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 Mar 2013 Sadie
Jessica Giles
You were my everything.
And now you are someone else's everything.
And I'm sure you'll be another's everything after that.

I'd like to kick you...but really what would that solve?
Matters of the heart cannot be dealt with violence.
One must just **** it up and tell their heart to just forget he ever existed.

The universe just won’t let me forget.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Joanna Stauder
I remember the first time
I thought you were beautiful.
I also remember
the first time I told you so.
You looked at my crazy,
said, "Jo,
that's not something
you tell your boyfriend."
But what you didn't get
was that I wasn't talking
about your face.
I was talking about
remember when you told me
you didn't believe
in souls?
And I thought
How strange,
for him not to believe
in the masterpiece
he contains.

But I didn't say so.
Instead we talked about
the god you don't
fully believe in
and the hell
I don't think exists.
How could something
who made us out of love
condemn us, especially those
with such beautiful
remember when I told you
I was going to leave?
You sat down
and cried with me,
showing the emotion
I rarely saw.
And I'll admit,
I still don't feel
like "here" is "home."
And you still question God
and I still dismiss Hell
and you still
don't believe in souls.
But I do.
And God knows
that I'd go through
Hell and back
for yours.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
James Nealon
 Mar 2013 Sadie
James Nealon
You can sing to me songs of heartfelt camaraderie,
but until I feel the true pain
of your tears upon my shoulders,
I will not know anything of you.

You can hold me in your arms, strong and wonderful,
but if I do not know your
weaknesses, your sorrow,
how do I know

Weep with me, share your pain
with me and I will be
yours far past the
horizon of the
next dawn.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Tamara Allen
your breath, staccato
in my ear. i wonder if
i have broken you.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
S Jacobson
Your storm enraptured my every being
I was stolen by lust and desire
Suddenly my world was surrounded
I thought I’d never tire

The fall was delightfully fast
So easy you were to love
Your crooked, child-like smile
Simply second nature to succumb

The world was twirling around us
We were lost, a hopeless mess
Then suddenly, as fast as you arrived
You had vanished.

Next the mockery of your absence
The torment of your face
The reality of your deception
My mind simply could not erase

Such a heavy load of pain
Such a dark cloud above
How could it all stem
From such a naive feeling of love

Yet in this moment, I stand
Almost one year, to the day
Since your storm took hold
And lost me of my way

I will never forget your words
Your soft touch, your lovely face
I will never let go of the art
Together our bodies made

Now I have put you in a cupboard
Tucked you in the storage of my soul
I have only shaken love’s hand
I am eager to acquaint myself more.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Jordan Kit
I have a new poem,
I just have not written it,
Since I have not
Come up with the words yet.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Rabia al Basri
In love, nothing exists between heart and heart.
Speech is born out of longing,
True description from the real taste.
The one who tastes, knows;
the one who explains, lies.
How can you describe the true form of Something
In whose presence you are blotted out?
And in whose being you still exist?
And who lives as a sign for your journey?
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