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 Mar 2014 sabrina
What would I do if my family died?
I would stroll by the beach
and let waves swallow me.
I would sit by the jagged rocks
and wish for the werewolves,
mermaids, vampires to come to
my rescue.
I would take a hand full of the rough sand
and let my tears transform it into a mould.
I would build a sandcastle and let the water
cut through,
exactly like the tears rolling down my freckled face.
Then I would jump from the cliff,
the dive funerial, graceful and almost glad
like the splash of water that hit the rocks
one last time.
 Mar 2014 sabrina
 Mar 2014 sabrina
i got greedy.

so i started talking to you again.

i'm not entirely sure
if your electronic presence

the glow of your name on my screen

has made me feel
or worse.
 Mar 2014 sabrina
Joe Cole
Get away from it all and step into the wild
Feel fresh rain against you skin
Linger here awhile
Find a cool and shady place where you can lay your head
Beneath a canopy of stars
Gleaming like diamonds overhead
Forget the stress of daily life, let nature have her way
Wake, refreshed, renewed to greet the brand new day
Forget the unforgiving city steets,
Leave your mobile phone behind
Forget the stress of daily life
For a short while, leave it all behind
 Mar 2014 sabrina
My world
 Mar 2014 sabrina
Darkness was all i could see
i went to doctors, to see if i'm blind
with precious time i paid the fee
glasses! i could see! color, shape and line
but they were tarnished, gaudy and false
no more glasses, i live in darkness now
at least i know it's not a farce
no north star, no moon
i'm in this deep and dark lifeless lagoon
Leave me in graveyard of time
let the thrush visit once in a while
 Mar 2014 sabrina
Michael Pick
Maybe medication is the answer for me
I'm sure I'd like it a lot more
If you shoved pills down my throat daily
Than all of the words you put in my mouth
The answer to life is hanging
between the corners of your smile and
those 2 am phone calls.

It's simply in the way we understand.
You understand;
I understand.

There is nothing less than
between us.

We are a couple of kids,
angry fists raised to the world
because we know everything
about Love.

Love is enough as the days
go by like burning candles,
and we still remember to call.

Standing there along the road
beside your car, I am unable
to let you go;

But it's the way the world works--
I am always standing
and you are always leaving.
 Mar 2014 sabrina
Kaitlyn Marie
Flailing my arms
Tapping my feet
Licking my lips
Attempting any distraction
For you to notice me once.
It's not easy though
I walk by so slow
To maybe get a second look
But all of this has grown us farther apart
We are gliding apart into the distant stars
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
 Mar 2014 sabrina
Samuel Wayne
Nine years passed since the storm hit.

Most days the fishermen stay home,

dreaming of salty catch and broken line.

The children don’t go to school anymore,

for fear of the coming hours.

No one is the same.

Not even the priest, who has visions,

of God’s will and imminent doom.

The postman doesn’t deliver any mail,

he just keeps it for himself in a stack in the corner.

No one seems to mind,

except for the old lady who limps to her mailbox.

She knows nothing’s there, but checks anyway.

The storm passed nine years ago,

but everyone’s still acting strange.

Everyone is looking for an excuse for their lives to change.
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