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 Mar 2013 Sadie
The lamp post flickers.
The fresh air calls to me.
Phone to ear,
I step outside to venture
On these dark roads.
Its cool, but I feel warm
The sweetness of laughter,
the prospect of hope
the comfort of your being.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Elizabeth Marie
I told her I love her
and I'm just glad
It's the end of the week
because she said it too.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Vivien Jae Maya
In the lines of your hands
I saw the traces of brown sediment
And cool earth
Embedded among the folds

In the rush of your laugh
I heard the croak of time
The crackle of years of inhaled fumes
The whisper of your smile

In your eyes
I felt the piercing gaze
The blistering attempts
The impossible struggle

I felt all of it
And as you lay there now
I think of that gaze
And wish to feel it again
 Mar 2013 Sadie
KK Ash
When a heart breaks, is it heard?
When tears fall, is it earned?

When left alone, are you lonely?
When he walks away, are you yearning?

When the hurt comes, does it pain?
When the Love leaves, does any remain?

When the friendship is gone, do you cry?
When the odds are impossible, do you try?

When the body aches, is the soul sore?
When the mind weeps, does it crave more?

When the memories fade, do you mourn?
When the future is unclear, do you go forth?

When faith parts, does it come back?
When Love returns, does it lack?

When the hearts tears, does it resent me?
When all is said and done, is Love simply a Tragedy?
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Odin Rasco
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Odin Rasco
The common phrase-
"Falling in Love."

In truth, it is a rather apt observation.

Just like falling flat on your face, or off a balcony, or down an elevator shaft,
Falling in love seems to hardly ever result in something pleasant.

And yet, as humans, we continue to fall,
Just hoping that something will break our fall, and cushion the landing.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
May Sarton
Always it happens when we are not there--
The tree leaps up alive into the air,
Small open parasols of Chinese green
Wave on each twig. But who has ever seen
The latch sprung, the bud as it burst?
Spring always manages to get there first.

Lovers of wind, who will have been aware
Of a faint stirring in the empty air,
Look up one day through a dissolving screen
To find no star, but this multiplied green,
Shadow on shadow, singing sweet and clear.
Listen, lovers of wind, the leaves are here!
Do not stand at my grave and weep..
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry..
I am not there. I did not die.
 Mar 2013 Sadie
he grabbed shards of my skin
bone fragments scattered throughout the grass
leftover scraps of intestines and various other guts
the wiry strands of my veins
my faintly-beating heart

sitting cross-legged along the bank of the river
stringing me back together with superglue and ligaments
warmth and contentment
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Radio silence
 Mar 2013 Sadie
I find it strange
The cracks that surface
when silence rules the air
and solitude the heart

As the previously scoffed
transforms its cruelty into
realization of obvious avoidance
oh, the fangs from that muffled shroud

Yet, in this place
where trickles of thoughts
become raging rivers
that bear too much burden
and burst the dam of denial

Peace can be found
for in this underwater funhouse
Reflections can become guides
that will lead (me & you) back to self
 Mar 2013 Sadie
Edith Wharton
WHERE suns chase suns in rhythmic dance,
Where seeds are springing from the dust,
Where mind sways mind with spirit-glance,
High court is held, and law is just.

No hill alone, a sovereign bar;
Through space the fiery sparks are whirled
That draw and cling, and shape a star, -
That burn and cool, and form a world

Whose hidden forces hear a voice
That leads them by a perfect plan:
'Obey,' it cries, 'with steadfast choice,
Law shall complete what law began.

'Refuse, - behold the broken arc,
The sky of all its stars despoiled;
The new germ smothered in the dark,
The snow-pure soul with sin assailed.'

The voice still saith, 'While atoms weave
Both world and soul for utmost joy,
Who sins must suffer, - no reprieve;
The law that quickens must destroy.'
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