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Sam Temple Sep 2016
She exhaled spring,

                              a newness filled my senses…..

                  reborn in her eyes.
Sam Temple Apr 2014
crusty ring, sore and discolored
bacteria ridden slip’n’slide
swimming on dry land
spasms contort cavities
gravity dragging spirits
sinking in the murky quicksand
fictional premises flood the frontal lobe
“Am I dying?”
“Can a head cold **** me?”
“Will the Knicks be better with Jackson?”
delirium from desperation
if only to breathe through a nostril ……..
somebody end this :P

meaning my illness :)
Sam Temple Aug 2015
course, black, dog hair
from an eleven year old lab mastiff mix
pokes through my salmon button down
reminding me of home
while I pretend to work another day –
sitting in my swivel chair contemplating string theory,
dark matter,
zero-point energy and magnets…
enjoying a slight breeze
thinking about what a mint julip tastes like
and if the temperature and humidity are right
for that sort of affair –
wrinkled slack leg shows the truth
I wore these pants yesterday
dusty Nike proving my enslavement
thank god the sole is pulling away from the faux leather
at least I am not a slave to the seasons –
three week old stubble gives my calloused hands
something to scratch and rub
granting me the look of thoughtfulness
and intense consideration…
I play this up so no one bothers me –
Sam Temple Nov 2016

each step
no longer can discontent rule
                 when that has become the norm
                             we must remember

promises coated in smelly swamp mud
                         lay disheveled after spoken

no one is expected to remember
                 words carry meaning

it seems I have been cursed
             with an inability to forget   /
Sam Temple Feb 2016
distorted slop fed through a Marshall stack
attacking power cords with abhorrent abandon
random lyrics of pain based guilt
quilted the patchwork of ******* jocks
and played out arena rock
Kool-Aid dye job and slobbish hand-me-downs
earth tones, greens and browns
and drowning in the Northwest rain
insane solos played eating Rollo’s enslaved
to paved roads and dope fiend modes
Kurt’s hurt and flannel shirt
lifted the dirt off my heart
and set me apart from the sheep faced
high school mistakes
faking tans to look
totally Spring Break
holding onto hate and plating
fate next to kale chips and goose pate’
fame gorged but a porridge boy
knows no joy under the employ
of capitalism……
answer in hand the shot rang
and one million tear-eyed teens
sad songs of pain and lament
replaying images
of a ****** prophet, heaven sent –
Sam Temple Apr 2017
Contorted faces frozen with fear
witness a mother caress and hold
tunnels and caves and villages
in a warm one mile embrace.

Foreign clouds fill the sky
and fall back to the earth
sluffed skin carried on unnatural winds
flutter like a butterfly across the sand.

Fleeing sheep herd in rubble
square pupils dart and scan
burnt shrubbery offer no sustenance
as the economy of the foothills is spent.

Low rumbles of passing planes
give rise to wailing children
nervous eyes cast themselves to heaven
waiting for God to fall again.     /
Sam Temple Jun 2015
backpacking in the Jefferson wilderness
eating fresh wild blueberries
warmed by a late spring sun
the crystal blue sky captures me
and I stand, transfixed –
How could we have collectively been so blind?
pumping Co2 into the atmosphere
dropping atomic bombs
and an atoll
named after a bikini…
and the plastic island –
A wispy cirrus cloud
floats gracefully overhead
and takes my thoughts
on a journey
distant smokestacks dot the horizon
and drilling platforms stand menacingly
just beyond the shore,
and inside the bellies of sea creatures …
the plastic –
readjusting my pack
and leaning over to re-tie my shoestrings
the slow crawl of an ant packing lunch
sends me reeling
so many hungry children
just in the state I live
hopeless and *****
in run down or condemned houses
waiting, with tear streaked cheeks
for someone to show up with dinner
as the third foodless day
is always the hardest –
Sam Temple Jun 2015
looking to make the jump
from anonymous to influential
based on mad writing skills
and the ability to be rare and unusual –
many long years the daily toil has worn my psyche
now, frayed nerves blend with crippling paranoia
and I peer through bent mini-blinds
at a society devoid of cultural norms  
choosing instead to discriminate
against their brothers –
quietly slipping back into the shadow
only the whites of my eyes can be seen in the din
I feel the cold steel leaning gently against the door-jam
reaffirming to myself
I will not be taken alive –
crayon wax candles drip
pooling on matted **** carpet
trapping a flea
and capturing my attention –
we all sit trapped in poisonous wax
floundering against the weight of the next droplet
coated for all eternity –
Sam Temple Jun 2014
slight crack allows seepage
slowly undermining the structural integrity
allowing erosion free reign
trickle with enough particulates to encourage life
on its own
runs down the face
exposed –
supports tumble, clattering
bits too boulders
torrential force pushes away remaining derbies
sending wave after wave
pyroclastic flow –
distant thunder rolls in without a cloud one
explosions from afar
trembling from within
excitement for what is to come –
the abandonment of emotional baggage
open to a fault
disintegrating damaged walls
new bridges through conversation
released while behind bars –
Sam Temple Mar 2015
besmirching the Presbyterians
all dolled up
pretending they don’t drink
and fornicate
for dollars
down at the stop’n’save,
a low chuckle rises
the pits of hell never heard such a guttural and robust howl
my face distorts at the hypocrisy of their lives
small narrow-minded hate-mongers
doing everything they can conceive
to impose their will on others
to force their beliefs
down the hearts and minds and, yes
the throats
of any culture they come in contact with
invoking “god’s work”
while spreading disease and poverty –
blame the Baptists!
it was they who confined the natural people of America
to starve on barely habitable plots of desert
until uranium was discovered
then pushed them to the very edge of extinction
for a few more corporate dollars
in the collection plate…..
heathens rarely tip –
Smash the seculars!!
they continue to punish their sons and daughters
over genetically predisposed lifestyles
while touting grace and faith
in the most high authority
which basically means
they are above man’s law
having forgotten, it was men
who wrote god’s law –
oh hypocritical little lamb
your head and *** do not really belong together
in a perfect union
they should be separate
you know, like the founders intended
with the state and your *****, *****, churches
the same churches
where young boys are *****
for Jesus –
Sam Temple Dec 2015
dejected by the air
my lungs contemplate
only collapse
as if it were part
of the honey bee population
or the infrastructure
of the United States highway, dam
and bridge system –
stepping down from my pedestal
onto an old weather worn soap box
megaphone in hand
I shout into the void
relating my individualistic brand
of pain and suffering
unlike anything anyone
has ever before experienced
…… a chorus of “Boo’s” meet
my bleeding and corrupted ear holes
as mine is no different
than those alive today
those whom have come before… --
aching joints and scabbed skin
ooze unpleasantness
staining both my clothes
and my heart
damaging my ability to empathize
with my fellow man
leaving me instead only to feel
for the flora and fauna
of the land in which I am a part –
heading off into the wilderness
leaving behind technology
and processed pre-packaged life
reconnecting with the natural world
in an effort to be closer to myself…
upon recognition of a wondrous exhale
I experience more health
than I can remember
and vow never to return
to the land of apathy and individualism –
Sam Temple Oct 2015
remembering visions
her loveliness against
desert backdrop
Arizona in August…
****** in the moonlight
tent-flap drawn just so
allowing both a breeze
and the scent of Thomas Creek…
freckles kissed by the sun
Pacific coast retreat
drunken hot-tubbing
passing inebriated smiles…
8000 miles across the country
and back and back
her silhouette captured
20 states holding her eyes
in my mind…
relaxed breathing of a sleeping angel
orange glow of candlelight
brought to tears over the experience
seeing love manifest…
rapidly approaching 13
years of marriage
4000, 700, 45 days
I still find myself
caught up
remembering visions –
Sam Temple Nov 2015
dull thumping, deep in the subconscious
pineal reawakening
decalcification in progress
seeking my alien alter
the union necessary
for the next evolutionary jump --
the cliff is breezy
mist swirls below
undefinable guttural growls from the depths
echo off vast canyon walls
sending a shiver up my unnaturally curved spine
forming in the misty shroud
a face of the ancient gods appear
locked eye to eye
the command is for blood and worship
a thin smile crosses my lips
clamping down on my own tongue
until the thick red flowed down my neck and chest
I spit my ability to speak
into the very face of god
thinking ‘worship me, *****’
****** distortion
rage filled eyes penetrate deep
and a chasm opens
the 5:32 a.m. alarm
time to prepare for another
day of work –
Sam Temple Mar 2016
lost in thought and
lost in boxes
thin dust coated
stacked haphazard
her life
inside –
I began moving and rearranging the space
attempting to reclaim the study
instead memories flooded and tears fell
as each tote
carried a piece of her –
considering the southern trip
in a rented Caravan
more than a year ago
trying to decide what items
I needed to carry and store
in order to properly protect
and honor her memory –
standing in a poorly lit room
staring at her life
under packaging tape
I found myself attempting to
reorganize my mother –
as I placed boxes into the hallway closet
I found myself thinking about her
parental missteps
which then gave me freedom
to hide her away
I saw the old photographs
smiles belying childhood disappointment
not the bike I wanted
wrong style of shoe
embarrassed of the car
the house
life ……
I slide another box into the crawl space –
angry and confused
by my actions
and emotions
I think about her smile
Southern Californian blond  
six foot one shinning like the sun
in the grey Oregon drizzle
taller, prettier, and better educated
she glowed in the dying mill town
and I,
but her child,
felt lost in the shine –
vacuuming the bunnies
and mentally compiling
the inventory list seems lite
as if I lost important packed items
in the shuffling memories …..
I was instantly struck
by what was missing
from the tattered and faded boxes,
as I reorganized my mother
I had found, again
within myself –
Sam Temple Aug 2015
Is it wrong to want to write hit songs
smoke from bongs while wearing thongs
move the throngs into song
about long dongs and walking along beaches…
what is the problem with tripping with dips
and nipping buds while ripping joints
flipping skirts and dripping squirters
primping limp ***** in front of debutants…
it has to be alright to fight the right wing blighters
near sighted and mighty with Jesus
high on tea leaves and asking why can’t **** victims
just have the baby at night
tis their plight….
Aghast, I blast past raspy voiced smokers
Flashing my press pass at the ****** masses
I lash lasses with pizazz on the bleachers
preaching all the time about reaching for Zion
screeching teachers speechify
addressing lecherous miser’s
bent by societies plyers ….
Sam Temple Jul 2014
flossing jocks swing mighty
***** crow blowing triumphant
incumbents sent to extend the morality
vitality reality equals fallacies and tribulation  
recreation station seething with malcontents grossly exaggerate
the aggregate to depreciate the innate greatness of iced milk and cherries
varying fairies trailing mankind grind to different beats
seated meat sacks lack tact and force ill-mannered children  
to render hate venders with crayons
yawning chasms plastered with plasma and grass clippings
flipping chihuahuas slipping in to the dark
bouncing ta-ta’s, beer-soaked and tightly clad
refocus the mass passing by
flying low with bellies plastic filled
pelicans land softly on quiet mountain lakes to breed in peace
Sam Temple Mar 2016
those light blue eyes of hers they captured me
just like a life raft being tossed at sea
I knew right then that I could never be
without the love that so enraptured me

I shifted my thoughts to a future time
free together without the hate or crime
nobody singing that they need a dime
the whole world living with some peace of mind

like we were flying on white wings of dove
spreading a message sent from up above
call it god or maybe alien love
collective consciousness needing a shove

sure, rhyming poetry is total ****
even when the truth comes along with it
counting syllables is so not legit
makes me crazy like I might have a fit

but right back to her and all that we share
the way she smiles and her wavy hair
what you think of me I just do not care
because our love is way beyond compare

I can keep this up for so many lines
I used to write this way all of the time
thought my poetry was ******* sublime
it turns out I was nowhere near my prime

for her love it keeps inspiring me
just like the mountains or the raging sea
a love much stronger than a rooted tree
and without her love there would be no me

I’ll round this off with just one parting word
though some of you may find this thought absurd
our love it flies on the wings of a bird
of this truth I am completely assured –
Sam Temple Oct 2015
trunks filled with junk and the crunk juice flows
flunked out pill popping junkies with no cash go
drunkenly to the shrunken head show
knowing they stunk.
The monks dunked funky mumps victims
on bunk beds and licked them
instead of fixing lunk-headed situations
with linkin-log technologic advances
drinking dogs retrofitted with dance moves
groove on the wooden floor while ****** bore
the Moors with tales of divorce and random *******
on all fours in doorways
during bad plays on the interstate…
demonstrators, unregulated, on roller skates
wait at the gates of the ingrates filled with hate
and throw pie plates with fated accuracy
and the belated bureaucratic picnic
nitwits in knickers knuckle bump
and plump debutants snicker
the wicker croquet mallets
perform ballet in the chalet
and I have to valet the cars –
Sam Temple Jun 2015
Fishnet impressions
cut into the wall paint
as passing car headlamps
momentarily shine across
conversational window treatments.
Shadow imaginations playfully dance.
Half-lidded eyes capture slight movement
and a barely coherent consciousness
begins to develop scenarios.
First, subtle impressions of cats of sills
and tree branches scrapping across tempered glass…
but then, a more sinister feeling takes hold
an encroaching doom and impending dread
fills nearly sleeping veins.
Trapped in stasis, hovering,
knowing sounds have meaning
but totally lacking any muscle control…
fear takes charge
and paranoia settles in for the night.
Certain that each creaking board
is a maniacal killer
bent on committing a random
and horrific ******,
sweat beads on a forehead
desperate for the ability to
hide under a sheet.
Compressor switching on
as the refrigerator activiates
sends new visions of forcible theft
and gang **** swirling.
Mental images of criminals
in ski masks
penetrating the spouse
and laughing
carry a restless mind
quietly back to sleep,
as the low, dull hum of
the hot water heater
gives the house peace for the night.
Sam Temple Apr 2016
Hope Patton Oswald doesn’t **** himself now………

…….he gots kids!
Patton Oswald is one of the finest comedians around, often his bits touch on depression.....he lost his wife yesterday.
Sam Temple Mar 2016
sharp and stiff pangs
hit my subconscious
old feelings of loss and lament
seem to influence the sunny day
gathering clouds on the horizon
dark and foreboding
heavy with precipitation
and thick enough to blot out the natural light
daytime darkness
as my mood fills the space
outside of my pupils
and I brood,
bird chirping takes the sound wave
of scrapping metal on the way to my ears
transformed and damaged
I hear only the scream of mined elements
blended with the slow death
of oxidization…
I rust too –
Sam Temple Jul 2015
being made physically and mentally ill
by the excuses of my fellow country-people
so many prescription placeboes
psychoanalyst *******
and million$ on useless therapy….
and for what?
I get it:
you were molested
parents sold your *** to the neighbors
**** in the baby bottle
there are reasons folks suffer
but not every stress is a reason to medicate
sometimes the struggle and it’s lessons
are the reason for the experience
or has American society forgotten that tidbit?
So many wannabe doctors
telling friends and loved ones
that they are dealing with PTSD and ADHD
sprinkled with STD’s
in reality,
humans have always experienced stress
our ability to recognize it
and conceive of alternative ways of being
is likely the hub to our evolutionary journey
now what?
Fat, lazy, pill-popping excuse monsters
on every corner
on every channel,
the new norm….
maybe I need a pill to deal with these ******* –
Sam Temple Jun 2015
It is time to take a break
and really focus my energy
on publication –
as much fun as it is
to spout off my special
style of propaganda
to rooms full of people
who don’t ‘get’ me,
I think I must branch
and discover my audience –
like-minded people
looking at the world
through blood covered goggles
smashing the rose tint
in the sewage laced mud –
I will be around
from time to time
posting random junk
pretending I care
if you like my writing
and trying to be civil
surround by teen angst –
It won’t be easy
I have come to rely on this place
as a zone for purging
a spot to flesh out ideas
and really dive into
whatever issues I may be dealing with
on any given day……
plus the ****** rapping –
It is better this way
so we don’t tire of each other
so I remain new and exciting
in a land of ‘same ole love poem’ – will never last LOL
Sam Temple Oct 2015
closed to differences of opinion
doors slam and angry hands
hide faces distorted with
misplaced rage and hate
over idealism misaligned -
personal impressions resist
accepting the masses
for humanity’s oneness,
instead they shake fists
and make lists of despicable
versions of themselves -
kissing the sleeping heads
of innocent children
whispering desperate prayers
to the white god of hypocrisy
in vain and misguided attempts
to fulfill ******’s master race
my face holds its shape
slight upturn at the corners of soft lips
stubbly beard glistening
with red and silver highlights
in a warm summer sun…
a knowing twinkle in my eye
as calm realization takes hold:
we could never truly be a unified people,
a one world government cannot succeed,
we dislike differences too much
to all become one….
Sam Temple Jul 2015
Not since the days
of shooting ******
into the artery in my armpit
(too many blown out veins
in my arms and feet),
have I spent multiple nights
pacing and sweating…..
******* simple carbohydrates. –
In the first months
of being a non-cigarette smoker
I would see folks light up
and near instantly collect
a chilled film on my back
and fingernails…
forget about it;
but the other day I drove
by a pizzeria
and had thoughts of ski masks
and 45 caliber pistols…
******* simple carbohydrates. –
Once upon a time
I drank near 200 ounces of
Mountain Dew
each and every day.
If I missed a day,
I would have massive headaches
combined with serious irritation;
while it has been more than 5 years
since this body ingested caffeine,
last night I could not fall asleep for anything
and no amount of cannabis oil
or ibuprofen
had the ability to curb
my aching noggin….
******* simple carbohydrates –
change is the only constant
and humanity has evolved
amazing adaptability
while I know I will be fine
at this moment only one thing
really runs through my head:
******* simple carbohydrates! –
Sam Temple Nov 2015
the CIA will never make the money off ******
it made off *******
******* is for parties
dance clubs
good times in social settings
******, not so much
dark alleys with ***** dealers
selling black tar
to hopeless souls
Mexican mules with **** cavities
carrying kilos into Nogales
or maybe Calexico
bow legged and sweating
just 35 more trips and sweet little Consuela
can be an American
until Trump gets his wall –
article after article relaying tragedy
the poor, lost in addiction
desperately seeking a coping mechanism
something to stem the tide of despair
and general malaise
dead in their prime
over a twenty sack
and low self-worth….
many friends and family this same tale…
some folks heritage is in ranching,
thousands of head of cattle
driven across the open plains
grandfather to grandson,
uncle and cousin….
political dynasty
papa congressman
and auntie judge
but not mine –
the crest of my tree looks like the biohazard symbol
as generations of drug addicts litter the undergrowth
their weight attempting to hold me
lock me into familial history
unfortunately or fortunately
my will, and recognition of god’s power
flowing within me, as it..
I am my own master
and free to fashion my branches
to whatever my liking desires –
undercover government agents line street corners
whispering illusionary tales of release
stories of becoming void of pain
parables relating a free mind
to personal freedom
through chemical alterations
I whisper back
“I bet my **** is delicious,
wanna taste?” –
Sam Temple May 2016
my color keeps me safe
and warm
entrenched in a racist system
of hate values organized as political movement
try as I might,
there is no relationship between myself
and the larger country around me –
born Oregonian
only about 3 million of us as a state
the majority of the geography
votes red
the mass of the populace
lives in Portland proper
and makes the laws for the state
blue laws….
we are predominately white
predominantly rural
predominantly not well educated
welcome to my state –
no amount of reading
or watching lamestream media
could ever gift me
with real understanding
of a ghetto
or poverty as it exists nationally…
we have homeless encampments
and minority communities
just small scale –
darting eyes scan the landscape
seeking connection to the national issues
attempting to relate to federal politics
finding instead
my lawn needs mowed
and my dogs need fed –
I am sure there are many of us
who would fight for solutions
who would stand of injustice
those of us who long to truly know the United States as free
as the land of liberty
and equality
as today,
those are myths I was told as a child
myths that not every American household uses
to put fussy children to bed –
Sam Temple Jul 2015
sagebrush and juniper
with the occasional tiny yellow blossom
sprout without fear
in the drought stricken desert
touting new growth despite
the Sun’s best efforts
and the total lack of precipitation –
granules of wind-blown granite mountains
give way underfoot
leaving misshapen footprints
near faded remnants
of an old rattlesnake shed
strewn delicately over
last year’s deer tracks
preserved in a landscape
that exists outside of mankind’s time –
Did Louis Lamoure ride though here?
Was this a secret cowboy stomping ground?
Off in the distance comes a noise though the underbrush
slow and methodical
one lone cow steps into the sunlight
as we lock eyes
the buzzing of insects fades
I lose track of the surrounding foliage
and consider,
“What a cud he must chew!”
Sam Temple Mar 2016
I spoke with a friend
sitting outside a print shop
the wives, inside
due diligence
he and I
discussing the world
lite at first
weather and camping
young adult children issues
tempered with **** talk….
but the air shifted
and politics came onto the table
words caught in my throat
as I attempted to explain
I turned away as my eyes overflowed
removing a tear
I looked back, red-eyed
and puffy
for the first time in my life
100% sure
I am an American Patriot.
Henceforth when I hear the "we have to or Trump" argument for Hillary I will be spitting on the ground and walking away.
Sam Temple Oct 2016

soothing fragrance        wafts

                          blooming        lavender

- Lovely spring day !
Sam Temple May 2016
Writing the Haiku
Maintaining seasonal  joy
Summer and the like

The Autumn turns leaves,
Feel myself turning too
White skin makes comeback

The joy of spring time
The warm sun and fresh green shoots
My own growth matches

Heat cooks the pavement stone
Summer sun knows no mercy
Must beat all life down

Slow death creeps steady
Winter with its icy breath
Colder than harsh words

The seasons bring joy
Each with its own mystery
I like spring the best

The Fall close second
Change is the lifeblood of man
Spring and Fall change most
Sam Temple Jan 2016
deep sigh escapes
large white face
ticking slow
less than three
and freedom –
she awaits
with bells on
diamonds in her shoes
breath bated
ultimate goal
I pace
recheck time
tap pencils
on faux wooden desks
thumbs twiddle
minute hand dawdles
might piddle
considering swaddling –
her face forms
my mind’s eye retracing
soft curves
delicate features
astrologically charted
freckle pattern
sharp blue eyes
my heart leaps –
formulating excuses
call it an early day
dash homeward
sweet embrace –
Sam Temple Mar 2014
angry wasp nest
disturbed ant hill
the fire in her eyes
has the ability to forge
lightning lacks the intensity
of raw female emotions
wasting years trying to understand
how such unabashed hostility
phollowed by a ***** phrenzy
equates love, honor, and commitment
it is not mine to openly question
only to accept with open arms
as she is the gift from above built special
just for me
as I am for her
I just don’t live irritation
well, I do
just second hand
Sam Temple Jul 2017
Far out past the breakers
a group of sea otters roll and play
in kelp beds.
nearby seafaring ducks and gulls
frantic for scrap
dive and squawk
splashing and throwing a sardine fit.
I stand upon the shore
wishing to participate
but the cold of the Oregon Pacific
keeps me safe and warm on the beach.
Still, I find myself imagining a streamlined body
riding currents and waves
a natural surfer never needing a leash or wetsuit.
The sun lowers and changes the patterns
shadows play between whitecaps
and I no longer can see shiny heads
pop through the surface
scan for friends or food
and duck again beneath the waves
where I can only imagine what is happening.  /
Sam Temple Oct 2016

attempting   to

                            abandon ego

forever on the           patio

my         nudityquakes

storm clouds
                                       pressurize     /
Sam Temple May 2016
it has become painfully clear
that in a land filled with English speakers
many of us do not speak the same language
there are individuals lost
forever locked into a mindset
void of color
only black and white
right and wrong
living the lie of party lines
driven to madness
over personal freedoms
clashing with their value system –
eyes look past and through me
when I speak of a shifting planet
and the effects of humans
on the greater ecosystem
as if I were an alien
or an immigrant
without proper documentation –
when I bring up the ideas of holistic
killing cancer with marijuana
fighting illness with a plant
easy to grow
easy to process
documented success
it doesn’t matter
they do not listen
they can’t hear me
I am speaking a foreign language
with a common tongue –
this is the state of my country
most of us run around
using variations on English
most of us have the same definitions
use the same education system
breath the same air
drink and eat
**** …..
yet we cannot come together
we cannot join forces
because you don’t know what I am saying
when I say I love you
you can’t hear
when I say I care
we will all die alone
looking into the eyes
of our brothers
wishing they could understand
what the **** we are saying –
poetry month prompt #30

didn't really follow the prompt, but such is life.....
Sam Temple Dec 2015
I sat on the edge of my bed seeking wisdom
but I had lost any semblance of faith
this was my only truth
I was of a lost generation
one devoid of hope and light
behind me flowed a lazy river

I placed my hand onto a book of faith
praying it would grant me wisdom
reaching over I turned on the light
and listened to the running river
thinking about the failings of my generation
and if any of us new the truth

what will become of my generation
are we blind to the light…
too apathetic for the truth…
too hip to recognize wisdom
once again my attention was drawn to the river
one of the few things in which I had faith

I closed my eyes trying to remember the truth
or if I had ever known wisdom
were there any in my generation
able to truly hold onto faith
shimmering sunlight danced across the ripples of the river
and I shut off the light

soothed by the peaceful sounds of the river
a calmness wrapped my body in warm light
a knowing came over me for the next generation
cosmic radiation was bringing humanity a new wisdom
dawn was breaking and with it a new truth
within ourselves was the only key to faith

this feeling passed with the fading light
but within me stayed this truth
maybe I was the voice of my generation
the purveyor of a brand new wisdom
the one to impart hope and faith
on the masses of humanity flowing like a river

the wisdom of humanity is tainted by faith
the truth changes with each new generation
we are all sparking light dancing across the cosmic river
Sam Temple Sep 2014
drunken eyes
angrily follow
childlike bliss
waiting for the slightest infraction
coiled tiger eyeballing weaker prey
in an instant rage sweeps into the world
as innocence is replaced with howls of confusion
and suffering
dust smeared with tears
as fear envelopes rationality
and a dullness begins –
rounded edges
fashioning a safety zone
for a stumbling protégé  
future man of the house
dependable rock on which the nuclear family is built
guilt wilts dreams
and the silt of mud caked pant legs
lays scattered across un-mopped floors –
and crank calls
spotty face and misplaced hate
small kitten feels the brunt
nearly drowned
tail-flung around
rocks pound
no more sound…externally
reverse side is more complex
multitudes of individual voices
create the atmosphere of a theatre, pre-show
yet he stands alone
contemplating the conversations
and the remnants of a gifted kitten –
slowly watching the hands
dead fathers watch
fixated on the doors
breath bated
cold steel against his leg
flashes of pain and self-loathing
as the first children run out into the sun
all the spender of a recess on Friday
is replaced with horror
as lead shreds polyester blends
and the screams of the living
drown the ruckus in his head
is this what peace feels like –
Sam Temple Jul 2014
hard-liner approach
half-dead dog
next to a pile of ****
brand new carpet
bloodied fists still clenched
ache for a new target
something to blame
someone to hurt –
broken tooth tells a tale
of drunken brawling
for the honor of a **** head *****
******* **** for bus fare
in the warm glow of the downtown public restroom –
fluorescents flicker
peeling paint, discolored
stains, upon grime, atop rust and smoke damage
*** sprinkled toilet seat
draped with pale skin and *****
guilt is worse than food poisoning
in the cold hours of the pre-dawn
cool refreshing porcelain
giving pause to a pounding head
momentary reprieve
single drip of sweat travels the long journey
along a stubbed jaw line –
sickened by the visual
moments pass as the scene is etched
mind’s eye holding the image
forgoing the polaroid
sending it straight to the long-term banks
so for all my life
I can look back in clarity
at my shortcomings
and failings as a human –
Sam Temple Oct 2016

soft breeze    

              distant snowy peak

                                                                                 de   /
Sam Temple Apr 2016
It’s not supposed

                     to matter…

But how


Is Hillary!!
Sam Temple Sep 2015
Sterling Jay props an acorn into the crotch of an Elm
Rhythmic drumming follows
Two-thirds the life of a fly passes
Yet the Sterling remains both diligent and determined
From the porch I hear the crack
Followed by the triumphant high-pitched squawk
Sterling Jay has secured a delightful evening meal --
Sam Temple Mar 2014
endless miles of dark pavement
hours of white knuckle horror
illegally transporting pounds
processed into oil
curing her cancer –
new age family doctor
with a medical card and an interest in chemistry
distilling Everclear creating hope
1 gram a day
rear-view mirror road-rage
only wishing to be safely home
14 hours to go with a life on the line
watching a plant heal all that ails –
networking growers into family practitioners
dropping the bottom out of Big Pharma
one human being at a time
freely functioning as philanthropists
looking only to see families restored
Robin Hood as a pothead –
nothing could be simpler
than curing cancer
just grind up ****
pour 191 proof over the top
strain and keep the liquid
low heat cook it down
until only oil is left
5 drops of water
and a coffee warmer
then eat it
a grain of rice at first
then increase
to a gram a day
60 grams in 90 days
just try to die –
watching her gain weight and coherence in front of my eyes
seeing it again
knowing the truth
living in a lie
saving lives as I cross them
modern day travelling physician
but unlicensed –
Some poems are just poems, some are personal journeys, others are forced out while others still seem to be birthed... but once in a while there are those which are secret messages meant to change lives... you decide which this is  ….…  I live the truth presented here daily and have witnessed what some call miracles, but what I call taking control of one’s health
Sam Temple Apr 2015
same ***  train wrecks effecting perplexed Texas housewives
who’s lives can never be the same again
they fearfully place toddlers into shopping cart jail cells
and whisk them haphazardly through produce islands
and cereal box displays –

     broken bottle beneath the battered bed wetter
          bending back before brackish beer bests him

She runs up and down crowded streets in a frantic tizzy
smeared eyeliner explains the due date is really just a number
and that without help
they will take this precious bundle of joy –

     fast asleep in a drunken coma only the steady sound
          of deep unrelenting snores can be heard throughout the concrete tomb

with a tiny human perched precariously on a calloused knee
tears of resolute frustration fall on flower print Capris
holding in one hand every form of ID the state offers
and in the other, a forehead –
Sam Temple Aug 2016
tranquility filled
a softly sung
enticing me to believe ~

freely as a summer’s
honey bee
lighting daintily from
flowering bush
to fruiting tree ~

peaceably intriguing
the cool blue sea
invited we
three fishies darted playfully
over my toes
and around my knee ~

you smiled at me ~

it pleased me to see /
Sam Temple Nov 2015
sitting cross legged on the linoleum
reading Keats aloud while she bathed
talking about the desire to write for the ages
and what it takes to be a “real” poet
she leans forward smiling
grabs me and draws me close
planting the sweetest kiss
upon my lips
“you are my favorite poet”
she says
and leans back into the steaming water
“…but you can read more of him if you want” –
Sam Temple Nov 2016

ruffled satin cascades
        deep pools hold attention
strewn pebbles of amber
    give rise to shifting images
like clouds passing overhead
while looking into a windswept pond

a lilting titter caresses my earlobe
and I can hardly focus on the language
       it is her posture
               her smile
                  which captivates

pressed skin warms
without sun or fire
            only our shared space
                 gives rise to heat and comfort
                        our matched sighs
                              tendril to the stratosphere /
Sam Temple Nov 2015
no amount of pretty words
or cleverly crafted phrases
could capture what she means to me

I sit, trying again
to find a way to express
what goes on inside this body

when she touches it

I sit staring at walls
begging my poetry muse
for a better style or scheme
that would make her see

what she already knows

she tells me everyday
the ways in which I make her life better
little does she know
it is mutual and eternal…
like cosmic wind carrying supernova particles
the building blocks of my existence
reside within her eyes

and I look deep
seeking reassurance
from god’s special gift
presented to Samuel Lyman Temple
on a warm summer day 13 years ago

one kiss and a sealed deal

I stand looking over more words
attempting to show you all
how much she means
how lucky and blessed I truly am
but it is just symbols etched onto papyrus
images carved on cave walls
burnt offerings to a pagan god

and she already knows –
Sam Temple Oct 2015
as I sit overlooking this day’s group of testers
I am not really in the room
my body occupies space
that much is true
and my eyes track the surroundings
for both my, and the safety
of my incarcerated students…
all the while
I am with her –
I imagine holding her warm body
close to mine
offering soft kisses
and gently stroking her delicate cheek
leaning in so that I am able to better smell
the hint of lavender and coconut oil
mingling with light incense
and the innocence of unconditional love…
these fragrances send my mind to spinning
like a youth after their first real whisky drunk    
unable to properly focus, I examine my other senses
touching her,
listening to her heart beat play percussion
to a slow, steady, rhythmic breathing
periodically experiencing a loving coo
as she too is totally entranced by the moments we share…
placing my mouth on the curves of her body
tasting faint salt
and oatmeal goats milk soap
and an essence of femininity
that stirs a longing that takes complete hold of attention…
forcing myself back into the classroom
I shift slightly in my seat hoping no one
raises a hand…
only she makes me feel like a 13 year old
being called up to answer math questions on the board
with a raging ******* –
Sam Temple May 2016
stubbly cheek and chin run along
a smooth creamy leg
the faint sent of pre-*** wafts
as a slight moan escapes her lips
the back of a rugged hand brushes away
fallen hairs
laying haphazard across a face
engrossed in ecstasy
gently rubbing the nub behind decorated *******
drawing forth inadvertent twists
and a few giggles and excited noises
teeth grip and tug at elastic
exposing a trimmed and curly
treasure trove
I dive with abandon
enjoying a meal
saved just for me –
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