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This morning,
I woke up feeling bitter
about life
and it was
a bad chemistry,
so, later,
since my mind
is pointed
toward love,
it changed
and the chemistry got
a little better,
but this morning
I decided
that the best chemistry
is the chemistry of indifference,
but not the kind
of indifference that rejects,
like you usually know about,
but the kind of indifference
that accepts,
like "It is what it is
and that's what it is",
so this chemistry
was the best I could muster,
so, I'm sitting here now,
listening to the birds
and feeling a bit indifferent
to life in general
but in a good way,
like OK,
so this is the way it is,
so ok.
The first precept
in Zen Buddhism
is to not harm,
but cherish all life,
and yesterday
I decided
that not only
didn't I cherish all life,
I really didn't like it
very much,
so I got angry
and decided
to give up my Zen practice,
so I did,
for about fifteen hours,
when then
I went back
to doing it,
so I'm a fickle Buddhist,
the mind keeps changing
about it all the time,
but I am also
a die-hard Buddhist,
because I always seem
to go back to it,
but I'm not alone
because the old monks
in the old days
got so *******
about Zen
that they spat
on the Buddha sculpture,
but I haven't done that
I think
Zen has been taught
all wrong
for a long time,
because the common understanding
is that Zen gives you
peace of mind,
an empty mind,
a mind which doesn't think,
and other such hogwash,
so I can explain
what Zen meditation
does to me,
and that is
that it brings up
much chi energy
to my head,
because of the way
that the eyes are fixed
and the posture
and the breathing
and the mantra,
and so
the mind becomes
stronger, more powerful,
more active,
not more peaceful
and passive,
and as such
it is conducive
to such phenomena
as internal music,
much thinking,
telepathy and psychic powers,
seeing things,
hearing things,
and imagining things,
if you are getting into Zen
for peace of mind,
you've gone
to the wrong place.
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
Tree branch scraping on the shed
scared to death
with feelings of dread
so **** dark
can't see a thing
somethings moving
and it ain't me
i wish to god
that i could see
although it's noon
blind as could be
you probably wonder
how this could be
lost my 63
hearing is sharper
than you can believe
you never get used to what
you can't see
and now you never like what you can hear
you stumble and fall
and you don't care
if you thought things bumped
in the night
try another 40 years
to even the score
it's scary...i'm weary
being in the dark
it's so sad
always missing the mark
you never felt loneliness this before
so **** tough
when you can't find the door
hope one day to see a shimmer of light
dreaming of the return
of my sight
until then...i'm in the dark
bumping walls
not feeling smart
branch still scraping
on the shed
my sight has died
and gone to bed
written by michael gagain 4-7-13
input appreciated
as a just fine...i fully respect and admire the blind
I thought about it again tonight
The pills in my hand
So vivid
It almost seemed real.

The final decision to end it all
A mere pleasurable thought
Against the plagues of world that would soon be gone

My mother wailing
At the final sight of me
Wishing I was back
But knowing it was no use
For deep down inside
We all knew this was my intention.

Death suited me well,
an eerie smile etched across my pale face
With streaks of tears across my cheeks
in remembrance of the numb pain,
finally ended.

No longer I cared for those who I hurt
With the act of taking my own life
Because with my death
My sadness was now gone
As I finally realized
No one would care
Until my last breath
Would leave my tired lungs
Every day thoughts.
 Nov 2012 ryan pemberton
Climbing the stairs,
Til the water reaches me,
To the attic I retreat,
Til the water reaches me,
clinging tightly to prized possessions,
Til the water reaches me,
unheeded warnings,
Til the water reaches me,
following the surge,
Til the water reaches me,
listening but not hearing,
Til the water reaches me,
Holding tight until the end,
Til the water reaches me,
gulping loud slurps,
When the water reaches me.
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