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 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
Sam Schedler
We lay awake sometimes, staring at the ceiling.
But not really at the ceiling.  Our minds are running
Thinking of how we can change the world tomorrow.
We'll make posters get signatures and do that one thing everyday.
Starting tomorrow.
The adrenaline pumps and makes it hard to sleep.
The possibilities are literally endless.
Oh, the things we can do tomorrow.
Then we wake up,
And everything seems so much lamer than it did the night before.
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
Sam Schedler
There is nothing insignificant in walking past someone.

A whole universe just strolled by,
their anxiety caused by that test coming up,
their worldview that differs from yours,
their moments of joy
pure adrenaline
their troubles that may trump yours
their Aunt with that terminal disease
or the Dad that's never home,
their mental to-do lists that grow and grow and grow,
their images of reading on that comfy chair,
their time spent by the bonfire,
and their favorite quote that's always in their head.

But we just keep walking despite all there is to see,
and we're thankful for the people that walk by our side,
and share in our moments,
our troubles,
our images,
our time.
I thought of this after walking past a stranger and thinking something along the lines of, "Wow, I know absolutely nothing about her.  Her life could be crazy and interesting or super duper sad but I'll never know."
We don’t know what dreams are…Scientifically
But we know what dreams are
When we first wake,we know exactly what they are
In the cold sweat of a nightmare
Or the soft embrace of a perfect dream
It all seems too real
Fantasies and disasters play and replay in our mind
In the middle of the night
we close our eyes and see
A world that seems right until we wake at dawns light
A place of extremes and discrete details
So real we could swear they occurred
If only for a moment
Though truly thats all we need
For that second of disappointment or relief defines us
Tells us what we really want
But does that explain what dreams really are?
Now thats a question for your mind at dawns early light
If you have the mind to ask yourself at such a haunting time
I remember the moment
Your eyes met mine in a dream
Those tiny maps
Of unwinding colour
Where I'd lose myself for days

Sure I knew you so deeply
That your soul
Was palpable in my hands
And your thoughts
Were unspoken words on my tongue.

I'd find myself staring
At the stars,
Hear them whispering
Your name
Like a melody too beautiful
For anyone else to hear.

The sound of the roaring ocean
Was the only comfort
I could seek
Without your voice
To charm me with
Empty words of promise,

The crashing waves called
To me,
I could only think of plunging
Into the blue void
And never returning
Like a doomed explorer
Willing to lose it all
For some unknown beauty

And as the breath
Escaped from my lungs
And the world
From my eyes,
The last thing I'd picture
As the comforting blue
Took hold of me
Would be your eyes,
Bluer than the bliss
Which engulfed me.
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
 Nov 2012 RylieLynn
Paint me a picture with ink of gold
Sculpt me a statue of my e m p t y mold

Weave me a dress with your fingertips
Show me your world through sunken lips

Can’t you see? You’re an artist
Unable to clutch a brush with a fist

Release your rage on a white frame
& Tell me that I’m all to blame

Sip up my fragile strength- spit it like fire
Continue to be my hearts latest desire

— The End —