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Oct 2015 · 406
The Reader
Ryan Jakes Oct 2015
Sat alone
Coffee hot
words absorbed
some great, some not.

the heartbroken girl,
the talentless hack
and the triumphant ego,
keep bringing me back.

Reality withers
as I waste my time
scribbling meaningless ditties
and making them rhyme.

I should just stay a reader
that much is now clear
so I'll pour me another
and spend the day here.
May 2015 · 1.7k
The surfer
Ryan Jakes May 2015
The morning rain
incessantly taps my window
in hope of response.
It calls me down to frosted beaches
with tarnished rocks and angry seas.
There lays the peace my soul desires,
amongst the waves my heart once claimed as home.
Apr 2015 · 689
Ryan Jakes Apr 2015
Oh how she shimmers
made from the glare of the morning sun
she passes through my world in the briefest instant
My breath captured forever within her deep blue stare.
I can only watch as her dress skims her honeyed skin,
her scent, forever lingering amongst the breezes and leaves
will always stir my soul to sing.
For Georgie, wherever she may be.
Feb 2015 · 592
The fan
Ryan Jakes Feb 2015
My heart skipped a beat
as she walked down my street
and this cynical soul was ablaze
I stepped to her side
filled with foolish pride
and asked her to go on a date.
She smiled oh so sweetly
and whispered discreetly
The Farmers Arms at 3 pm
theyre showing the footie
upon the big telly
So be there and I'll see you then.
I floated on homeward
a Goddess I'd found
with a love of the beautiful game
I showered and suited
and cologned up and booted
to see this fair lady again.
I got to the Farmers as kick off was looming
the full bar my eyes deftly scanned
there she stood dressed in red
my poor heart filled with dread
as my feet stumbled back to the door
A united fan? That wasn't the plan
as I picked up my heart from the floor
her beauty delighted but love for United
is a flaw that just can't be ignored!
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
TV Times
Ryan Jakes Jan 2015
Is HP now a T.V guide?
It drives me to distraction
to see these adds on the front page
when I want some poem action.
Our poets are all writing
and posting stuff to read
but the room is being taken up
by adds for crap tv.
So listen up dear spammers
this warning you should heed
shove your ****** adverts
anywhere but on my feed!!
Is anyone else finding this spamming thing ridiculous? It's driving me to distraction. No sooner are they blocked  10 more appear!!
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
Young love.
Ryan Jakes Jan 2015
The lady is an hourglass
A real endearing shape
her eyes have got me grounded
her gaze I can't escape.

The lady is an hourglass
voluptous and curvy
and to be fair, her longing stare
is making me feel pervy.

The lady is an hourglass
and not just skin and bone
she makes me want to dim the lights
and disconnect the phone.

The lady is an hourglass
she looks like she'd be fun
as she smiles at the discomfort
that she seems to cause my mum.

The lady is an hourglass
into her I'd  gladly fall
if she wasn't made of paper
and taped to my bedroom wall.
Visited my nephew today, I was impressed by his choice of wall art, my sister isn't! :-)
Dec 2014 · 699
Merry Christmas baby
Ryan Jakes Dec 2014
You're the sparkle on the tinsel
You're the twinkling of the lights
You're the tiny bells that jingle
Though you're hidden out of sight.

You're the music in his laughter
You're the mischief in his eye
You're the happy sigh that shook me
as I kissed our son goodnight.

You're the tears that fall in silence
You're the strength that keeps me sane
You're the one I'll always long for
Til someday we meet again.
Merry Christmas Georgie. Taken too young but always here.
Ryan Jakes Dec 2014
The season is upon us
it's time for peace and joy
that is for those who live without
a wound up little boy.
His eyes brim with excitement
as he stares up at the tree
while jumping round from foot to foot
his passion plain to see.
He sits there at the window
His eyes they scan the sky
for any sign of Santa and his reindeer passing by.
I tell him it's too early, I say it isn't time
yet still he sits there waiting
and keeps a watchful eye.
He runs to bed at bedtime
excited now to sleep
as sleeping makes the time fly by
as closer Christmas creeps.
He's counting down the hours
as day turns into night,
with a jolly shout of "FOUR MORE SLEEPS !!"
he goes out like a light.
I'm not sure who's more exhausted, his excitement is killing me :-)
Dec 2014 · 413
Ryan Jakes Dec 2014
Everybody loves you baby!
We hang on your every word
how does that feel?
The pressure to always be working
always be rhyming, always be thinking, always be tapping on the keys that bare your soul.

Everybody loves you baby!
Do you feel it? Do you believe the words posted under every verse as you tear out your heart? Or do you feel them? lying barbs that pierce your mind like a thousand salted lashes, false accolades by sometime friends who would run a mile if only they

Everybody loves you baby!
Your brittle, broken, beautiful words
spun with the strength of a million webs of lies from those that didn't deserve to meet your lust filled gaze. My truth and your truth clash and combine, we love, you hate, I adore, you hide, I write for only you, you poison me slowly with writes for others.

Everybody loves you baby.
Can you feel it?
Everybody except you.
Inspired by her favourite song.....between you and me and the Staten Island ferry.... So do I.
Dec 2014 · 966
Ryan Jakes Dec 2014
Never doubt that you are loved.
You are a spark of light in someone's darkness.
A monsoon to the thirsty
A banquet to the starved.
An undeniable force of nature
A beating heart against the silence
A hand to hold 'til fear subsides
You are all this and more to many.
You are all this and more to me.
Dec 2014 · 6.6k
Almosts and half smiles
Ryan Jakes Dec 2014
My dream girl found a lover
She speaks of him in rhyming lines
the joy she feels dancing between every heart shaped syllable,
thumbing it's nose at my breaking heart.

My dream girl found a lover
the deal was sealed with a rain soaked kiss
and hands that fit just-so.
A love tightly bound,
according to her rose tinted ink.

My dream girl found a lover
I hope he hears the fragility in her sighs
over the beauty that radiates when her smile crinkles her nose,
for that alone can distract a man from the sound of breaking.

My dream girl found a lover
to mend her broken heart,
a coveted position filled.
Leaving me forever dreaming
of almosts and half smiles.
She really did, I'm not surprised, just happy for her, sad for me....story of my life.
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Ryan Jakes Oct 2014
The kids they just keep coming
and knocking on my door
expecting tons of candy
then a bellyache I'm sure!
The Mummy, Count Dracula, Frankenstein too
Cruella and Yoda and Sweet ****** doo
I love all their costumes, there's been no sight finer
'cause I used to trick or treat in a bin liner!
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Ryan Jakes Oct 2014
The plaster is off
and everything's fine
the rehabs a killer
but it passes the time
These weight bearing stretches
can't go on forever
as titanium rods hold my poor leg together.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Twilight nightmare
Ryan Jakes Oct 2014
My niece came round for dinner
promising lots of laughs
with pizza and a movie
since I'm stuck here on my ****
she brought a pepperoni
good and spicy just for me
the DVD she brought along
added the extra cheese.
It was a tale of vampires
poor persecuted folks
that fall in love with schoolgirls
as I sat waiting for the jokes
The fun was not forthcoming
thought my niece seemed quite enthralled
with this badly acted nightmare
as I sat there appalled
I saw a good bit coming
as the blazing sun shone down
on the pasty long dead hero
thinking that in flames he'd drown.
I waited for destruction
for the burning pain to start
Instead the ****** twinkled
like a little glowing star.
I've never seen such *******
such complete and utter crap
as our pasty long dead hero
glowed inside the vampire trap.
By the end my niece was crying
and frankly so was I
when she reached down for the sequel
with a tear still in her eye.
I told her I was fine now
I begged her to go home
I told her I was happy
to be here on my own.
But the little brat insisted
that I watch the whole ****** lot
I told her it's a broken leg
not a lobotomy I've got.
I quickly sent her packing
back to her own sweet home
with her ****** little box set
and to leave me well alone.
Ryan Jakes Oct 2014
For Calpurnia**

You say you're getting old
the years are flying by
your hair is slowly greying
and there's wrinkles round your eyes.
Those wrinkles made by laughter
just add to your collection
of all the little things that show
the depth of your affection.
Let today be filled with laughter
and let tomorrow pay
get loud, get drunk, get rowdy
I've seen how hard you play!
Life begins at 40
for you I'm sure it's true
I'll raise a glass and hope to have
40 more years of you.
Happy Birthday Cally!!!! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you but I'm already plastered :-) Here's looking at you kid ***
Sep 2014 · 586
My type
Ryan Jakes Sep 2014
You're the kind of girl mum should have warned me about
the kind that creeps slowly under skin
the kind that trips fuses in unsuspecting hearts
just by walking past with your warrior stride.
The kind of girl that takes you to the back of a gig
and drowns out the noise with her eyes
as kisses end with a bitten lip and a come get it half smile.
Your face is a lie of innocence
it hides a wildfire spirit
of which Daddy would never approve
his little girl, now a pastime of pleasure,
honoured saintess of the tease
masterfully turning screws
with nimble fingers
before laughing at desire.
Expert level players
fight pointless duels in your name
placing bids to win moments
eyeing the neck of the bottle you swig
while gageing the circumference of your rosy mouth.
I watch them rise at your stare
blood and hope rushing as one
ridiculous in their optimistic dash
to no release.
You're the kind of girl mum should have warned me about
the kind that fashions hope from empty wanting
the kind that views hearts with disdain
the kind I'll fall in love with
again and again.
Ryan Jakes Sep 2014
She sings, mostly at night, pouring words from her coveted heart
tapestries rich with regret and carnal groans, bring heat and quench thirst
with tears.
She sings, do you hear her melody
as it reaches in to chill your soul?
I am obsessed with her fluid form
as she runs through our midst
wearing her path through life's granite sidings.
She is everything and nothing to all. She is both the glory of sunrise and the fear within darkness. A riddle within the enigma of an existence mourned. I celebrate the death of each lover that has serenaded without honour at her broken threshold, overjoyed by the lack of harmony as they flounder within her precious stare.
For Cal. I'm bored therefore I write utter nonsense, or is it?
Sep 2014 · 665
Ryan Jakes Sep 2014
Home again
the post surgery high long gone
anaesthetic only numbs so much
spending days just sitting,
stagnating with your photo's
and scarlet ringleted dreams
of friendships saved by other methods.
Many coloured sprinkles of poison
line my dresser in precise rows
I sit as the clock watches me watch it,
no thunder running through the halls seems strange but oddly comforting in it's absence.
This constant itch in plaster binding
could drive me to drink, if I could reach the tinkling cabinet of liquid safety but instead you and ink become my drug of choice, one to cause the pain, the other to move it on, a cycle known to all who have travelled with their hearts firmly stitched to their muddy sleeve.
Sep 2014 · 988
Easy Rider
Ryan Jakes Sep 2014
I thunder down corridors
the wind in my hair
days spent staring at the ceiling
has made me a little crazy
So tonight I roll with my brother
taking corners sideways
howling with laughter
as we make our bid for freedom
and the sweet night air.
My brother in law "borrowed" a wheelchair and staged a breakout earlier. It was the best medicine :-)
Sep 2014 · 542
The patient.
Ryan Jakes Sep 2014
I'm reading your words in my hospital bed
Either laughing or crying at all that is said
I must look quite crazy as my mind is lead
through a hundred emotions poured out from your head.
The nurses are pretty, they keep me well watered
The plaster is some kind of cruel itching torture
the weights on a pully hoist my broken leg
forbidding escape from my blue sheeted bed.
So I wink at the nurses and turn on the charm
I smile at them sweetly as they take my arm
this won't hurt a bit, just a scratch.. so I tell her
she can hurt what she likes if she kisses it better.
She raises her eyebrows and then starts to laugh
as I discuss my need for another spongebath
the colour it rises and forms in her cheeks
You can't blame me for trying, I'm stuck here for weeks!
Slipped on the rocks yesterday, broken leg, arm and clavicle.....ouch!
Sep 2014 · 940
A very British outlaw
Ryan Jakes Sep 2014
The man in the van
Started hatching his plan
Down the street at a quarter to four
With his clipboard and tie
and his best lizard smile
He purposefully knocked on my door.
"Do you have a license?"
his voice broke the silence
I stood there and claimed common law
I told him his kind on my land were not welcome
asked him to step away from my door.
He said "could I step inside for a second to see if you have a TV.
I told him get lost as he told me the cost
of getting television for free.
I stood there and mocked
he was really quite shocked
by my laughter and absence of fear
at a thousand pound fine, maybe even some time
at her majestys service for me.
I then, quite politely closed the door behind me
as I marched him tout suite down my path
straight back to his van, this strange little man
while the neighbours all watched with a laugh.
"You're breaking the law"
He told me once more
as I put the poor ****** inside
I closed the door tightly
and then so politely
Waved *******, as home I did stride.
Aug 2014 · 479
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
This used to be my home, my safe place but now every room has an echo of you, though you have never lived inside it's walls.

This used to be my mind, it was filled with crashing surf and Beach Boys medleys. Now it's filled with how you looked when my kiss broke your precious trust.

This used to be my heart, only ever used once, I thought it could only beat for her, then it met you, fragile and broken, filled with a delicate strength, masked by the laugh of a devil.

You used to be my friend. You'd fill my days with words, my nights with laughter, my heart with hope and though you're still here, I know that to me you are gone.

I ****** up, I know this now. There is no explanation I can give, no rewind button, so I'll crawl on my knees and hope that one day you'll forgive me instead of forget me.

I will write a million apologies.
Because I can't stand these days without your smile.
Aug 2014 · 687
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
There was a boundary, a clear line, a stop sign
I overstepped the mark
saw the curve of your smile and wanted to taste it
I watched you, the way your lips drew on your cigarette
the way they move when you speak
and suddenly I was there
leaping the wall between us
breaking barriers that should remain.
I threw caution to the wind
and with a stinging slap you threw me in the trash.
Aug 2014 · 626
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
I want to shake you
Scream into your face
are you blind?
made of stone?
I want to guide your hand
give you a nudge
a hint....a clue
but it is forbidden.

You see, I've knocked on that door,
more than once
I've prayed to whoever, whatever, that she would open it, just enough to feel my love.
You only had to smile and the locks, once rusted, turned with ease.

I've clutched at straws, held her so tightly, dried her tears, praying that she'd see me....

She only sees you.
Just you.
In every raindrop.
In every storm.
In every leaf that's ever fallen.
In every rotation of this planet

She never speaks your name,
She sings it
To a melody so haunting that it captures all that hear it
a symphony of sorrow
as a heart once laid to rest starts to beat, to believe....then to mourn.

She loves you, though she always swore it was a lie.
She loves you, though she promised not to.
She loves you, I see it, in every smile that lays tangled within her confusion, her tangible fear.

I can only love her from afar
I can only wonder at her strength
as she protects your heart at the expense of her own
as I wait to pick up her shattered pieces once more.
Some guys have all the luck, even when they don't know it.
Aug 2014 · 352
Look! (10w)
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
True love hides behind her smile.
Can't you see it?
Aug 2014 · 504
oh well
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
I hear the rain as it hits the glass
no need to open the drapes
the summer all but disappeared
no more sunshine escapes.
We were planning on a picnic
as a way to pass the time
good food, good friends a kickabout,
a glass or two of wine.
My enthusiasm dampened
I stumble out of bed
and ***** around for caffeine
to lively up my head
While stood here in my kitchen
my heart sinking, feeling blue
I thought I'd pen a little verse,
a "hello" from me to you.
I'm sitting at the table
striped pyjamas, coffee cup
when a thought it hit my addled brain
and really cheered me up
We shall have our sunshine picnic
though the sun no longer shines
I have 20 golf umbrellas (don't ask!)
large and gaudy in design.
So we'll take them to the shoreline
and what a sight we'll be
Lining up there like a rainbow
my friends, my boy and me.
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
Rock n Roll breakfast
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
Wakey Wakey, rise and shine
greet the morning with a smile
wide awake and feeling fine
dancing with this boy of mine.

Twisting on the kitchen floor
the monkey, the jive and many more,
the mashed potato, the hustle too
he follows my lead with a giggle or two.

There's a hound dog, a jailhouse, some blue suede shoes
as we Rave On  with Buddy and Peggy Sue
Reet Petite makes an entrance and whips up the crowd
"Turn it up Daddy, I want this real loud!"

Then on to the Land of a Thousand Dances
even the dog's grinning wide as she prances
we take Three Steps to Heaven and meet Cathy's clown
then on to the next one, no time to sit down.

So I'll fry up the bacon as my little bug jitters
and poach us some eggs with some sweet 'tato fritters
as I sing of Lucille, Maggie may and Delilah,
then Shake Rattle and Roll to those Great ***** Of Fire.
60's radio in the morning.....awesome.
Aug 2014 · 373
Just this once
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
There is no time for writing
barely time to tie my shoes
my boy he runs me ragged
and the weather's got the blues.

I need me some alone time
it it wrong to ask for space
when my little man-child monster
gets that look upon his face?
the one that looks for mischief
with a wicked gleam in eye
that lets me know with half cocked grin
that trouble's standing by.

I often wish for boredom
I think it might be nice
to sit there, still, in silence
as the world passes me by.
I'd get on with some reading
do the garden, tidy up
I might even get to see the bottom of my coffee cup (never happens)

Now that I'm done complaining
about how this life's so hard
I realise that I've been dealt
one of life's finest cards...
His hair it smells of meadows,
though his feet may smell like cheese
(seriously, what is that?)
his eyes they melt me everytime
he lifts them up to me
so we'll chase around together
rowdy boys and mucky fights
and I will count the hours
till it's time to say goodnight.
Aug 2014 · 557
God bless the Murphys
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
Off we go with a loud hurrah
dog and kid and stuff in the car
buckling up and blasting some tunes
singing along like a couple of loons.
Taking a ride on a sunshine highway
stopping off at finnegans wake
we'll poke out our tongues at the world rushing by us
and belly laugh wildly for belly laughs sake.
We'll sing of tattoos and rowdy bar fights
and rats lounging in vats of ale
I'll silence myself as the bagpipes start blowing
and smile as my little guy takes it away
I'm not sure he quite understands what he's singing
nor that he cares as he fist pumps the air
I watch as he blushes at the lyrics with swears in
then sings them quite loudly, as if I'm not there.
This music you sent us, makes us feel alive
and Kiss me I'm ******* is fun when your five
not suitable listening for such tender ears
but his grin is far wider than it's been in years.
So God bless the Murphys and God bless you too
for bringing such joy on our trip to the zoo.
Thanks for the tunes Cal! :-)
Aug 2014 · 462
Burn after reading
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
After reading your plea good lady,
I really can't deny
this fire burning in my *****
as your words pass by my eyes.

After reading your plea good lady,
I'm happy to oblige,
soon all sound will be muffled
by your enveloping thighs.

After reading your plea good lady
there were no words to be said,
so I'll kiss your pretty flower
while you moan and give me head.

After reading your plea good lady,
to your front door I will roam
and sort you out, quite properly
before your man comes home.

After reading your plea good lady,
sit back and watch me burn
then tease a little longer
us men, we never learn.
Been doing a lot of reading lately. You women are a delightfully *****'s terribly frustrating don't you know! ;-)
Aug 2014 · 313
rainy goodbyes
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
I hated leaving you there
while your skin is still transparent,
while your steady heart is shaking,
your lungs scarred from silent screaming
and your eyes haunted by the unseen.

You stood waving in the rain
hoping it would drown your tears
and disguise the effort behind your smile.
I drove away, platitudes delivered
and hope left behind to flourish in your care.
You stood waving in the rain and in that moment
your fragile beauty caught my spirit
and all was beyond me.
I hate goodbyes.
Aug 2014 · 474
Fish for tea
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
A walk on the beach in the morning
is never a simple affair
once the dog is dressed and the kid's on the leash
we leave with the breeze in our hair.
We walk along the shoreline
and watch the changing tide
we clamber over rockpools
where creatures deftly hide.
I'm not a morning person
My brain remains asleep
for at least two hours after
my eyes begin to peep.
So I take in the horizon
with a deep and grateful sigh
while boy and dog go running
off to greet some passers by
the fishermen are chatting
showing them their daily catch
while the dog he begs for something
from the bucket, just a scrap
So the guy picks out a live one
and shows it to the pup
who jumps away quite quickly
treats forgotten, heckles up.
My son he takes a finger
and reaches out to feel
this shining, writhing creature
in a bucket made of steel.
He flinches as it flips it's tail
annoyed that he can't catch it
but it slithers through his tiny hands
and back into the bucket.
We turn our tails and head for home
and talk of what we've seen
the boy says in his grown up voice
lets not have fish for tea.
Aug 2014 · 597
reposts for a broken heart.
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
Today is repost day
it's official
I'm reading and posting at a furious pace
I will share your words until your name is all I see
the ones I loved, the ones you hate, the ones I missed.
Each one a blessing to my eyes and heart.
I do this, not for you but for me.
Me, your friend
sat in disbelief that your name will be no more
that you will no longer sing the words of your heart into my eager soul.
This campaign of hate that has brought about the end, I will **** it's author to hell.
I hope they read this and smile, it will not linger, trust me.
They may hide behind walls and throw stones at your heart, their yellow bellies jiggling with laughter while your tears stain your skin, your light dimmed by their spite.
There is such cruelty in this place of beauty and love.
So today will be filled with you, in the hope that you see that you are so much better than they say you are, in every way. You are loved. You belong here. They do not.
Aug 2014 · 312
Ryan Jakes Aug 2014
for Cally*

Stay. With me
I won't let you go
I can't, I refuse.
After all you've done,
let me help you.

Stay. With us.
We won't let you fall
We'll catch you
and hold you close
until the tears dry.

Stay, do it
for you, for me
for whatever reason you choose
but do it
I need you,
you need this.

It'll all work out.
I promise
with all my heart
to take care of you
I took my eye off the ball
but no more I swear.

Be here, with us
your friends
you may not love yourself
but you are loved
more than you know.

For you my bestest bud. We've been through a lot but we've come through it, we will again, just don't go Cal, rest but don't leave. I'm not the only one that feels that way, let the haters hate, you belong here. Some people on here need to get a ****** life!
Jul 2014 · 630
Man up Cally!
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
I thought you'd done a runner
disappeared into the night
and left without a quick goodbye
I thought it impolite.

You hadn't posted poems
Nor answered any calls
hadn't ventured to your inbox
no sign of you at all.

You really had me worried
cause I know you have to write
perhaps you'd gone and left us
for another poem site.

Then as I woke this morning
my inbox brought a smile
there you were, still with us
just not writing for a while.

You said you're feeling ******
and you're stuck there in your bed
and havent had the will to write,
no poems in your head.

So I'm writing you this poem
as a sort of get well card
the rhythm might be sticky
and I find rhyming hard.

Before I go, one question
out of concern, just for you
because I'm sat here wondering
Do women get Man Flu?
Just kidding :-)
get well buddy, come back soon x
Jul 2014 · 890
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
Where do you go? When you're not here? Do you miss me? I do.

I miss the me that was without all that you are.
I miss the me before that moment when the earth stopped spinning at your hello.
I miss the me that believed in love and had not witnessed the irony of your beautiful scars.
I miss the me that didn't hurt, that rode the wave and let things be what they would.
I miss the me that never felt your touch, that never brought his lips to yours.

Now, I am consumed. Swirling within your grief at being taken, drowning within my grief at the sound of our boy's laughter.

Now I am lonely, my thoughts of you driving me further from the light and deeper into a melancholy orbit, where the only existence is within your unbeating heart.

I see you, all the time, a suggestion of the life I could have had, had the reaper played fairly, his attraction to your flame stronger than mine.

There is no regret here, I loved, deeply and without remorse, every inch of your being.

But today, I'll die a little. For you.
Three years ago today I lost my lovely wife. She was all there was worth having and she was mine. I miss her everyday.
I love you Georgie, I promised forever, I meant it. Rest easy baby. **
Jul 2014 · 387
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
I hate being up in the morning
every morning the same,
rising with no hope of relief
I mean, why bother?
There's no warmth to nestle in,
no dark to slip into
no sweet scented dew
to take this ache from my head.
Frankly I feel mocked,
as though old beady eye is thumbing his nose,
laughing maniacally at my frustration
He deserves a beating,
to be pounded with fervour
but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
So I sit and smoke
giving my best thousand yard stare
rivalling Clint Eastwood,
while he stands proudly smirking,
defiant, unyielding
a stand off, silent
as I ignore his twitchy responses to my stoic suffering
His resolve only stiffening mine
as I refuse to make his day.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
a collaboration with Calpurnia Mockingbird*

If you have something to say, say it. Don't bite your tongue, swallow those words down, set them free.

Set them free that I may hear them, feel them crashing into my consciousness and lifting up my eyes to yours.

Make a wish as candles gutter, wish for me, for us, for an end to this mess of limbs and longing.

Say your prayers, kneel before all that you've ever wanted and plead for remorse.

Sing your song, others may dance to the melody but the rhythm will always be ours alone.

Write me a letter in indelible ink, that those words will always stain my world and sting my eyes.

Take my hand, my beating heart within your palm, so the world may know that once, we loved.
I love writing with Cal, I get an idea and she runs with it, I would write with her daily if I's to more colabs sweet girl. Thankyou x
Jul 2014 · 456
In search of Tripod
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
Today we get a puppy,
though there really is no need
but last night I got rat arsed
and stupidly agreed.
So we're off to see the pound dogs
to look for one we like
the boy insists on three legs
wagging tail, and the name Spike.
Three legs to match our much loved cat
on this he will not budge
just so she doesn't feel left out
and start to hold a grudge.
So we're headed for the rescue
with these categories in mind
with happy smiles and fingers crossed
that a tripod we will find.
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
Take it baby, take it all
get your back against the wall
take it baby, take it deep
pushing till you start to weep
**** it pretty baby, do
******* seed, its all for you
now **** it baby, good and slow
move those hips and feel me grow
feel the pulsing as you rock
riding on my swollen ****
then lick it baby, lick it clean
cause I'm the best there's ever been.
Let me watch your fingers linger
at your *****, moist and tender
let me see them go inside
thats it girl, dont try to hide
moan for me as force gets stronger
shorter breaths, wont hold much longer.
Then on your back, legs in the air
impaled by me, my lady fair
you'll scream for me girl, when you witness
how a real man takes care of business.
Just the musings of a single guy with a chronic case of the horn.
Jul 2014 · 560
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
Shut up, quiet, zippit
hush now, silence please
be quiet for a second
and listen....
Do you hear it...
Take a second...
What do you hear?
My sons favourite game :-)
Jul 2014 · 913
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
Hanging from the rockface
fingers chalked, knuckles white
breathing in the view.
Feeling the rush, hearing the roar
gulls circle above, as you run below,
small against the landscape
kicking up sand and laughter
begging to join me up here
pleading to play with grapples and knots
no fear of falling, no fear at all,
there is no danger in danger when you're 6
Not when your Dad is Spiderman.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
A hug for my "Poet"
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
Why so sad my morning angel
did the darkness clip your wings
pull your heart down here from heaven
to settle where the reaper sings.

Why so sad my pretty blossom,
see your weakened petals fall
once you ruled the wildflower hillside
with hope and wonder for us all.

Please lift your heart and sing a lovesong
sing of aching burning need,
sing of limbs entwined and stirring
hidden places, planted seed.

Won't you lift your song to heaven
spread your wings and count to ten
'cause lingering deep within your passion
is where I found my soul again.
I even tried to be a bit classical (hate that) Oh and I nicked a few bits, hope you don't mind.....feel better soon x
Jul 2014 · 556
Sweet Maudie Lee
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
There's a woman in a window and she know that I can see,
she's removing all her clothing and she's looking right at me
She removes her bra and throws it as her ******* hit the floor
Pantygirdle passes varicose knees and now I do implore
I'm all for helping people out
and age is just a number
but Maudie Lee from #23
would tear this boy asunder.
So I quickly draw the curtains
cause I'm sure she's feeling fruity
she's 85, wears a Beehive,
that's beyond the call of duty.
Jul 2014 · 756
Damn girl!
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
**** girl!
Frustration strips my veins as I read your dreams, tempting me with fire
Don't you know I already burn in your flame?

**** girl!
You laugh at my blushes and tease my conscience, as I shake like a poorly mixed cocktail that wants only to slip down your silken throat.

**** girl!
I ask what you're doing, laying supple, arched by the words of angels your reply. My warning wasted on deafened ears.

**** girl!
You don't see what you've got, I do, does he? I'm flesh and blood, close enough to touch, though your soft skin never graces mine.

**** girl!
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
collaboration with calpurnia mockingbird*

Bite me, muse
You night time lover
fairweather fickle demon of writes
you shake your stuff in my direction
then run off laughing in the night.

Up yours, muse,
you wanton harlot
spewing fragments, bits of rhymes
take your teasing from my doorstep
sorry *****, don't have the time.

*******, muse
you stinking skiprat
get to steppin' set me free
you mock my gaze with great affection
help me out or leave me be!

******* muse, my new expression
take your words and shove them there
your sun don't shine in my direction
this poems **** but I don't care.
A bit of fun with Cally, I wanted to get a bit sweary, Cal swears a lot (she's Welsh), she's probably swearing right now while reading this...... Hi Cal! :-D
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
Poets shouldnt fall in love
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
Funny how a photograph can pump blood
I only have one of you, it isn't mine
it sits here backlit
shared with all that would gladly drown in those mischief eyes.
Your smile, a moment of calm, a second of perfection caught, always brings my own.
There is no beauty like yours, no work of art has ever made me want to overflow with passion the way you do. I could write countless poems, a thousand odes to your dimples, a million sonnets to your curls, a billion lovesongs to your eyes to no avail. So I'll laugh at your jokes, and be a sturdy shoulder, a friend.  I'll wish the best for you always, while your heart keeps my secret safe. Poets shouldn't fall in love with the unloved, there aren't enough words to describe the agony.
Jul 2014 · 505
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
He's nowhere near good enough for you and he knows it.
You're far to good for me, I know it.
That kiss we shared, the one you won't mention, the one that turned from friendly peck to clashing tongues and breathless eyes
will be my nirvana
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
Picasso boy.
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
Why finger paint on paper
why use paper at all?
These tiny prints of blue and red
look great on the living room wall.

The purple suits the bathroom
while the kitchen's in the pink.
the green attacked the bathtub
as the black conquered the sink.

The hallway's like a rainbow
coloured smears for all to see
the bedroom wall? an explosion
in a skittles factory!

Oh I see! It was an accident!
Your fingers ran amok
hyper loaded with these colours
and their spree you couldn't stop!

You stand there flushed, with tear in eye
while staring at your shoes,
as I pull my best angry face,
it fails, you look too cute.

You know what works, though young in years
a Jedi knight in 'jamas,
your mind tricks quickly smoothing out
My rage at each disaster.

I take full responsibility,
this mantra now my own,
never have a lie-in
when Picasso-boy is home.
It's so hard to tell someone off and appear serious while laughing...thank god for washable paints!
Ryan Jakes Jul 2014
What if I told you that I loved you? What if I told you that you bring morning to life, that you are the sole character of every dream, positions varying, unlike your silent gaze.

What if I told you that your smile lights my sky better than any star could, what then?
That I have cried at your words a thousand times, as syllables needle sharp fight their war to hold you together, while I can only watch as he knowingly rips you apart.

These words are mine, thrown by my jealous tongue at your fools institution. Words of love to the jaded (though you'd say wise). Everyday you fade as I watch the horizon, hoping for your smile.
What if?
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