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Total, unrelenting, inescapable darkness.

The shadows of doubt pour in around you. Encasing you. Like your cold tomb.

Breath is haggard.

Wheezing. But the passion keeps you alive.

The numbing cold seeps in. The huge weight hovering over you, Kept at bay by merely a barrier of oak.

But it's not just you. Dozens, maybe hundreds of souls, Encased themselves in the darkness,

Just like you. All in a row with you. Less than six feet away, there are people still free, Who do not have to endure the darkness.

Yet. But it the end, they all end up the same.


Just like you.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Charles Bukowski
don't undress my love
you might find a mannequin:
don't undress the mannequin
you might find
my love.
she's long ago
forgotten me.
she's trying on a new
and looks more the
than ever.

she is a
and a mannequin
and death.
I can't hate
she didn't do
I only wanted her
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Dominique Roche
We were once skating and
then the lake contained you
within, as if you were to blame
for keeping it frozen solid.
please give credit where credit is due. for more of my poetry visit
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Jeal Dorsey
Like a beer can crushed on a boozed up frat boys head,
It hurt
Even though I said it didn’t
Even though I pretend I’m invincible
Even though you all think I’ve mastered this
I haven’t
It hurt
Like a teeny tiny paper cut from a loose leaf sheet it paper,
It burns
Even though you can’t see the scar
Even though it happens to people every day
Even though I didn’t even know it happened until it was over
It wasn’t over for me
It burns
Like the eyes of an innocent bystander the first day of pollen season
It stings
Even though I’m used to the pain
Even though I should have seen it coming
Even though I’ve been taught how to prevent it
I let it slip my mind
It stings

I am a stubborn creature
I do not learn well from others mistakes
I guess hindsight really is a *****.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Miss Misery
In someone's warm embrace is where the darkness begins to lift off.
Letting the caged heart breathe again.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Cassandra Watson
Whatever shall happen, shall happen
Whatever will be, will be
In the grand tapestry of the universe
Everything that has been done
Is being done
And will be done
Comes with certain intentions
With these intentions, we shall either rise or fall
For every cause has its consequences
And every effect is with reason
The only offer we are given
The only thing that can be done
Is a choice
Is our choice
To alter the fabric of reality
To make a difference
Whether good or bad
But all must be done in caution
All must be done with a bit of uncertainty
For the slightest decision
For The verdict being made
Can change everything
Can alter all things minimal or grand
It is a jump
A chance
To fly or to fall
But it must be done with no fear
No holding back
Once the choice is made
There is no turning back
Once the pattern has been made
Into that giant, beautiful, complex drapery
It is forever imprinted
As is his faith in you
As is his trust
For that choice shall never be forgotten
It will forever be etched into time
Forever imbedded within his mind
So what choice will you make?
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Funny how we woke up in the morning
and pretended that tomorrow never happened—
strutted naked in mirrors celebrating our youth,
laughing, knowing suns and moons couldn’t do the same.

We borrowed our arms from the fridge
and peddled bicycles with bad breath—
trading war stories ‘cause we knew
if we came back alive
life would still be the death of us.
 Feb 2013 Sadie
kara lynn bird
Artistically determined to create
homemade valentines
cut with precision
like your lips
meeting mine,
saturated with color-
of all things bright
wishing on stars
with each letter I write,
painting soft lines
like my fingertips
meeting your collar bones
If only I wasn't alone
We could kiss
and create
A homemade valentine of our own.
 Feb 2013 Sadie
Lord Byron
She walks in beauty, like the night
     Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
     Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
     Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
     Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
     Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
     How pure, how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
     So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
     But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
     A heart whose love is innocent!
 Jan 2013 Sadie
I was sitting on a train with my pad and a pen, trying to write a poem. I had no title, but I had written down the first line

...I was sitting on a train with my pad...

A man sat opposite me.
After a minute or so of scanning his paper and throwing cursory looks in my direction
he enquiried "What are you writing?"

"I'm trying to write a poem about a man trying to write a poem on a train
who gets asked by a stranger 'what are you writing'.

"Can I be in it?", asked the stranger opposite.

"You already are", I replied.

The train pulled out of the station.
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