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Do it to african musk.
Roll it like finely carved dust.
Hold it like dynamite just.
When angels fall, damage must.
Together bind it with trust.
Yet time goes on without rust.
 Aug 2016 Sally Tsoutas
sometimes I just
need the comfort
of knowing that
you are there

knowing that you
are waiting and
listening for
me; always there

even if you
are actually
half the world
away from me

you are waiting
for me, always
ready to guide
*from my back pocket
dedicated to a wonderful friend
much love
 Aug 2016 Sally Tsoutas
it's been three hours since
i even thought about trying to find sleep
in this muggy room that swirls with my own hatred
and the wind is still tapping
its gentle fingers against my window
and it's dark outside but
at this point I think I've accepted
the fact that sleep will not
be visiting me tonight.
here I lie exhausted and uncomfortable
hoping that if I wish hard enough
maybe my dreams won't be
so afraid of me
 Aug 2016 Sally Tsoutas
as an alternative to makeup
having bloodshot eyes really
brings out the twinkle
in your iris

as an alternative to whispering
sweet nothings to each other
in the darkness, scream
hatred at the sky
based on a tweet from a friend, only added one stanza, may still add to it
 Aug 2016 Sally Tsoutas
smoke catching the back of your throat
me with my tea and you with your coat
a sleepy town in a valley of clouds
up here, you can hear every sound
blissful happiness
He had drifted in among us as a straw drifts with the tide,
He was just a wand'ring mongrel from the weary world outside;
He was not aristocratic, being mostly ribs and hair,
With a hint of spaniel parents and a touch of native bear

He was very poor and humble and content with what he got,
So we fed him bones and biscuits, till he heartened up a lot;
Then he growled and grew aggressive, treating orders with disdain,
Till at last he bit the butcher, which would argue want of brain.

Now the butcher, noble fellow, was a sport beyond belief,
And instead of bringing actions he brought half a shin of beef,
Which he handed on to Fido, who received it as a right
And removed it to the garden, where he buried it at night.

'Twas the means of his undoing, for my wife, who'd stood his friend,
To adopt a slang expression, "went in off the deepest end",
For among the pinks and pansies, the gloxinias and the gorse
He had made an excavation like a graveyard for a horse.

Then we held a consultation which decided on his fate:
'Twas in anger more than sorrow that we led him to the gate,
And we handed him the beef-bone as provision for the day,
Then we opened wide the portal and we told him, "On your way."
They never gave a ****.
A silhouetted master plan,
A shadow of a man,
Summons a feeble grasping hand.

A grip that's none too tight,
Sand slips through fickle fingers' sight.
Hour glasses and tricks of the light.
The hand of time, immovable might.

Despite of

Inspite of?

Rivers and oceans in our minds
Defy, turn the tide, divide.
Ox bow truths and eroded lies.
Mountain streams serenade the blind.
And those unwilling to see.
Blinkered to the plight of man.
Banned from the light of eternity.
Pills and rocks
Take them to
Not feel tired anymore
....If only

Diamonds like ice
broken glass
Cut cold

Age gathers bold.
Not so pretty
When it melts;
I long for, I long for
Choosing something else
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