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276 · Apr 2014
Only You
Ryan Galloway Apr 2014
Only you can weave a tale that sings of beauty
Order words into sentences that preach their own worth
Yell into the chasm of time
To have the words reverberate and multiply
Into a symphony
Each voice uniquely intoned to appeal to a different ear

Only you can find strength in humility
Rule a city from the bottom of society
Love the one who strikes you
Be the king of a fallen people
And still wash their feet
Only you can lower yourself far enough to reach
The broken heart of a man
264 · Sep 2015
Who Owns the Stars
Ryan Galloway Sep 2015
I once believed the stars belonged to me
Existing merely to color my dreams
The trees there to give my mind room to run
To free me in ways that I knew I never could be
The deep forest streams there to whisper to me
Secrets of what all lies beneath
The mountains tall
And valleys between
The plains wide
And caverns deep
But I know now
That the world was, is, and will be
Whether with or without me
Yet the sky remains a mesmerizing scene
And the constellations and stars still color my dreams.
262 · Mar 2014
Ryan Galloway Mar 2014
Let these words form a story
Allow them to call and respond
To the heavens
To yell their worth through the atmosphere
Let them demand the respect inherent
To a grandiose epic
There is power
In lines
In words
When drafted into a great army
They can bring hope
Or flourish the lack thereof
They can break the strong
And mend the weak
They steal from the rich
And give to the poor
They are hero and villain
They hold their own prejudices
Their own biases
They are strikingly human
As human as the lips that birth them
249 · Jul 2015
Ryan Galloway Jul 2015
I remember your presence
Now I am a bit guilty and must confess
That this may not be the only thing that I noticed
You are very beautiful
But aside from that
It was your presence
That struck me
Leaving me flustered
I could have stayed there forever
Getting lost in your words
Learning how you looked at the world
And try to make it into a lens
Through which I could look and understand
Everything that  makes you, you
And yet, I don't know if that would be enough
For there is something that I can't label
Something that's not quantifiable
Something that I will never see again
That seems to underlie everything you are
Now I know
In the anxious way with which I hold myself
And the odd way in which I mumble my words
You may not have seen what your presence meant to me
But hopefully one day you will see that it was and is everything
247 · Sep 2015
Ryan Galloway Sep 2015
There is within a moment
A million chances for a memory
Within a memory
A thousand opportunities
To remember what it means
To be happy
Seconds to think back on
When the present seems
Less than what we want it to be
For the past contains many moments like these
But we often forget the events that precede
The quiet moments in which we were alone
The solemn hours we felt so far from home
The moments of sadness that make the points of joy
That much more evident
We find ourselves in many valleys
Hiking below the heavy eaves of densely knit trees
Yet momentarily we may see that we have reached a mountain peak
And it is these moments that makes the climb worth the while.
241 · Oct 2014
The Morning
Ryan Galloway Oct 2014
In the end no one cries all alone.

When a life flickers out like a light.

When the Sun comes the soul finds its home.

There is hope for the forgotten soul.

Even death cannot ***** out one’s might.

In the end no one cries all alone.

We are born into darkness. I know

that our lives are made up of the night.

When the sun comes the soul finds its home.

We could never make light on our own,

But the savior has come shining bright.

In the end no one cries all alone.

As a trumpet sounds from the unknown,

On that day when our lord holds us high.

When the Sun comes the soul finds its home.

Calls of vic’try resound from the throne.

As our savior steps down robed in white.

In the end no on cries all alone.

When the Son comes the soul finds its home.
238 · May 2014
Ryan Galloway May 2014
Ok, breath
She's averted her eyes

It seems like it's been ages as we've been casting glances across the table
Yet as soon as my eye catches on your gaze
It still steals my breath away
Just as it did the first time
I was stunned by the sight of you
It is like a war
One that I would gladly lose
So I start to cross the room
To wave the white flag
And admit defeat
For I have been taken captive
By the hands which I now hold in mine
I gladly drop my guard
Left with only the thought of how pleasant it is to lose to you
228 · Oct 2014
What I hold to be true
Ryan Galloway Oct 2014
I don't know anymore
I don't know where I stand
In the grand scheme of things
It used to be so easy
When the lines weren't so definite
And crossing them wasn't such a big deal
When the painting could easily
Surpass the frame
Which acted almost in the same way
As a dare to set free
The dream that was held within
But now the frame has become reality
And the dream has become a boundary
Between what we can achieve
And things we can only strive to be while we are asleep
Now it's almost considered insanity
To reach for the things that we know would make us happy
I am told that I can only believe in things that can be seen
Anything other than that is stupidity
I am told that there is no more room for mystery
Yet I reject that for I know that there is more
More out there then what we've been told
And that is what I hold to be true

— The End —