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 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
I do not want to fall in love with you,
for falling in love is one sided.
Being in love requires the both of us,
One of two hearts never divided.

I want to hold your hand in the park,
walk downtown after dark.
Laugh and smile at falling snow,
watch you in awe as you wear my coat.

I want to be inspired by the way you talk,
write songs about the way you walk.
I want to lay down and take a nap,
wake up with your head in my lap.

I want to whisper the secrets of the world into your ear,
we are the only ones who matter, my darling, my dear.
No matter where we are or what we do,
I want to be in love with you.
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
I'd fail if they let me, I'd fail on purpose
Because them and I don't share the same idea for success
I'd walk away from the false promises of a bright future
I'd walk to freedom, not towards their awaiting capture

Their three white walls I'd stare at all day
The above minimum wage, the hourly pay
live in an empty apartment, with a cashier job
listening through the walls to the neighborly sobs

I'd sit and think about every thing from leaves on the autumnal tree
to the fact that there is no one sitting on the bed next to me
from the worms who flounder under the dirt
to why I personally was put on this earth

The meaning of love
to the stars above
Galaxies and galaxies full of stars
the old veteran who drinks in the bar

The biggest smile on my face
bigger than you'll have at the end of this race
Sitting alone in the thoughts in my mind
in the thoughts that I think to pass the time
I do not envy who you will be
I am perfectly fine being me.
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
She lived inside an elegant home,
with topiaries and garden gnomes.
She went to school and on her first day,
she met a girl who was her friend until may.
Her friend left their town on a one way flight.
She cried and cried and cried all night.
She forgot her friend with the help of her mom,
she doesn't know her name because life goes on.

She lives in apartment B25
standing in the hallway of her Junior high.
She swore she loved the boy with the rectangle glasses,
it was fate because they had all same classes.
He broke her heart at the end of November,
but her older brother helped her remember.
In spark of amnesia, suddenly he was gone,
she has forgotten his name because life goes on.

Moving around from place to place,
Her happiness seems to have escaped her face.
Her mother hasn't talked since her dad was killed,
the breaks screamed as he was thrown down a hill.
Her brother is homeless strung out on drugs,
only comfort she has is her high school friends' hugs
She's ditches classes every single one,
knows not the names of her teachers because life goes on.

Her brother sobered up but it all went to hell,
he started serving his country which bid him farewell.
Mourning both deaths her mother drinks tons,
and stays in her room afraid of the sun.
Alienated and forgotten the girl cuts rows
cuts too deep, shuts her eyelids and goes.
The ambulance arrives but she is already gone,
but she is already forgotten because life goes on.
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
You said Trust me
I said Okay
And I did
I let you manipulate
All I knew
Was all you told me
And I was happy
Being lied to
But then I broke out
Of the box you placed me in
And I realized that there was more to life
Than cardboard and tape
I never knew
Because you said Trust me
You said the sky wasn't real
But then I flew
Here's the truth, the whole truth
Don't even ask if I left something out
This is my side of the story, my truth
I'll be hurt if you've a brain enough to doubt
Because this is the truth as I see it
And as I see it is the only way to see
So don't question, don't pursue answers
Close your mouth and mind and just believe
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
Dennis Meeker
Forget about the bad things you've done.
The promises to yourself you've broke.
Forget them.
The choices that may be immoral.
Forget them.
The fights you've started.
Forget them.
The selfish deeds you've done.
Forget them.
The pain you have stored inside.
Forget that.
You are new and free to begin a new life.
Don't forget that.
I knew the situation at hand.
So it's against the rules to care or cry.
I'm expected to be immune.

I broke the rules, and fell.
Experiencing the awkward moments that is
Falling alone.
Failing by confessing my love.
Meanwhile you changed the meaning of the word.

Lust became the enemy.
Emotions and erotica never intertwine,
At least for me.

"Maybe we got too deep into this thing we're doing." And on that note he leaves.
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
The Mirror-Eyed Boy
with a heart of pure gold
was so sweet and innocent --
or so we were told.

The story begins
in a fairly large town.
The boy had entered
and gazed all around.

His mirror eyes fell
on a girl in the shadows.
Her skin was all glass
and her hair black as crows.

They soon fell in love
but another boy came
This man could fly
and this started the game.

The Mirror-Eyed Boy
soon wanted the truth.
Was her love real?
Or a game for her youth?

She fled and she hid
but soon was returned.
She finally chose
and the sad truth was learned.

The Radiant Girl
knew the glass one's fear.
She whispered to the boy,
"Is everything clear?"

So the Mirror-Eyed Boy
called on the birds.
When she was attacked
she had no last words.

She broke into pieces
and the black birds scattered.
His mirror eyes gleamed
as the Glass Girl was shattered.

The man who could fly
was so very furious!
He marched to the boy
and he seemed so curious...

The man in his anger
attacked the young boy
and took out his heart
and his death was enjoyed.

The Mirror-Eyed Boy
with a heart of pure gold
was so sweet and so innocent --
or so we were told...
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