advances...
We just made sure to be careful about them.
Except we weren't ACTUALLY careful.
At all.

I still remember May 24th...graduation day, kissed your stomach. What the **** was I doing?

So that was May.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
258 days, April
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days,

April was unusually cold,
Started out badly
I'd hurt you as March come to a close,
And I know that you tortured yourself over something I shouldn't have been upset about
Not to mention I got upset about even more stupid things
Like what I called your "liberal use of social media"
"neglect of me when I was with you"

I'll have to stop this story too,
Looking back on my choice of words I wonder what the **** I was doing
I had no place to call you out for having friends, or for talking to them
And you'd already done more than enough for me just being with me in the first place
After I pushed so many ******* problems on you.

I mean, it did legitimately hurt, when you were in my arms, but instead of cuddling
Was wrapped up in beating people at Ruzzle
Or trying to beat the level of Flow you couldn't beat the night before
That hurt pretty bad, I put up with it for a couple months...

But in the end all it became was another thing I ****** up for you
Because I took it all way too far
I got so mad at you, you deleted every social media app
You ran away from home,
You peddled 2 miles in the rain, and stopped right down the street from where I was living
And I didn't even have the heart
To walk down and comfort you the way I should have done
I traumatized you so bad, that I'd forever be sorry, for that alone
You kept telling me it was your fault, you kept trying to coax me into believing you were ****
Don't think I don't remember every word spoken in that phone call, when it was pouring down rain that day

I have to stop the story again...
That was the first time that I realized how sensitive you were. While I should have gone about it differently, you self destructed. You self hated. It wasn't ALL my fault. Your past was rough on you. People have hurt you. Your whole life has been such a struggle. You were made of glass and I forgot to label the shipping box as fragile. I broke you. I'm sorry.

Turns out, I was able to glue you back together. At least you led me on to believe...
I tried really hard.

So later in April...
You're over for church.
You seem okay, seem some better
But you had relapsed
After church we went on a walk, down through the sports complex
It was fun, but when we were making out I slipped my fingers up your right arm
I felt the scabs

You got so scared. I'm so sorry. The way you shook in my arms, when you got home...
I still feel the exact sensation of it, on my left side
My arm was wrapped around, and I felt it from my hand to my shoulder, from my shoulder to my knee. You were on my left, and you glanced into my eyes with the saddest look I'd ever seen on your face.
I feel that right now. I feel those tremors.
I looked over and whispered in your ear: "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry"
What good would that do though
You felt so horrible
Plus you wouldn't even let me blame myself for what I'd done
I felt more connected to you in that moment though than I'd ever had before.
I felt your true pain for the first time in my life.

My grandparents ordered pizza that night.
I remember how you and I sat at the kitchen table and you were still shaking.
We talked for 4 hours, love. Four hours.
That day I realized what a monster I'd become. I made you promise to me...
That you would never cut again, if I was with you, or not with you.
If I had hurt you, or someone else had hurt you.
Because I knew that there was a chance of me becoming that monster again.
And I needed you to understand that day, how special you really were.
I needed to show you so that if a day ever came that I lost who I was again,
You'd have the strength to take care of yourself.
I still remember crying on your shoulder.
I still remember the tears you left on mine.
I still remember holding your hand.
I still remember the trust you found in me.

The next part of April went okay.
I tried to build you up.
We started getting more intimate with each other though.
The kissing became heavier...
Hands moved more...
Hugs were as if we were trying to force our bodies to combine into one lone thing that was April
Dec 2013 · 995
258 days, March
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days,

Man, march was two steps forward and one step back for us.
Several things happened in March
Heidi still wouldn't shut up
I think I admitted to you I was having flashbacks of her when I was with you,
I'm sure that didn't feel too great for you. You couldn't blame yourself (did you? I'm so sorry)
There were times when I kissed you I had to stop and look into your eyes
You're beautiful, were then, were now, when I looked, it cured my flashbacks
So that's where the whole thing happened where you were like
"What?" and I told you you were "just beautiful" were just beautiful. So wonderful.
Things going well!
But... ... ...
Second week of March, I come over one evening, stayed till dark
We're allowed up in your room, hooray! You kept the door open so we wouldn't get in trouble
That night,
You had on Chicago the Musical, playing on the TV in your room
In hindsight, the plot is quite clever and I'll probably watch it someday soon as I'm crying over you
Yes, I'm cursed with a memory that good...
I didn't like musicals. I put up this silly front and told you I thought they were too fake.
I was a little mean. I just told you that if you liked musicals though that was okay...
Except it turns out in the future I didn't let it be okay
Anyway, Joanna came upstairs, we just picked another movie...
I'm pretty sure I said "I really would rather not watch a musical, something else would be fine"
Ended up...
Playing Halo with Andrew in between making out
Until I left around 8:15
But I forgot my phone charger there
Came back to pick it up, but this information is insignificant
... ... ...
So third week it is, we go out to see the AYP / AYS Spring Side-By-Side Concert
Just so happened to play selections from Les Miserables
You sung really beautifully
And all my stupid self could do was look at you like I wanted to tape your mouth shut
Leaned away from you a little, you were on my left, I leaned on my right arm
I even remember which row and seats we were sitting in
I remember how you asked what was wrong
I told you "nothing" and I couldn't say more

Sweet girl, I have to stop this story right now because at that moment, I knew very well how stupid it was that I was doing that to you. I realized I got extremely defensive over the stupidest **** in the world, but I couldn't get over my stupid reaction. So I just quit talking. But I was quite bothered. But I couldn't help it. But it was so ******* mean.

Reminiscent of how I treated I did that to you. Heidi would hurt me and I didn't want to hurt her so I just gritted my teeth and told her it was nothing. Over time it got worse and I got angry over the dumbest ****, before I finally gathered the courage to break up with her.

I knew that I loved you exactly as you were, but you got the leftovers from my ****** relations with her and I'm so ******* sorry I did that to you, that I coaxed you to change, that I ruined something that made you happy for you

If I could go back to March I would, I would beat the absolute **** out of my past self for what I did...
Dec 2013 · 516
258 days, February
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days,

Not much I remember as far as specific events
But I do remember the nights and the talks
I was busy telling you I was falling in love
We were talking about the kinds of music we liked
Sharing stories about our pasts
I'll spare talking about the stories about your past you told me
I remember how you said you were bad at texting
But you did pretty well
On and on we went. I remember at least 2 weeks of that month sitting on my grandpa's recliner
Texting you about so many things
Our mistakes. My childhood. Your childhood.
I know I spent some days still bothering you about Heidi too
Everyday she was putting something new up on facebook about how she hated me
How angry she was at me, the things she wrote were horrible
But I was okay because I had you
And she was so mean...
She didn't understand that it wasn't meant to be
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
258 days, January
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
258 days
Are the number of days we were together, sweet girl

January ...
High School Basketball Game
50 texts
50 smiles
So cute
You didn't even mean it
Spleen smiles
Next week
You want me to come over
To help decorate for your birthday party tomorrow
Instead, making out on the porch
"I'm so bad"
... ... ...
I'm sorry, I don't have any gift except for myself
Pop the question
Will you be mine?
There marked day 1
More spleen smiles
... ... ... still get this flashback so clear in my mind, in Ray's chair, Dani was up on the left arm, you and I cuddling in the seat, she looks over and tells us how cute we look

... ... ...
Every other day in that month consisting basically of
Heidi said this
Heidi said that
Help me help me
She's on facebook going nuts about me
I even called her four times for hours trying to calm her down
You told me it wasn't my fault
Our senses of humour blended really well
Spleen smiles all the way
You were my anchor
I fell in love
Dec 2013 · 2.5k
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I fell in love with you at the age of 15, and I remember how I rode my bicycle
The 4 miles across town almost every day that summer, two and a half years ago
How much effort I put in to make the 40 minute ride over, just to come visit you

I remember your friends and they were nice at first, until your best friend Jaina
Thought the word *****, was a part of everyday language and I realized
She wasn't even good for much except putting people down and going outside to smoke

I remember the stories you told me about them and how you said you felt obligated
To take care of them, and that they meant a lot to you, how you loved them
For their silly jokes and shenanigans and just the fact that they were "******* badass"

I remember when Jaina, Miles, and David were over one night I came for dinner
They just walked in unprompted, and ruined the time we had alone
I remember how you all laughed at me when David made a sick joke about my racial makeup

I got up from the table and went to the bathroom to cry that night
Not because I had to go to the bathroom but because you replied to his joke by laughing along
And you even made another joke saying "But he's our token asian"

I remember sitting next to you on your bed when we would watch movies all evening
But I also remember your attitude and the things you called me the whole time
"Asian buddy"

I started noticing things about you I hadn't seen before because my love was blind
Like how badly you treated people, just like your friends did
Like how self-absorbed you were and how quickly you and your friends ego's fell apart

When you realized going to the corrupt Art Institutes for art degrees to make art was probably a bad idea

You were having a hard time finding yourself and what you wanted to do with your life
Because you'd spent all your time in high school thinking you were on top of everyone
I led you on for almost 8 months before I decided enough was enough

I should have left you early on because during those 8 months I tried to change you
Talk to my friends, I talked to them nonstop about you and what I should do with you
I remember how I only stayed because it wouldn't be fair to you for all the work we put in

I'm sorry I hurt you but you hurt me too and as time went by I realized
You weren't even close to someone I wanted to spend any time with
You were nothing I could love, a proven *****
Dec 2013 · 236
Grace and hope
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I took the last 5 minutes
To find some grace and hope

I'll be okay.
Carry on
Dec 2013 · 266
I've changed
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I've become too self aware
To do any of that ****
To you

I've become too self aware
To do any of that ****
To you

I've become too self aware
To do any of that ****
To you
Dec 2013 · 380
I need
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I need you to sit down
And stop blaming me

No I don't deserve to talk to you

Lately I've had an itch
The kind of itch where I keep scratching

Dec 2013 · 876
You Should, You Shouldn't
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
You should hate me
You shouldn't want me
You shouldn't listen to my excuses
Though I listen to yours

"How can I...when my whole life people have told me I'm not good enough"

If I was mean I'd call that a ******* excuse

But it isn't an excuse

It's a horrible circumstance that I know was tough for you

You need to understand that I went through such horrible things

And I know I treated you horribly

But I never did really want you to change

I was only unsatisfied with something I made up in my head

I wasn't satisfied with myself
I'm so upset tonight I can't even structure these things
Dec 2013 · 1.6k
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Do you remember Thursday
When I picked you up from work
You know, the week before homecoming
The last time you were in my car?

Do you remember my state of mind
How ******* crazy I was
After your mother ****** me up
After I lost my mind
Dec 2013 · 422
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Both our views are distorted
You took some things I said the wrong way
Other things I said were just plain bad

There are so many things I need to tell you
But you won't listen to me
It's lovely when people play mind games with someone

It was wonderful what your parents did to me
That wonderful day in June
I almost committed suicide in my grandmother's basement

I made your life hell after that day
**** me

What's really ****** up though
Is how when I told you
It was horrible what your parents did to me

You took it like I said your parents were horrible
But what you didn't see
Was how I tried to respect their crazy antics

Even after they bullied me
More than kids ever could have
When I was beaten up and spit on
Dec 2013 · 467
Sam Conrad Dec 2013

Don't you remember
When I told you you were perfect
That one time, and the other time, and the time after that,
And every Sunday when you came over for church

Don't you know
That I've always thought you were perfect
But my brain was ****** up over ****
That happened before you came along

Don't you know
That I had trouble, when I told you she ****** me up

This isn't finished. I'm so upset.
I love you, god ******.
Dec 2013 · 495
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Sometimes I pray
I pray that you will understand someday that I always loved you
And not for a day did my love for you falter
Regardless of the horrible horrible **** I did to you

Sometimes I pray
You understand I never meant to hurt you but I didn't know myself
I was a mirror image of that ***** that killed me
That I never got to explain that whole story to you

Sometimes I pray
That you will forgive me for the horrible things I said
But that you would recognize the good too
Because I know I told you a thousand times that you were good enough

Sometimes I sit and cry
I don't ******* believe in the god I pray to
I just have to do it so I don't grab the knife
The knife looks so tempting sometimes and it's hard to defer death

Sometimes I wonder
Why you didn't understand that I thought you were perfect from the start
But that I was a ticking time bomb
That last person planted something in me that you couldn't see

I'm so ******* sorry
For every ******* thing I did
I said horrible things I didn't mean.
I ******* swear I didn't mean them

The heat of the moment caught me off guard
I became the horrible stew of my father, my mother,
That awful ***** who kept me trapped for almost 2 years
I ******* hate her now just like you ******* hate me

But she doesn't have a heart
If she does you'd need a ******* microscope to see it
She was never there for me
She always catered to herself

Sometimes, I ******* hate myself
I might commit suicide if I keep thinking about things
All I can do is try to pretend you'll forgive me
Because if you don't

You might see my obituary in the paper someday
Dec 2013 · 212
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Things are moving up
There is no going back
There is no going down
Only going up

But I'm still up
At 4 in the morning
Just like I was last night
Only like the last fifty nights
Dec 2013 · 460
Lost and Found
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
So I found some love
The love that you lost
But I found it and thought
You might want it back

So I picked up the love
The love that you dropped
For it was heavy like lead
That wouldn't let you fly

So I've been saving this love
The love you don't want
I've put it in my heart just in case
You might come back for it someday

Now my heart is so heavy
For it is full of that love
It labours as it beats for you
As it waits for your return

But my heart has no brain
It doesn't know you won't come
Though my brain knows it
I can't tell my heart that you're gone

My heart latched to that love
The love that you lost
I can't take it back out
Though my heart is dying

My heart is like a library dropbox
But I gave you the key
I threw the love in my heart
To keep it safe for your return

I'm not quite sure how
I can rescue my heart
If only you'd come back to it
To take claim to your love

As each day passes by
My heart beats a little slower
It's a calming thing but
Soon the beats will stop
"To survive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to ***** yourself." - George Orwell

"Man is not imprisoned by habit. Great changes in him can be wrought by crisis ...once that crisis can be recognized and understood." - Norman Cousins
Dec 2013 · 2.3k
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I am proud.
I'm proud of you.
While you've just recently hurt me more than anyone I've ever known,
I don't blame you for what you've done.
It was necessary for you.

I am proud.
I am proud of you.
I am proud of you for everything you put up with from me.
I am proud of you for sticking with me until the very end, at least, until you couldn't bear it anymore.
I am proud of you for doing now what you need to do be happy.

I'm not proud.
I'm not proud of myself.
I'm not proud of where I am with you.
I'm not proud of what I've done to you.
I'm not proud that I've hurt the only person I can say I truly know I love.

But I'm here.
Dec 2013 · 290
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
They say that time heals all wounds
But you'll always have scars

They say that we learn to get over things
But we never forget

This poem will go unfinished
Though it has a lot of potential

Maybe time will let me write
A good ending to this poem
Dec 2013 · 16.9k
Why I Adore You
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Sometimes I wonder why I adore you.
You probably wonder why I adore you too.

Some people might say something like,
It's because I like the way the light hits your face and your hair is perfect even on bad hair days.
It's because you're so beautiful.
Every inch of you is gorgeous.
Your body is magic.
I like when you put your hands in all the wrong places.
You're the perfect height for me to kiss your forehead.
That your lips are nice too, and you're a perfect kisser.
That your smile is flawless.

Or maybe it's really because,
I relate to you better than anyone else on earth...
You're beautiful on the inside. If I could only have you back in exchange for going blind...
Every inch of you is gorgeous, but the person inside of you is what I can't let go of...
Your mind is the real magic, you were never just a pretty face to me...though your face is very pretty.
I like more when we had intellectual talks about things, so much more than the ******...
That while I love the taste of your lips,
I don't need them to survive...
That I can see the pain behind your smiles, but I see the joy in the real ones too...

I adore you because I love all of it.
In one view, you are only a lover...
In another view, you're the best friend I've ever had...
I'd do anything to have you back in my life again...
Back in my arms again...
Because I'd take you as a sister if I had to...
I'd stay away from your lips, though, I'd wrap you up in my arms, for you deserve the warmth,
Because you deserve as many hugs as you can get...and
I'd kiss you on the forehead because you mean something to me, and I'd pretend it's nothing more...

I love you.
I need you.
I want you.
I miss you.
I'm sorry.
I'll do anything.
I'll climb mountains.
I'll be waiting until the day I die for you.
If only you would see...
That I'd still come visit you
When you're out on your own,
Or someday when you're with your husband,
That I'd hide all my pain,
If you'd only let me back in...
Because I love you.
I love you with the kind of love I'll never be able to explain to you.

I don't have to wonder why I adore you. I cherish you more than anything, for good reason.
But you surely don't feel the way you used to, anymore.
I'm sorry. I'm a wreck.
In one way, I'm getting better. I'm closer to my friends. Keeping in touch. Having more fun.
Until I come home and cry myself to sleep.
I think I'm just crazy.
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Tell me whatever you want.
Tell me you've moved on.
Tell me you love her.
Tell me you can't handle me.
Tell me you can't handle the thought of me.

Build yourself up but throw me in jail.
Lock me up, let me be your biggest fear, do not think or speak of me.
When all I want to be is your teddy bear, I learned to be a teddy bear.
Your teddy bear, that's all I want to be.
Quiet and still, to be your teddy bear.
Dec 2013 · 277
It's Like I Killed Someone
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
It's like I killed someone,
The person I loved more than anything,
The girl I wanted to be with forever.

It's like I'm a murderer,
I murdered her feelings and soul,
So now she's building a new one with someone else.

It takes a while for a dead soul to come alive again,
I don't know why its any surprise to me,
That she wants nothing to do with me anymore.
I went through a lot too. She didn't **** me though. I killed myself, with some help from others.
Dec 2013 · 350
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Don't bother.
Don't bother to care.
Don't bother to care enough to talk.
Don't bother to care enough to talk to someone like me.
Don't bother to care enough to talk to someone like me who will love you regardless of what you say.
This line is missing.
This line is missing.
This line is missing.
Don't bother.
It seems I only understand the kind of values that come in children's math books.

"With walls built up around us, the bricks make me nervous...they're only so strong though, yes, they're only so strong though"
Death Cab For Cutie - "Home Is A Fire"
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
So I've got this story...
And it goes a little something like this-

There's a girl that I hurt really bad on way too many occasions that I love more than anything. Pretty much everything I write on here is about her. She became the love of my life, and I told myself she was the one I wanted to spend my life with. Except I was a ****. She was going somewhere to an event that lasted 2 weeks and was really important to her and let's just say I ****** it all up really really bad. She made a lot of friends there and it was a great experience for her, kind of like camp is for some people, how boy/girl scouts are for some people, and she learned a lot there, and had lots of fun too. I was so horrible to do what I did.

At least we're young though, and there's still time to grow...right? I'm only 18, she's almost 18, and we both have lives to live ahead of us. I feel like I need her though. She treated me perfectly in our relationship. I mean, looking back, there's nothing I can fault her for, at all. I just got ****** at stupid crap that doesn't even matter.

Except, she's into somebody else now and probably thinks I'm no good for her. She doesn't talk to me anymore. Anyway, I'm rambling, I haven't gone to bed, I took a bunch of pills, am getting sick, and it's 7 here goes. This story is somewhat censored, though.

"The Worst Weeks of Our Lives"

I met this girl and she became the love of my life. She took me places I'd never gone before and her and I fell in love like some people wouldn't believe. Ask my friends. Ask her friends. No, her friends probably wouldn't admit to it anymore. But I choose to remember the things they said. Kids were like totally rooting for us all day every day. We were so perfect. It was great.

So with a few mistakes here and there, (mostly me...all me, really) we realized we weren't perfect. But it didn't hamper out love. Nobody is perfect, right? We realized that. Overcame.

But then, we went too far. Her parents drew lines we weren't supposed to cross. Oopsies. Her mom really put me in my place. I'll just leave it at that. Asked me when my 18th birthday was, so she could mark her calendar as the "day she could touch me". Told me I was a liar. Husband in the background drunk and screaming, as usual. Except screaming "that ***** ain't sorry. He ain't ******* sorry, ******* ******* marking up my ******* daughter I can show him how to be ******* sorry"

Lots more. I'll go crazy if I speak the rest. It was a hickey on her neck. We didn't do much more.

I got really scared. I mean, they were brutal. I wasn't used to that kind of brutal. Psychotic levels of brutal. All of the sudden I became numb. I stopped being so intimate with my girlfriend. They told me not to come around their house anymore. I started doubting myself. If I was any good for her. She cried and cried. Told me how sorry she was. For getting us in trouble, and for what her parents did. But it wasn't her fault. After all, I am the vampire that bit her neck.

After a few weeks, her parents dropped it completely. I didn't though. I was so traumatized. I'd been getting flashbacks. Nightmares. So scared, I was. I kept avoiding her, not only her parents. I mean, I didn't have a car anyways, so the only place I could go to see her was at her house. She reassured me I was allowed. But with no contact with her parents since the phone call that changed my life I was reluctant.

This was around 2 months before she was going to go to a 2 week event. A special event to her. One I'd even wished I'd gotten involved in. Really, I did wish. I just missed the application deadline. Throughout the next two months, we grew more and more distant. I was harsh on her. I hurt her. I'd get mad at her and then call her and talk to her until 3 in the morning. I made her hate herself, and then she felt bad about me feeling sorry too. "You always force yourself to be nice to me just so I feel better, but I'm ****, I'm trash, I'm nothing, I'm so sorry" she would say. Most of the time, she didn't even do anything wrong. One of my best friends died at the same time her parents killed me inside, I spent all my days sleeping and crying and when I wasn't doing that, I was getting angry at her (and quickly regretting it), manufacturing conflicts that were completely unnecessary. Not to mention I'd had health issues, and my parents kicked me out of my house a few months beforehand.

In the time before she left to her special event, I really tore her up. I said the dumbest things I've ever said to someone in my life. I'd never even said such dumb things to even an object, or myself. Why I would say them to a girl who saved me from suicide (I was very unstable and depressed when coming out of a bad relationship, and getting kicked out of home) and why I said it all to someone I wanted to spend my life with I'll never know.

The dumbest things I'll ever say to anything that breathes in my lifetime. I told her one night that the "only reason I was still with her was because if I left she'd hurt herself" (she had a history of self harm, even though she's the sweetest girl I've ever met) and another night I told her "If only she were going somewhere important I'd understand" and lots of other insensitive and selfish things that I can't even believe came out of my mouth. I mean, the whole basis of it was that her and I hadn't spent much time together (really because of my own selfish fears) and I was going all *** on her testosterone-fueled-rage style for days over and over and over.

Don't I sound like a horrible person? I was. I was horrible to her. As much as I hate to say it, I'll probably make similar mistakes again someday - It's like relapsing - but I'll make every effort I can to learn from my horrible past and never be that person again.

So when she went to the event, I was with my grandparents out of state and I downloaded my favorite sad playlist (Staind, great band) to listen to on the trip.

Yes, seriously. I told her that stuff and called her event unimportant and then I went away too. How stupid I was for what I said. I should have been slapped or something.

A day or two after I'd left, I realized how stupid it was of me. For the whole thing. That whole time. That whole span, those two months where I not only neglected her, but emotionally ****** her.

There's a song called "Tangled Up In You" that has the most wonderful and intimate lyrics and I listened to it and sung to it over and over and over late into the morning (I'm talking 3-4 in the morning) every night for like 10 days and along with a song called "Right Here" by the same band. I cried myself to sleep so extremely ashamed of what I'd just done to her.

I knew I was wrong, but what I didn't know was that she was crying her eyes out wrapped up in (someone else)'s arms at that event...
I didn't know she was getting all kinds of love and support.
I had no idea...not that it was bad, it was good because she needed it.

But it got her to thinking about me, what kind of person I was.
When we both got back, I started making more of an effort to spend time with her and go out of my way to talk to her, make her happy, and basically, stop being such a ****.
Except she just got confused and conflicted because she was numb and falling out of love, because I was nothing that anyone should love, to her, over that prior time.

Her mom broke us up about a month later, after know what, I'll just leave that bit out...
I told you how the first phone call went. The phone calls I got from her and her husband in the end were just so much worse. I don't even want to think about them. I went into convulsions and kept dropping the phone.

I went back to these two songs to help keep my sanity and I belted out "Tangled Up In You" every day in my car... so loud I was losing my voice.

I'd had some communication with her, surprised her at her work one night, bought her flowers, wrote her my true feelings on some napkins, showed up when she got out of school one day, when she was deathly afraid, and surprised her with a smile and drew a heart on her hand...

Her and I were on the same page. She still loved me. She was just hurt. I still loved her. I was just trying to make up for the compromised mental state I spent so much time in. I had compromised hers too. I needed to get her out of it. She told me she would wait for me. That we were in a speed bump, that it would all be okay.

So some weeks passed, a month, and she still had my back. As strong as ever. Her parents found out I bought the flowers. They found out I'd been talking to her. But...

Knowing she still had my back, that she still loved me, and that she would wait for me...she called what her mom did (in breaking us up, in our break) a "speed bump"...I was okay with it. I mean, I really wanted to be a part of her life, but man, her parents HATED ME! (In retrospect, probably with good reason. Shame on me for the things I did to her. Really.)

We had some major issues (mostly due to my inability to shut my stupid mouth) and I decided that maybe some time to ourselves to focus on ourselves and think was a good thing. She could focus on loving herself again and I could focus on becoming a better person.

I mean, when her parents found out her and I were still talking to each other after they broke us up, they blocked my number on her phone, went to my church and made up extra stories to my pastor, (told him I'd came and banged on their door at one in the morning one night), when I called to apologize to them they didn't pick up, called me back later to cuss me out and hang up on me, logged into their daughters facebook account and blocked me, then told their daughter that I had called them when she was sleeping and cussed them both out, and that she was to have nothing to do with me again. They threatened legal action against me, too. Tried to make my life hell. They didn't want me around their daughter, ever again. A blind rage that went on for a very long time until every communication route was blocked.

She went to school and told her friends the false stories her parents told her, and her friends already didn't like me...I mean just look at what I had done wasn't good. Not for me, anyway. Also her. She felt duped. Used. By her parents. She didn't know who to trust or what was real. Everyone was telling her how horrible I was.

I got a chance to talk to her one day. We talked for hours, face to face. Sat in the cold and talked. It was an amazing talk. We caught each other up completely on our lives. We talked about our love. Our past. Our emotions. All of them. Good and bad. But we told each other we'd always love each other. She stuck by me, and also reassured me that she always would. I left that conversation feeling so secure. The most I'd felt since way before I'd become a total **** to her. When her and I were so deep in love.

She's always wanted to go far away from college. She told me stories of her past and what her parents did to her, what she did to herself that were not good. Not good at all. She wanted to get away from her parents.

Meanwhile I was so caught up in the feelings she gave me when I was in her arms, I almost couldn't handle the fact that she wanted to leave. I pleaded for her to stay, in a time that her and I were both unstable and it was already taboo that we were even on the same property. But still, she said "she wanted to stay" because her and I work so well together...when we work together, that is, and I and her were both determined to work together. I told her I would do anything for her. In all of it though, I told her that the decision was in her hands and I would still love her the same if she left, and that I would wait for her. Because I loved her more than anything.

After that talk, things got quiet. I guess, too quiet. I was legally bound to stay away from her. I talked to someone she worked with and asked them to tell her hello for me. I thought though, we were on good terms following the talk, I thought she'd be elated to hear from me.

She never responded.

One day, a couple weeks later, she told me I really needed to get over her. That she didn't love me like that anymore. She told me she'd been falling out of love since the summer, and she'd gone crazy and needed space. She said she wanted to be friends, but no relationship. No relationship anymore. She said she couldn't handle it. She said she couldn't handle a relationship in general.

She made that message a bit accusatory. I'd been talking to two friends, one who I'd known for years and a new one I'd just made. Both overlapping friends with hers. Those two helped keep me sane.

She started that message with "I heard you've been messaging my friends, and to be honest, I haven't had the heart to message you back." She repeated multiple times that I needed to get over her. She told me that it wasn't anyone else's influence too. She even listed people. People who'd separated us. Hurt me. Hurt her, in a way, but encouraged her in others.

At the same time, she blocked me on facebook again. She had unblocked me when she found out her parents did it for her. Odd though...I thought she wanted to be friends. I mean, it was like the only way I was able to have her in my life at all. To read her facebook posts and her read mine. To have discussions with friends. We have a lot of overlapping friends.

Man, she killed me. One second I thought she was my soul mate and the next I was in the bathroom puking my guts out because she was telling me we'd never be together again.

So fast forward to today...I still love her. And she's basically in a relationship with someone else. She's also either on the fence about her sexuality, or decided she doesn't like boys anymore. I feel bad about that too. Its like I ruined male relationships for her. It's only been a few weeks since she told me I needed to get over her. She doesn't talk to me anymore. I go to high school events even though I graduated last year just to see her. When I don't approach her, she ignores me. I'm just another person in the room. When I do approach her, she has such a scared look on her face. She doesn't want to talk to me, but she can't be mean to me. She's falling in love with someone else and she's getting happier. She doesn't need me showing up everywhere just to depress her.

Yet I keep bothering her. Because I'm a sucker for her. I can't help it. I love her. I want her to be my future. But at this point I'm grasping at straws. So hard. I shouldn't be trying anymore. But I'll end up trying until the day I die. And only then will I stop believing in her and I. I know it's a pipe dream. But I'll hold onto it. Because it's the only thing I have left of myself now.

Last night, (I mean, right before I wrote this around 5 AM, it is now 8 AM) I played those two songs again. I forgot they were at the end of my playlist and I started shivering and crying my eyes out. I got chills. I got so cold. The tears just ran. They ran down my face faster than I've cried in a long, long time.

I'm only okay right now because I took a bunch of pills. Pills that have this kind of effect on me. They make me kind of numb. Kind of happy. Upper and downer both.

That's pretty much, my sad ending to a sad story.
I'm living the kind of life that only people like Shane Koyczan know how to explain to people.

Ironically, she loves Shane Koyczan.
I do too.
We grew up in broken homes and lived broken lives until we found each other.
Then we broke each other.

But she's falling for someone else, because I wasn't what I should have been to her, and she knows
But she doesn't believe in me anymore, the way I believe in her...because I wasn't what I should have been to her, and she can't hold onto me when I'm a 50/50 chance, of bringing her down again.
If only she would let me hug her again, kiss her one more time...I could die happy, knowing I poured all my heart and soul out into that last kiss.
But I'm a gamble. And she can't put her heart out on the line for someone who wasn't always good to her. She used to call me her "sweet boy" and she still tells me I'll always be her "sweet boy", but the fact of the matter is, it doesn't cut it to only be sweet s
I needed to write this. I've been going crazy. I told her I needed to talk to her but she's been avoiding me. If she reads this, I know its hard for her. There are more explanations I need to give her, I hope she will let me speak to her someday. I've found out a lot about myself in just the last few weeks. Stuff I don't talk about in this story. To you, my dear...if you read this, I'm sorry. I know it's tough. Its very tough. But look at the positive, dear. I'll keep living. Maybe I'll be okay someday. Your happiness is what matters to me. If you're happy, I'll keep myself going. I'm going to go to sleep now. Finally, I have some peace.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
How We Learn To Be
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
How we learn to hate ourselves-
Some of us never do anything wrong, we are innocent souls
Taking punishment we don't deserve, whether it be neglect or abuse or misfortune
It happens when we're supposed to be growing, hitting milestones, but instead
We can't comprehend all of the things happening to us
When our fathers leave us
When our mothers abuse us
When there's no food in the house except the kind of plants you're (not) supposed smoke
That only occasionally make their way into the brownies
That you can't even eat

How we learn to hate ourselves-
Some of us make mistakes when we're older, but we're still goodhearted
But we'd just gone through some of the above, we had it really rough
We learned to like it rough and we learned to be the neglect or abuse or misfortune
It happens when its all you've known
When you feel guilty for making someone cry
When you've got a friend in need and you don't know how to care because nobody cared for you
When you tell someone else your problems are bigger than theirs and all you can think of is
That you just made their problems bigger than yours
And you can't live it down

After we learn to hate ourselves-
Some of us deliberately commit our mistakes as if we're addicted to the sadness and conflict
We become mirror images of the people we said we never would be and don't even realize it
We get the attitude of "Whatever if you hate me because I don't love you anyway"
We learn to push our loved one's buttons on purpose just like people pushed ours
When it happens we become their burden
Like when I told someone "I'm only talking to you right now because if I wasn't you'd be hurting yourself"
When you make someone else feel completely insignificant just because they misunderstood
Something stupid you mentioned
That you crush them completely

But only sometimes
Do we realize
How we learn to be
The monsters we become
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
So I originally wrote a rather harsh poem in that last poem
And its still rather harsh by my eyes
Like I'm so paranoid and I'm so unable
To be mean to you or be upset with you anymore
And I keep crawling to you saying
"No hard feelings" and
"I just want to be friends" (because thats what you say you want but then again I'm blocked on your facebook, blocked on your phone and ignore me in public until I come up and bother you)

That line was too long. It took up two.

I'm rather stupid.
This isn't even a poem.
Dec 2013 · 305
Love Me, And...Hopelessly
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Love me, and I'll love you

No, wait. I don't want to say that.

How about

I'll love you unconditionally like I said I would

And you can do whatever you want with me

I'll always believe in you.

Dec 2013 · 705
Echoes In My Mind
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I'm beginning to forget the sound of your voice
But your words still echo in my head
When you pleaded with me
Pleaded and pleaded with me
At 2 in the morning
If we could just go back
If we could just go back to what we were when
We were so happy
But I told you no
That I couldn't handle it
And I was really stupid, so so stupid

Now I'm the one pleading
And you don't even listen
Or apologize
You just don't answer

I'm in the dark alone and I'm scared
While you're outside
With a padlock on the door
That keeps me chained up in your mind
And you're meeting new people
You met her
She sounds amazing

I hope she's everything to you
I hope she's everything I couldn't be for you


Echoes in my head
They won't leave me be
I need help but I also need you
I know you're not mean
I know you're kind
I know you're an amazing girl, an amazing young woman, and you'll accomplish amazing things

But I want to be there
I want to see it
So bad, so bad...

Dec 2013 · 549
River Of Words / Drought
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Sometimes I'm a river of words
Sometimes I flow with logic and wisdom and knowledge
Sometimes I flow with emotions both good bad, sad, happy, glad and mad (I'm sorry)

But sometimes

Sometimes I'm a drought
Sometimes I am all dried up and I don't flow
Sometimes I **** all the plants and all the life and any chance of living and happiness
Dec 2013 · 370
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
They say water is important
You were important to my survival
You were my water.
You provided me with the water
The water I needed to live

But now in the age of twenty-thirteen
You only left me with "what"?

Dec 2013 · 343
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
Put me together
Tear me apart
Put me together
Tear me apart
Put me together
Tear me apart

Just like you'd do a puzzle
Its okay
Seriously, its okay
I'm a puzzle okay
I'm a puzzle
Only you can solve me now
I know all my pieces
I know how I need to go
But I am only a puzzle
And I can't put myself together
So please do it for me

Put me together one last time
And then you can walk away

Please don't throw me at the wall
Like you did last time

Please don't kick the pieces under your bed
Someday its gonna get dusty under there and you'll see me again

Put me together
Tear me apart

I am only a puzzle.

Dec 2013 · 310
Promises and Statements
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I made some promises
That I'd love you forever
That never leave your side
That I'd never betray you
That you'd always be my best friend

I made some statements
That you were the love of my life (actually, you made that one first, you really pulled me in with that one)

...why should I even finish this poem
- I love you. I did leave your side though. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It opened a window for you to find someone better though. I'm glad.

I say I'm sorry too much. I've become you. Sad you. The sad you that I created. I'm sorry god ******, I'm sorry.
Dec 2013 · 391
3 month rule
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
There was something about a 3 month rule
I vaguely remember
You broke it for me
You broke it against me
You broke me
I will be very vague
I feel betrayed
I feel a lot of things
But I'm a horrible person, at least, in the way I treated you
So I deserve it
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
I love you
But I'm giving up now
I'm giving up on myself and my ability to love you
Since you gave up on it and I can't help but trust you
Because I trusted you

I love you
But I think I'm done trying now
It hurts me so much when you ignore me
That I don't even know why I bother you because I know I probably bother you
Because ...I love you

I love you
But I don't love myself anymore
Its crazy because I loved myself only a month ago but I've learned more about myself since then
Now that I see what I did to you I don't even think I'm worth your having anymore
Because I hurt you

I love you
But I don't know how to love you
I think I do now but only how I should have before and not how you'd like me to now
By "moving on from you" and becoming "happy" again because I don't know how to
Because I promised you

I love you
But you gave me your happy
I drained you of your happy but its okay now because you've taken it back and
You're happy now and I'm sad just like I was before I met you and that's a very good thing
Because I want to see you happy
- I'll love you forever. I don't know how to stop. I hope I'm okay someday.
Dec 2013 · 819
Sam Conrad Dec 2013
   are    you    
   to          think      
its           okay  
to  ****
   does    it
  mean         to
really              try
  to        understand    

      do       I  
   go             to
get               help
for            these   
          are    my
           eyes         full
         of           liquid

do   you    
expect   me    
to                 get
over           my
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