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Sa Sa Ra Mar 2013
Spin the barren recesses
for they console

As hollow words
are wrecking souls

Of dimming light
we claim to know

Greater love lays beyond
every letting of letting go

Dusty lands on vain paths
of heartless cobwebs

Such a darkened mind
to long been known
in dark artistry's

upon trails
of filthy

Where the springs
of living colors

have been cast out
in poor selections of
free willing claimants

for knowledge only

never out witted
nor a drop possibly
in leaking out

whereby love
not air given
by a mistaken
bit of breathing

For even an
eerie consolation
to the sun
Sa Sa Ra Feb 2013
Do not discount one pure thing,
for a host of imagined fear...

For one was meant to increase
While the other wanes off doubt

For a Holier Breath of Sureties!!!
Sa Sa Ra Feb 2013
We are hittin' hard in Oakland
We are hittin' hard in L.A.
Cleveland, Chicago & Yo-town is on fire
Word, word, word!
Atlanta's proper
And in Miami, we are mooovin' somethin'

Turn this ***** out
Oaktown posse they will
Turn this ***** out
Yeah boy, they will
Turn this ***** out
M.C. Hammer he will
(chorus ends early)

Hammer, you ain't hittin' in New York
So what you gon' do about that, Hammer?
I'm gon' turn this ***** out.

Hammer, he is...

Strong like a lion, no denyin'
I'm in effect and you suckas are tryin'
To get with me, you can't hang
Doin' it like this, I'm in with a bang
Goin' boom like thunda, and you wonder,
How in the world can the Hammer be underneath me?
He's gonna beat me, say yes to the master and I will teach thee

Turn this ***** out
Turn this ***** out
Turn this ***** out
Turn this ***** out

Hammer, tell 'em how you came up babeeee!

I was a student, now I'm the teacher,
I was a member, now I'm the preacher,
I was a worker, and you were the boss,
Now I'm gettin' paid and you're takin' the loss
Once says stop, the other says flee
No, don't perpetrate M.C. Hammer is the feature
Step off, you punk, no fear, I'm M.C. Hammer and I came here to...


I'm improvin', better start schoolin
Headed to the top where I'll be rulin'
On top, of hip-hop, I'm in effect and you're not
Your records aren't cool, your shows are weak
Duel with the Hammer and meet defeat
Every night, every week,
I'm comin' correct, you don't want none of me.

I keep hearin' what you sayin'
"Yo Hammer, we knowin' New York's on the wayin'"
I don't care where you from,
I make most look silly, and others look dumb
Yeah suckas, you should, run,
I am, def on the stage, pumpin' at the club
Hammer is an eagle, and you a dove


(funky beats & breaks)

I'm from Oaktown, B-boy straight down
Takin all comers, whoever want to get some
I'm original, you're digital
You want somethin' to say, you're show is pitiful
Don't worry, I'm in tact
Whatever I say, the Hammer will back
Twice as strong, It's goin' on
And I willll...

Truth be it me and my boy Jesse Jon, the first born he one gig DBA Stock City sound production PA company pumped the sound three flights of stairs down 3/4 ton worth PA equipment out of his new/used 3/4 ton extend GMC Cargo Van!!
Ripped three DJ's on one table all together spinning real 33 rpm Vinyl stole the show from the main room upstairs in this Jewish Temple!!!!
Yup, nope ain't slept yet somehow, plans NY the World gonna Turn This MOTHA OUT!!!!
Ya Uha!!!! Ya boogie bodies spun yahoo!!!!
Ra Ra!!!
Sa Sa Ra Feb 2013
There are those days
like those dark agings
you'd think, feel, believe...

Light, ease, joy, love breathing
shall ever come your way again!!!
Mister Rogers - Tomorrow

Tomorrow, tomorrow
We'll start the day tomorrow with a song or two
Tomorrow, tomorrow
We'll start the day tomorrow with a smile for you

Til then I hope you're feeling happy
Til then I hope your day is snappy

Tomorrow, tomorrow
It soon will be tomorrow and be our day
We will say a very happy tomorrow to you
Sa Sa Ra Jan 2013

The Word is Love
Hope Salvation
Fear not
The Time Upon Us

~Sweet Child~~

O sweet child
What of this place
Where I
Must remain
Shall we
Meet again
Or there
Some holier place
Do you
Will you
Or shall I know
Your missions done
What of mine

O sweet child
Have you gone
I feel
So empty
It is,
Though feels
My time has come

O sweet child tell me a tale
A mom
And her baby
That she
Never failed

Where the Momma did weep…
Peace prevailed

O sweet child
Child of mine
Sing me
Some songs
Tell me
You love me
Help me
Be strong

O Momma, yes
We shall
Gather together
And me
So peaceful
So loving
So tender
So strong

And momma
There will come
A day
And we
Will understand
About you
And his plan

O Momma
If you had known
Was to come
Would you
Have had
Such joy
With such love
You gave
All that I needed
And Be Loved
by Alan Cohen
When a woman in a certain African tribe knows she is pregnant, she goes out into the wilderness with a few friends and together they pray and meditate until they hear the song of the child. They recognize that every soul has its own vibration that expresses its unique flavor and purpose. When the women attune to the song, they sing it out loud. Then they return to the tribe and teach it to everyone else.
When the child is born, the community gathers and sings the child's song to him or her. Later, when the child enters education, the village gathers and chants the child's song. When the child passes through the initiation to adulthood, the people again come together and sing. At the time of marriage, the person hears his or her song.
Finally, when the soul is about to pass from this world, the family and friends gather at the person's bed, just as they did at their birth, and they sing the person to the next life.
To the African tribe there is one other occasion upon which the villagers sing to the child. If at any time during his or her life, the person commits a crime or aberrant social act, the individual is called to the center of the village and the people in the community form a circle around them. Then they sing their song to them.
The tribe recognizes that the correction for antisocial behavior is not punishment; it is love and the remembrance of identity. When you recognize your own song, you have no desire or need to do anything that would hurt another.
A friend is someone who knows your song and sings it to you when you have forgotten it. Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused.
You may not have grown up in an African tribe that sings your song to you at crucial life transitions, but life is always reminding you when you are in tune with yourself and when you are not. When you feel good, what you are doing matches your song, and when you feel awful, it doesn't. In the end, we shall all recognize our song and sing it well.
By Alan Cohen

Previously by Sa Sa Ra; (1991)
Sa Sa Ra Jan 2013
Thou shall not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all
human activities.

2. Thou shall not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never
come to pass.

3. Thou shall not cross bridges before you come to them, for no one
yet has succeeded in accomplishing this.

4. Thou shall face each problem as it comes. You can only handle
one at a time anyway.

5. Thou shall not take problems to bed with you, for they make very
poor bedfellows.

6. Thou shall not borrow other people’s problems. They can better
care for them than you can.

7. Thou shall not try to relive yesterday for good or ill, it is
forever gone. Concentrate on what is happening in your life and be
happy now!

8. Thou shall be a good listener, for only when you listen do you
hear ideas different from your own. It is hard to learn something
new when you are talking, and some people do know more than you do.

9. Thou shall not become “bogged down” by frustration, for 90% of
it is rooted in self-pity and will only interfere with positive

10. Thou shall count thy blessings, never overlooking the small
ones, for a lot of small blessings add up to a big one.
We all know about the original Ten Commandments, but have you ever heard of "The Second Ten Commandments"?

These pearls of wisdom, sent to me by a friend, have been often attributed to Elodie Armstrong. I have taken the liberty of putting my spin on them:

I. Thou shall not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities. You can't saw sawdust. A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work. People get so busy worrying about yesterday or tomorrow, they forget about today. And today is what you have to work with.
II. Thou shall not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to pass. Every crisis we face is multiplied when we act out of fear. Fear is a self-fulfilling emotion. When we fear something, we empower it. If we refuse to concede to our fear, there is nothing to fear.
III. Thou shall not cross bridges before you come to them, for no one yet has succeeded in accomplishing this. Solve the issues before you right now. Tomorrow's problems may not even be problems when tomorrow comes!
IV. Thou shall face each problem as it comes. You can only handle one at a time anyway. In one of my favorite "Peanuts" comic strips, Linus says to Charlie Brown, "There's no problem too big we can't run away from it." I chuckle every time I think about it because it sounds like such a simple solution to a problem. Problem solving is not easy, so don't make it harder than it is.
V. Thou shall not take problems to bed with you, for they make very poor bedfellows. Just remember that all your problems seem much worse in the middle of the night. If I wake up thinking of a problem, I tell myself that it will seem lighter in the morning and it always is.
VI. Thou shall not borrow other people's problems. They can better care for them than you can. I must confess that I have broken this commandment because I wanted to help someone out, without being asked, or I thought I was more equipped to handle a situation. But I wouldn't have to deal with the consequences, either.
VII. Thou shall not try to relive yesterday. For good or ill, it is forever gone. Concentrate on what is happening in your life and be happy now! We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get a better job, make more money, get married, have a baby, buy a bigger house and so on. Yet the accomplishment of any of those events may not make any difference at all. The Declaration of Independence says we are endowed "with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." You are responsible for your own happiness.
VIII. Thou shall be a good listener, for only when you listen do you hear ideas different from your own. You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth. Hearing is one of the body's five senses, but listening is an art. Your success could hinge on whether you have mastered the skill of listening. Most people won't listen to what you're saying unless they already feel that you have listened to them. When we feel we are being listened to, it makes us feel like we are being taken seriously and what we say really matters.
IX. Thou shall not become "bogged down" by frustration, for 90 percent of it is rooted in self-pity and will only interfere with positive action. Seriously, has frustration ever improved a situation? Better to take a break, collect your thoughts and redirect your attention to a positive first step. Then go on from there
X. Thou shall count thy blessings, never overlooking the small ones, for a lot of small blessings add up to a big one. We all have something to be grateful for, even on the worst days. Hey, you're still on the green side of the grass, aren't you?

Mackay's Moral: These may not be chiseled in stone, but try them—they'll make your life less rocky.

Reprinted with permission from nationally syndicated columnist Harvey Mackay, author of the New York Times #1 bestseller "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive." You can find more online by visiting:
Sa Sa Ra Dec 2012
Since I had returned from the missing,
In life from family and loved ones.

Loss of Dearly Beloved Partners,
Whereby certain words had been,
Unnecessary with those of very deep bonds.

Sure I understand, understood then,
What I dared not spoke of truly with embodied beings.

It was a true joy Easter 1978,
To get together with your family.
Mom , Dad and Steven had been there.

We had a chance to talk as young adults,
Perhaps get to know each other in such a new way.

Sure you 16, said 'you were woman',
I have long since found the words of;

'I once loved a woman, a child I'm told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
Don't think twice, it's all right.'

Chillingly haunting still!!
For better and or worse still!!

But there we were young enough adults,
You were so receptive and I spoke in your earnest attention.
While too I picked up many subtle things by you,
Few words came back.

But you listened so well my friend whom I saw.
Surely I was open and in dire need to tell my story to a soul alive.
I refer to such as 'my little sermon on the mount' still at any price.
And so I believed in you as some partner then there indeed.

Not necessarily as unfolded, but such all did.
'We never did to much talking anyway';

Well not so true at all really on the contrary.
But 'Jeremiah was a Bull Frog';


I'm not sure if either understood a word said to this very day.

'What was it you wanted';
Can you say?

You tell me I can't,
Never could.

Claims of 'Christ Discipleship' in differing ways!!

Joy To The World

And I can take all detail like a wild man, savant,
Roll around the 'wheel of spectrum disorders' I know.

Still know just One thing!!!
We have been here before in oh so many ways!!

On one hand I understand 'All Complications',
Oh so simply of All Gods Children!!
On the other hand none at all.

So hard to understand and accept all at once!!

I always knew you,
By Eve of Halloween's Eve later same year;
Or more acutely so very soon thereafter that;

You were somehow my 'nemesis';
That was would produce my 'dark night of soul';

I was once again conquered,
By just one moment of doubt

Dark Knight
Loving Brightly

I was even joyed by that!!

Still I would believe in things,
I was already assured of in this my life;

'The World'
We live in


In these now's.

I sum up 'The Word' Bible in just one Word,
By that 'Red Letter Word' at the Last Supper.

About LOVE sure,
But just two letters;


As in;
'Just love one another 'AS' I have loved you'!!

Which was with Gods;
Gifts of 100% Judgement on with Zero Judgmentalness!!

That is my friend and partner most true I only understand!!

Good News Being Good!!!

Christians say 'well hey look Moses had 10 then expounded 5 books beyond as Torah.


Shaman Master J

Got's that down to just 2 !!;

'Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself'!!!

Ya and in front of the corrupt politicized,
Blasphemed powers of the Hebrew leaders that day!!!

Reciting the Torah
Standing on one foot!!

Days a Week


Well truth be he was just reciting,
The living word near verbatim of the last minor prophets in those last days!!!

Otherwise he would and did say like the Greeks,
In marble on their temple and as I know,
Easier otherwise to say;

'Know Thyself';

All creation is within all things,
So therefor on this path of inner self honesty,
With the message we all inwardly receive,
It all lines up and all mystery ceases to be!!!

So no I do not understand,
Certain types of complications,
No I don't.

All so overly simple to me!!

You have always overly impressed me,
In oh so many ways, such inherent 'gifts';

But they must breathe or what are they.

We may be off charts at different ends;
Yet I still know how close to very fine are these lines between!!



Fly Free!!!!

Be yet between!!!

AS Shaman Master J;

/ so much typical association with one letter / ...

Happy Birthday,
Always, All Ways!!!

From a text you might recall,
I poemalized by whom in your contact list,
By phone I have been,
Dubbed 'Ron the Lord'!!!!

Garlic Really??? or !!!
Sure I can understand your heart / that just assume chop garlic really / ...

Yes 'hued partner,
We too ~2~ can,
Be family!!!

~3~~ between!!!
Us Two!!

Must Breathe

<3<3:):):)!!! R
Not so complicated!!!!

Illegally Separate
You some other me / some how wherefore / way; / X'YZleeeping; / I ...

The New Dew Due, 'Double Triple Two Steps' Forward!!!
Believe as 'The Heavenly Father" speaks life living within you!! / Than cast continually ...

Will Always
Love You!!! Ra, Ra Ron!!!

I have written some beautiful things about you!!
Some in paper hoards somewhere like;

"30 Trillion Light Year Journey"
'08 that date I am certain of!!

'Stitched without a trace',
A beaut,
I'd love to dig up,
Idk where but paper,
It is somewhere here!!!

'Worlds Most Wanted Woman',
Stuck on my old phone will be retrieved at some point,
Stored in it's memory viable I know,
Was a long text or series,
I know you so love!!!

Yes by 'Ron the Lord'!!!!


Ty Josephine!!!!

*~Sa Sa, Ra!!!~~
~'LJ tells her own birth story so masterfully well done!!!~~R

"So, I love a good birth story (Hmm wonder why), and I don't often post long windedly. So gather 'round children....
51 years ago a green eyed Sicilian beauty was getting ready for New Year's eve, a party was planned with her sorta geeky mad scientist hubby and his friends and she wanted to look hot!
She went to the beauty parlor where it usually took 3 hrs to tame her curly black tresses. Mad scientist dude was across town washing test tubes at the time. She was determined to make an appearance because the goomba in her belly wasn't due to arrive for another 2 1/2 weeks.
While sitting in the salon the snow was coming down on the busy Yonkers street and when she came out, all coiffed and ready, she found that her car had been plowed in! (help me out here Rick, what were they driving those days? The black Lark?)
She ambled across the street to where 3 gentlemen were hanging out in front of the local gas station, prolly smoking cigars and shooting the ****, and asked them if they had a snow shovel.
They, of course, being the chivalrous Yonkers men they were, handed her a shovel!!
Rosa Fortunata (I can see the steam coming from her ears from across the years!) took the shovel and strode back across the street and dug herself out. She has never told me what she said when she pulled her fully pregnant self back to return the shovel, but I can imagine it was precious.
That night naturally she went into labor almost 3 weeks early and the next early morning little fatso goomba screamed lustily into the world. The how and why they named her is our private story which still brings tears to my eyes.
Rumor has it that mad scientist dude still went to that New Year's eve party and got so blotzoed (with joy over his new daughter), that he spent the night under the piano and was a little late bringing his girls home from Yonkers General. All was forgiven when 4 days later he threw his carton of Lucky Strikes into the trash forever, the reality of three kids dependent and adoring him finally hitting home.
I am grateful every day for those amazing parents. And for those street guys whose lazy entertainment for the day helped shape the course of my life.
I am grateful for the angels who surround me daily in the chosen work of my life. The minutes old angels whose wisdom humbles me, and the ages old angels whose bravery astounds me. I am so lucky to live the life that I love. I am so graced with family and friends whose beauty I could never have imagined and whose devotion I can only attempt to deserve.
Love- Linda Josephine"

"So nicely done, gifted 'LJ!!!!"
Ra, Ra Ron!!!

PS: Some semi quotes courtesy of Bob Dylan
Sure goes to show ya' the power of self fulling prophecy!!!
No doubt I listened to too much perhaps to point of over dose!!!
'Master of Confusion'!!
Ty Brother Bob/Robert;
For the "Good Luck" line!!!

Don't Think Twice It's Alright

It ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don’t matter, anyhow
An’ it ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don’t know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and I’ll be gone
You’re the reason I’m trav’lin’ on
Don’t think twice, it’s all right

It ain’t no use in turnin’ on your light, babe
That light I never knowed
An’ it ain’t no use in turnin’ on your light, babe
I’m on the dark side of the road
Still I wish there was somethin’ you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin’ anyway
So don’t think twice, it’s all right

It ain’t no use in callin’ out my name, gal
Like you never did before
It ain’t no use in callin’ out my name, gal
I can’t hear you anymore
I’m a-thinkin’ and a-wond’rin’ all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child I’m told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
But don’t think twice, it’s all right

I’m walkin’ down that long, lonesome road, babe
Where I’m bound, I can’t tell
But goodbye’s too good a word, gal
So I’ll just say fare thee well
I ain’t sayin’ you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don’t mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don’t think twice, it’s all right

Talk about poetry!!!
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