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Oct 2016 · 325
Ryan Hirsch Oct 2016
you hate storms and the sound of thunder
all the while it sings me to sleep
and i think about how you hastily kissed my cheek in the rain before you drove away,
i think about it way too much for it to be healthy
i know nothing will ever come of these feelings but they're here so i might as well write them down because lord knows i wouldn't be able to form them in my throat.
i am purely consumed by you,
consumed by the thoughts running through my head everyday,
the voices in my head saying i wouldn't be good enough for you
but i want to be i want to be that person for you.
i want to hold you when the storms come
i want to love you when you're crying on the floor and when you're dancing around the room in pure bliss
i want to be there for every single moment good or bad
i want to feel this happiness i have around you forever.
you may be leaving soon but why should that matter,
we may be kids right now but what's the harm in the happiness that could emerge
i'll admit i don't know what love is or how it feels, but i want to, and i'm ready to.
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
Unshaven Man and the Raven
Ryan Hirsch Nov 2015
A Raven sits alone
So cold you'd think its stone.
The superstitious run and hide,
Thier fear of death much too high.
And though he seems insane,
And unshaven man rest on a bench below the Raven's perch,
And told it a tale of a man once clean shaven.
He tells the Raven with a hollow tone,
How the man used to walk head up high,
Not a speck of devastation in his eyes.
How the man thought he had it all,
Riches, power, and fame.
But one day, walking the cobblestone street,
The man saw a girl, he just had to meet.
She wasn't beautiful and posh in the eyes of society,
But the man saw that she was an angel.
He told the Raven how the man won her heart,
How once together they were never apart.
He told the Raven how she became the man's wife,
How they were both so content with life,
He smile then, his eyes swelling with tears.
Then he told the omen of death.
How the woman's heart beat left her chest.
He spoke the words she whispered before parting,
His eyes dark and wet.
And cheeks stained by tears,
He told the Raven how the man lost all hope.
How the man now sits,
On a bench in Maine, telling a Raven, the omen of death, his sorrowful tale.
His voice full of grief he tells the Raven
"I pray you will be my omen"
He spoke with heavy heart that he missed his angel,
He wished only to be reunited with her.
And with that, his tale came to an end.
And the unshaven man layed to rest his head
And finally rejoined his angel they said.

— The End —