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 Sep 2015 Ryan Lindsey
 Sep 2015 Ryan Lindsey
You were born to dance
run free in the wind
don't tie yourself
you shouldn't get stuck in one place

This kite
is not a dancer
it barely noticed the wind
for many many years

The kite is stuck
******* on a lamp post
cold and lonely
but scared to let go

Kite, cut yourself free
let the next breeze
lift you high
and let you be you
Silence Part 4

I am not sure
where conversation has gone.
How it disappeared in the shadows
wandering this room.

Words, thousands and thousands
once flowed between us,
creating friendship,

Words, thousands and thousands
once spoke art,
the conditions of life;
now they are drapped
over a limb
looking surreal
and found only in dreams,
or heard rustling in the wind
as they fade into smoky mist.

Silence speaks loudest
as you near sleep;
as your mind
holds its breath
against the darkness,
where words no longer exist.

last in this series on loneliness, sadness and loss of a friend...
Climb the mountain that is your life. Don't fret if you're not where you want to be. You're at a peak, not the peak.


— The End —