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It is amazing how soon forever ends.
We promised to stay friends,


there is a postcard I will never send.
It is the one that lovingly pretends,

                                                      ­                        "I wish you were here."
The store clerk responded with, "The store is closing"
when I asked why everything was so cheap.

He said that the recession had finally beaten them,
and I shrugged and walked towards the back.

I browsed isles of useless merchandise,
picking them up and setting them back down.

Five minutes later when I started down the second isle,
all the items I was interested in instantly broke.

I picked up a mirror,
and it mysteriously shattered in my hand.

I destroyed three coffee cups that
I had planned to purchase.

A candle crumbled in my hands
when I slid it from the shelf.

Furious that all the goods were garbage,
I marched up to the front counter.

I found the clerk slouching slothfully
and checking the clock when I approached.

When I asked why everything was so cheap,
The store clerk responded with, "The store is closing."
 Oct 2010 S A Knight
Marcus Logan
today i awoke
knowing the danger
that awaited me
as the dust settles
the litters came
one at a time

weapon in hand
locked and loaded
pointed at a bus
the litter hits the ground
dazed and confused
tears in their eyes

i rush over to carry the wounded
underneath the rotorblades to safety
not knowing til its too late
they're already dead
the clock is clicking
upon highway one

weapon in hand
pulling sercuity
as the buses rush around us
today i woke up
knowing the danger
of going unarmed and unafraid

the lifeless eyes staring at me
as i lowered them to the floor
as the tears stained my cheeks
as the anger gathered inside me
angry my brothers just died
but i can't show any emotion

standing at attention
as the rotors turn
awaiting my brothers in arms
as the flag covered brothers
inch closer to me
my final salute rendered to their memories
The world
always seems
like two drunk men
I prefer to sit it out.
I've seen you hundreds of times before,
with your broken shopping cart.
Sometimes filled with your possessions,
and other times with bottles and cans.

I’ve seen you hundreds of times before,
with your broken spirit.
Sometimes holding a sign,
and other times a bottle.

I’ve seen you hundreds of times before,
with your broken life.
Sometimes sleeping in the park,
and other times panhandling at a traffic light.

You’ve seen me millions of times before,
with my broken attitude.
Sometimes filled with compassion,
but most times with fear and disgust.

You’ve seen me millions of times before,
with my broken society.
Sometimes building a bridge,
but most times putting up a wall.

You’ve seen me millions of times before,
with my broken movements.
Sometimes going forward
but most times headed nowhere.

I’ve seen you hundreds of times before,
with your broken shopping cart.
Filled with my worst fears,
as I walk by.

You’ve seen me millions of times before,
with my broken attitude.
Filled with your hopes and dreams,
as I walk away.

— The End —