You laugh to realize your life's perfect
As you chase the Cheshire,
Watching yourself run.
Thin as glass, you dare to be the skyscraper.
Your life beside you.
Your past behind you.
It has made you stone.
Unswayed by roads.
You choose your own.
As pitch reflects off pitch,
An unending forest before you.
Fireworks thrown back towards you.
You remain unflinching,
But forever touched.
Figures with hands the size of the heavens.
They flash again, but only for an instance.
Tears held by pride,
But none less meaningful.
Wind in your hand empowering you,
As you stare at a universe of gravel.
a jungle of wispy greens,
The travel brings you back again.
Life is wonderful, I won't let it spoil.
Written Aug. 12/ 2013