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badtaste May 25
Desire Disgusts Even The Likes of Me

The moon, shrouded in a veil of clouds,
Cast a pallid glow upon the scene,
As they, haunted by their own yearnings,
Found themselves entangled in its embrace.

But lo, as the shadows lengthened,
And the air grew thick with unease,
They recoiled at the touch of desire,
For it was a foul and wretched thing.

It was a night of eerie whispers,
When desire, with its tainted allure,
Crept into the hearts of those
Who feared no sin, no darkness.

Even those who knew no fear
Were repelled by its twisted form,
And thus they turned away,
Leaving behind the stench of their own loathing.

See me as a man not as the monster you came to know
badtaste May 25
Flowers Bloom

Petals unfurled,
Amidst the tangled web of deceit,
Truth triumphed,
And in its wake,
Flowers bloomed,
A quiet testament,
To the enduring beauty,
Of honesty's embrace.

Petals Fall with angelic grace
badtaste May 25
When the Universe Was Too Afraid to Lose You

I wept my love into you,
Bleeding my colors onto your soul.
Fair well
badtaste Mar 15
The sequel is never as good as the original
How original
Time is ticking I can't wait
badtaste Jul 2022
I can't deal with this remorse from my guilty conscience.
chewed on my tongue to the bone, swallowed down fear until it hits the pit of my soul.
leaves me pale, what an inner grossness this is.
or is this spit on my flesh from God.
stuck with myself - my sinister shadow sewn to the one who walks in the fresh sunlight.
thriving - soul - slowly - dying at night, my thoughts swarm - fester faster and faster
like a fish in bowel my home is purgatory ;
will I repeat?
will I repent?
how am I to feel normal
how can I if she isn't still here
I hear her voice over the phone
alone to her thoughts before the knot was wrapped
it was all my fault
her feet dangled above ground
a true angel levitating past this existence
my forevermore entangled in memory
until I perish
badtaste Apr 2022
I treasure  my blossom / like a flower she shall grow and blossom
I cherish her skin /fearing the worst when day it will rotten
I curse the moon / faces he changes some grin some scheme
I hold her face closest  / when she misbehaves , outside in woods , to the window she will scream
I pleasure my blossom / poems she begs for so I will always write more
I answer my blossom / questions of home ? but here she will stay , here where it is warm
I dream of my blossom / her pedals lose color  in colder season
I pollen my blossom / by moon fall we will know if conceived was daughter or son
I bury my blossom / this cabin is silent but loud  like wind
I cry for my blossom / our child starved without a drop of milk
I need a new blossom / a daisy field is over the hill
I find my new blossom / but another gardener is there ; another I shall ****
I walk with my blossom / she holds onto my wrist tight with love
I carry my blossom / through the doorway as newlywed
I fight for my blossom / scoundrels or sheriffs couldn’t fathom our celibate matrimony
I lust for my blossom / how she smells and reminds me of my last family
I yearn for my blossom / she cries with tears - soul curling  callings of pompous proportions

S H E . N E E D S . T O . C A L M . D O W N .

I pet my blossom / hum out what she needs to hear now

“The day we decay in the casket we share ; we will stare so close nose to nose. No need to breath so faint and vigorously into my ear , Im here , my dear , forever through death. Let the worms feed on us both , when our story is told , in books or songs of romance envious audience will dance. Hold onto my flesh if you need some more , in the cupboard I stored , another layer for warmth. You smell of dandelions your hair like straw , I swore I saw your shattered kaleidoscope garnished glare elsewhere before. Your soul is sown onto my own how humbled I am to have you back home. Sleep now. H U S H . N O W. Wipe tears of joy off of your porcelain skin. You will wake to my eyes , every day , every night , I will hum you asleep sing you my eulogy again again again. My most precious flower , with such a solemn smile  , lips so cracked kiss so sweet , your flower will bloom with a blossom none have seen. Goodnight fare love greet me with glee inside your dream.”

the ambience of woods / the sirens of crickets
I close my eyelids on the floor beside my blossom
s i l e n c e
Inspired by squirrel stapler simulator
badtaste Jan 2022
words I struggle to announce - they crawl and edge on my tongue -

I swallow back down this raw emotional warmth.
hesitation boils in my stomach-
anticipation gnaws on the conscious that is ticking down...
to be lost

I whisper in the red blistered state of my mind

to act out-
act now ! yet I don't

patiently, you smile, continuing your hum.
, a spacious smile consulting with freckled dimples ,
a brilliant sheen - sunlight glitters off your mocha shaded skin.
your beautiful night covered eyes, fixated in an awe-aspired innocence
slyly I dance in a shifted stance - fake stretching to catch the glimmered glance exchanged
what a cosmic marvel it is for your windows to burnish -
- in such an intimate opaque opal wonder - an over expressive
blackened aperture :
just as your very soul is to an aching traveler
indescribable comfort  from a blanket of immense interpretations
galactic aesthetic given within every mere moment
****** intentions sloughed for this uninterrupted connection...

intense unintended ecstasy

blank stare I share
geekily breathing I halt
holding my breath
overthinking hastens as apparitions of her in my life take place

dumbfounded an understatement
I fall back ; imaginably my feet burrow down into my soles.
I blush a fresh coat of embarrassed excitement across my face.

the best part of this is we are not even strangers
we are lovers yet I find it so thrilling to have such over encumbered emotions  
none that are unfamiliar , just the rush of receiving
in turn makes it evermore welcoming  
just as dust floating in sunlight  
a pure force makes us too, levitate...

we enjoy this nervous bliss
until death do we part with our final kiss
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